Justice and Natural Resources: Concepts, Strategies, and Applications

Kathryn M. Mutz, Gary C. Bryner, Douglas S. Kenney

  Justice and Natural Resources: Concepts, Strategies, and Applications  Kathryn M. Mutz, Gary C. Bryner, Douglas S. Kenney  Just over two decades ago, research findings that environmentally hazardous facilities were more likely to be sited near poor and minority communities gave rise to the environmental justice movement. Yet inequitable distribution of the burdens of industrial facilities and pollution is only half of the problem; poor and minority communities are often denied the benefits of natural resources and can suffer disproportionate harm from decisions about their management and use. Justice and Natural Resources is the first book devoted to exploring the concept of environmental justice in the realm of natural resources. Contributors consider how decisions about the management and use of natural resources can exacerbate social injustice and the problems of disadvantaged communities. Looking at issues that are predominantly rural and western - many of them involving Indian reservations, public lands, and resource development activities - it offers a new and more expansive view of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Just over two decades ago, research findings that environmentally hazardous facilities were more likely to be sited near poor and minority communities gave rise to the environmental justice movement. Yet inequitable distribution of the burdens of industrial facilities and pollution is only half of the problem; poor and minority communities are often denied the benefits of natural resources and can suffer disproportionate harm from decisions about their management and use. Justice and Natural Resources is the first book devoted to exploring the concept of environmental justice in the realm of natural resources. Contributors consider how decisions about the management and use of natural resources can exacerbate social injustice and the problems of disadvantaged communities. Looking at issues that are predominantly rural and western - many of them involving Indian reservations, public lands, and resource development activities - it offers a new and more expansive view of......

Cognitive Systems Engineering

Jens Rasmussen, Annelise Mark Pejtersen, L. P. Goodstein

  Cognitive Systems Engineering  Jens Rasmussen, Annelise Mark Pejtersen, L. P. Goodstein  The first comprehensive guide to designing highly usable, fully integrated computer-based information systems Traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) and system design models have proven too narrow to adequately assess user needs and to designusable and efficient computer-based information support systems. Taking modeling concepts from engineering, psychology, cognitive science, information science, and computer science, cognitive systems engineering (CSE) provides a much broader, more dynamic framework. This book is the first comprehensive guide to the emerging new field of cognitive systems engineering. Throughout, the emphasis is on powerful analytical techniques that enhance the systems designer?s ability to see the The first comprehensive guide to designing highly usable, fully integrated computer-based information systems Traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) and system design models have proven too narrow to adequately assess user needs and to designusable and efficient computer-based information support systems. Taking modeling concepts from engineering, psychology, cognitive science, information science, and computer science, cognitive systems engineering (CSE) provides a much broader, more dynamic framework. This book is the first comprehensive guide to the emerging new field of cognitive systems engineering. Throughout, the emphasis is on powerful analytical techniques that enhance the systems designer?s ability to see the "big picture," and to design for all crucial aspects of human-work interaction. Applicable to highly structured technical systems such as process plants, as well as less structured user-driven systems like libraries, these analytical techniques form the......

The Artist's Guide to New Markets: Opportunities to Show and Sell Art Beyond Galleries

Peggy Hadden

  The Artist's Guide to New Markets: Opportunities to Show and Sell Art Beyond Galleries  Peggy Hadden  The Artist's Guide to New Markets reveals how emerging and established artists can build and expand their careers beyond the gallery setting. This is a completely original guide to the rapidly multiplying possibilities available to artists, from new government programs to selling to magazines to placing art in public places and online galleries. Included are real-life success stories and seasoned advice from dozens who have successfully ventured into new markets or have created their own from scratch. Among the dazzling array of opportunities most artists never consider are: art fairs and conventions, model homes and apartments, private commissions, airports, public transit systems, city buildings and large public spaces, country, swimming, and field clubs, senior citizens and nursing homes, local framing shops, restaurants, professional offices, furniture showrooms, and much more. The book provides tested advice for devising a solid marketing plan and writing winning proposals....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Artist's Guide to New Markets reveals how emerging and established artists can build and expand their careers beyond the gallery setting. This is a completely original guide to the rapidly multiplying possibilities available to artists, from new government programs to selling to magazines to placing art in public places and online galleries. Included are real-life success stories and seasoned advice from dozens who have successfully ventured into new markets or have created their own from scratch. Among the dazzling array of opportunities most artists never consider are: art fairs and conventions, model homes and apartments, private commissions, airports, public transit systems, city buildings and large public spaces, country, swimming, and field clubs, senior citizens and nursing homes, local framing shops, restaurants, professional offices, furniture showrooms, and much more. The book provides tested advice for devising a solid marketing plan and writing winning proposals.......

Aerospace Marketing Management: Manufacturers, Oem, Airlines, Airports, Satellites, Launchers

Philippe Malaval, Christophe Benaroya

  Aerospace Marketing Management: Manufacturers, Oem, Airlines, Airports, Satellites, Launchers  Philippe Malaval, Christophe Benaroya  This book contains 45 case studies of aeronautics and space companies including: Aeromexico, Airbus, Airbus Military Company, Air France, AirNewco.com, American Airlines, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Boeing, Bombardier, CFM International, Dassault, EADS, easyJet, Eurocopter, Eurofighter, Executive Jet, Falcon, Latecoere, Lufthansa Technik, MedJet, MyAircraft.com, Paris Air Show, Qualiflyer, Rolls Royce, Servair, Sea Launch, Sicma AeroSeat, Singapore Airlines, SkyTeam, Snecma, Spot Image, Star Alliance, Starsem, Swissair, Thai Airways, Turbomeca, Virgin Atlantic, Weber Aircraft, Zodiac. The deregulation of the airlines that began in the United States in the 1980's has gradually spread to different countries. The resulting drop in prices stimulated development in aeronautics production, thereby increasing competitiveness. Today, the concentration of companies in the sector, the appearance of new information technologies, and market globalization have speeded up the transition from...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book contains 45 case studies of aeronautics and space companies including: Aeromexico, Airbus, Airbus Military Company, Air France, AirNewco.com, American Airlines, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Boeing, Bombardier, CFM International, Dassault, EADS, easyJet, Eurocopter, Eurofighter, Executive Jet, Falcon, Latecoere, Lufthansa Technik, MedJet, MyAircraft.com, Paris Air Show, Qualiflyer, Rolls Royce, Servair, Sea Launch, Sicma AeroSeat, Singapore Airlines, SkyTeam, Snecma, Spot Image, Star Alliance, Starsem, Swissair, Thai Airways, Turbomeca, Virgin Atlantic, Weber Aircraft, Zodiac. The deregulation of the airlines that began in the United States in the 1980's has gradually spread to different countries. The resulting drop in prices stimulated development in aeronautics production, thereby increasing competitiveness. Today, the concentration of companies in the sector, the appearance of new information technologies, and market globalization have speeded up the transition from......

How to Break Software Security

James A. Whittaker, Herbert H. Thompson

  How to Break Software Security  James A. Whittaker, Herbert H. Thompson  Addison Wesley.   How to Break Software Security describes the general problem of software security in a practical perspective from a software tester's point of view. It defines prescriptive techniques (attacks that testers can use on their own software) that are designed to ferret out security vulnerabilities in software applications. The book's style is easy to read and provides readers with the techniques and advice to hunt down security bugs and see that they're destroyed before the software is released. Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM containing Holodeck, which tests for security vulnerabilities. There are also a number of bug-finding tools, freeware, and an easy-to-use port scanner included on the CD-ROM.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Addison Wesley. How to Break Software Security describes the general problem of software security in a practical perspective from a software tester's point of view. It defines prescriptive techniques (attacks that testers can use on their own software) that are designed to ferret out security vulnerabilities in software applications. The book's style is easy to read and provides readers with the techniques and advice to hunt down security bugs and see that they're destroyed before the software is released. Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM containing Holodeck, which tests for security vulnerabilities. There are also a number of bug-finding tools, freeware, and an easy-to-use port scanner included on the CD-ROM....

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Justice and Natural Resources: Concepts, Strategies, and Applications. Kathryn M. Mutz, Gary C. Bryner, Douglas S. Kenney . Книги.

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