Международные отношения. Теории, конфликты, движения, организации

П. А. Цыганков, Г. А. Дробот

  Международные отношения. Теории, конфликты, движения, организации  П. А. Цыганков, Г. А. Дробот  Альфа-М, Инфра-М.   В наши дни вряд ли можно считать профессионалом человека, получающего высшее образование в любой области гуманитарного знания и не имеющего представления о современных международно-политических процессах. В учебном пособии даются элементарные сведения о содержании и структуре теории международных отношений; рассматриваются сущность, типология и проблемы урегулирования международно-политических конфликтов; освещается деятельность международных организаций. Для студентов, изучающих социальные и политические науки.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Альфа-М, Инфра-М. В наши дни вряд ли можно считать профессионалом человека, получающего высшее образование в любой области гуманитарного знания и не имеющего представления о современных международно-политических процессах. В учебном пособии даются элементарные сведения о содержании и структуре теории международных отношений; рассматриваются сущность, типология и проблемы урегулирования международно-политических конфликтов; освещается деятельность международных организаций. Для студентов, изучающих социальные и политические науки....

Smart Companies, Smart Tools: Transforming Business Processes into Business Assets

Thomas M. Koulopoulos

  Smart Companies, Smart Tools: Transforming Business Processes into Business Assets  Thomas M. Koulopoulos  Smart Companies, Smart Tools Transforming Business Processes into Business Assets Thomas M. Koulopoulos Smart companies?innovative firms in which the nurturing of the unique contributions of each individual employee is leading to unprecedented success. Smart tools?technologies, models, and systems these companies use to create a liberating work environment, to facilitate round-the-clock communication, to continually measure success and efficiency, and to get the most out of their technological investment. Smart Companies, Smart Tools?the book that shows you how to make these innovations a part of your company. Expert consultant Thomas Koulopoulos takes you behind the scenes at smart firms of all sizes. You?ll see how their focus on Smart Companies, Smart Tools Transforming Business Processes into Business Assets Thomas M. Koulopoulos Smart companies?innovative firms in which the nurturing of the unique contributions of each individual employee is leading to unprecedented success. Smart tools?technologies, models, and systems these companies use to create a liberating work environment, to facilitate round-the-clock communication, to continually measure success and efficiency, and to get the most out of their technological investment. Smart Companies, Smart Tools?the book that shows you how to make these innovations a part of your company. Expert consultant Thomas Koulopoulos takes you behind the scenes at smart firms of all sizes. You?ll see how their focus on "workflow"?tools for planning and implementing information-based tasks and services?fosters an efficient, empowering cohesion between traditional and nontraditional staff, yielding profit-raising, cost-cutting,......

ActiveBook, Macroeconomics (3rd Edition)

Arthur O'Sullivan, Steven Sheffrin

  ActiveBook, Macroeconomics (3rd Edition)  Arthur O'Sullivan, Steven Sheffrin  This modern book has a strong foundation in demand and supply. Its thoughtful coverage of change in demand vs. change in quantity demanded (also in supply coverage) enables learners to better visualize and truly understand the difference between these two fundamental concepts. The activebook is an interactive, online, digital book that completely takes advantage of multimedia resources to greatly enhance the learning experience. A seven-part organization covers an introduction and key principles; the basic concepts in macroeconomics; the economy in the long run; economic fluctuations; money, banking, and monetary policy; inflation, unemployment, and economic policy; and the international economy. For a thorough understanding of the principles of macroeconomics.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This modern book has a strong foundation in demand and supply. Its thoughtful coverage of change in demand vs. change in quantity demanded (also in supply coverage) enables learners to better visualize and truly understand the difference between these two fundamental concepts. The activebook is an interactive, online, digital book that completely takes advantage of multimedia resources to greatly enhance the learning experience. A seven-part organization covers an introduction and key principles; the basic concepts in macroeconomics; the economy in the long run; economic fluctuations; money, banking, and monetary policy; inflation, unemployment, and economic policy; and the international economy. For a thorough understanding of the principles of macroeconomics....

Economic Inputs, Legal Outputs : The Role of Economists in Modern Antitrust (Wiley Series in Managerial Economics)

Fred McChesney

  Economic Inputs, Legal Outputs : The Role of Economists in Modern Antitrust (Wiley Series in Managerial Economics)  Fred McChesney  Modern antitrust, an outgrowth of industrial organization, has grown from a nineteenth-century American issue aimed at economic phenomena ? but derived from mixed political and legal origins ? to a more global concern. Highly publicized legal cases involving corporations such as Microsoft, General Electric, Eastman Kodak and Toys ?R Us have made us increasingly aware of how important and influential economists are in the area of modern antitrust law. Contributions in this book, by internationally-renowned authors, aim to increase the awareness and understanding of the work of economists in antitrust law. The contributions derive not just from academic analysis of industrial organization issues, but also from the authors work in dozens of antitrust legal proceedings on behalf of the government, private plaintiffs and private defendants. Topics covered include the role of economists in issues of antitrust liability, market power, market definition and, finally, the effect...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Modern antitrust, an outgrowth of industrial organization, has grown from a nineteenth-century American issue aimed at economic phenomena ? but derived from mixed political and legal origins ? to a more global concern. Highly publicized legal cases involving corporations such as Microsoft, General Electric, Eastman Kodak and Toys ?R Us have made us increasingly aware of how important and influential economists are in the area of modern antitrust law. Contributions in this book, by internationally-renowned authors, aim to increase the awareness and understanding of the work of economists in antitrust law. The contributions derive not just from academic analysis of industrial organization issues, but also from the authors work in dozens of antitrust legal proceedings on behalf of the government, private plaintiffs and private defendants. Topics covered include the role of economists in issues of antitrust liability, market power, market definition and, finally, the effect......

Money, Interest and Capital: A Study in the Foundations of Monetary Theory (Modern Cambridge Economics)

Colin Rogers

  Money, Interest and Capital: A Study in the Foundations of Monetary Theory (Modern Cambridge Economics)  Colin Rogers  This book presents a study in the foundations of monetary theory with several unique features. It consists of two parts: a critique of the varieties of neoclassical monetary theory, and a rigorous statement of the foundations of Post Keynesian monetary theory. The two parts reflect Joseph Schumpeter's distinction between monetary theories in the divergent traditions of Real and Monetary Analysis. Part I offers a novel critique of Wicksellian and neo-Walrasian general equilibrium versions of Real analysis. The critique of Wicksell's monetary theory demonstrates the general impossibility of defining the natural rate of interest without which the loanable funds theory collapses. The critique of neo-Walrasian monetary theory, on the other hand, exploits the inessential role of 'money' in temporary equilibrium and overlapping generations models and develops a novel interpretation of the Patinkin controversy and the Clower finance constraint. The implications of these developments are then...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book presents a study in the foundations of monetary theory with several unique features. It consists of two parts: a critique of the varieties of neoclassical monetary theory, and a rigorous statement of the foundations of Post Keynesian monetary theory. The two parts reflect Joseph Schumpeter's distinction between monetary theories in the divergent traditions of Real and Monetary Analysis. Part I offers a novel critique of Wicksellian and neo-Walrasian general equilibrium versions of Real analysis. The critique of Wicksell's monetary theory demonstrates the general impossibility of defining the natural rate of interest without which the loanable funds theory collapses. The critique of neo-Walrasian monetary theory, on the other hand, exploits the inessential role of 'money' in temporary equilibrium and overlapping generations models and develops a novel interpretation of the Patinkin controversy and the Clower finance constraint. The implications of these developments are then......

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Международные отношения. Теории, конфликты, движения, организации. П. А. Цыганков, Г. А. Дробот . Книги.

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