Cecilia Valdes or El Angel Hill (Library of Latin America)

Cirilo Villaverde

  Cecilia Valdes or El Angel Hill (Library of Latin America)  Cirilo Villaverde  Cecilia Valdes is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Written in 1882 by Cirilo Villaverde in exile in New York City, but set in the Havana of the 1830s, the novel recounts a story of the moral, political, and sexual depravity caused by slavery and colonialism. The heroine of the novel, the beautiful light-skinned mulatta named Cecilia, is being pursued by Leonardo, the son of a Spanish slave trader. Unbeknownst to the two, they are the children of the same father. Eventually Cecilia gives in to Leonardo's advances; she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. When Leonardo, who is getting bored with his mistress, agrees to marry a white upper class woman, Cecilia vows revenge. A mulatto friend and suitor of hers kills Leonardo, and Cecilia is thrown into prison as an accessory to the crime. Rich in social and historical detail, Cecilia Valdes opens a window into the intricate problems of race relations in the Caribbean, the interactions between sexual,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cecilia Valdes is arguably the most important novel of 19th century Cuba. Written in 1882 by Cirilo Villaverde in exile in New York City, but set in the Havana of the 1830s, the novel recounts a story of the moral, political, and sexual depravity caused by slavery and colonialism. The heroine of the novel, the beautiful light-skinned mulatta named Cecilia, is being pursued by Leonardo, the son of a Spanish slave trader. Unbeknownst to the two, they are the children of the same father. Eventually Cecilia gives in to Leonardo's advances; she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a baby girl. When Leonardo, who is getting bored with his mistress, agrees to marry a white upper class woman, Cecilia vows revenge. A mulatto friend and suitor of hers kills Leonardo, and Cecilia is thrown into prison as an accessory to the crime. Rich in social and historical detail, Cecilia Valdes opens a window into the intricate problems of race relations in the Caribbean, the interactions between sexual,......

Data Mining in E-learning (Advances in Management Information)

  Data Mining in E-learning (Advances in Management Information)  The development of e-learning systems, particularly web-based education systems, has increased exponentially in recent years. In the last years, researchers have begun to investigate various data mining methods to help teachers improve e-learning systems. These methods allow them to discover new knowledge based on students' usage data. Following this line, one of the most promising areas is the application of knowledge extraction. As one of the first of its kind, this book presents an introduction to e-learning systems, data mining concepts and the interaction between both areas. It consists of both openly solicited and invited chapters, written by international researchers and leading experts on the application of data mining techniques in e-learning systems. The main purpose of this book is to show the current state of this research area. It includes an introduction to e-learning systems, data mining and the interaction between areas, as well as several case studies and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The development of e-learning systems, particularly web-based education systems, has increased exponentially in recent years. In the last years, researchers have begun to investigate various data mining methods to help teachers improve e-learning systems. These methods allow them to discover new knowledge based on students' usage data. Following this line, one of the most promising areas is the application of knowledge extraction. As one of the first of its kind, this book presents an introduction to e-learning systems, data mining concepts and the interaction between both areas. It consists of both openly solicited and invited chapters, written by international researchers and leading experts on the application of data mining techniques in e-learning systems. The main purpose of this book is to show the current state of this research area. It includes an introduction to e-learning systems, data mining and the interaction between areas, as well as several case studies and......

Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Interactive Movie Tutorials, Starter

  Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Interactive Movie Tutorials, Starter  Renee Human  Renee Human  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Renee Human...

The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance-and Still Get the Coverage You Need

Kimberly Lankford

  The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance-and Still Get the Coverage You Need  Kimberly Lankford  Before You Buy Another Insurance Policy Read this Book!Without proper insurance—health, auto, homeowners, life, disability, or long-term care—an unexpected event can quickly derail your financial plans and put your life savings at risk.Insurance is an essential part of financial planning, but many people are paying hundreds – sometimes thousands -- of dollars more than they need to, and often, theyA buy the wrong kinds of coverage. With your family's financial future at stake, you can't afford to make the wrong decisions when shopping for insurance.In The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance—and Still Get the Coverage You Need , industry expert and writer Kimberly Lankford breaks through the clutter and jargon of the industry and helps you make the most of your coverage and avoid expensive mistakes that can jeopardize your financial future. Some of the topics addressed include:•Mistakes people make when choosing employer-provided...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Before You Buy Another Insurance Policy Read this Book!Without proper insurance—health, auto, homeowners, life, disability, or long-term care—an unexpected event can quickly derail your financial plans and put your life savings at risk.Insurance is an essential part of financial planning, but many people are paying hundreds – sometimes thousands -- of dollars more than they need to, and often, theyA buy the wrong kinds of coverage. With your family's financial future at stake, you can't afford to make the wrong decisions when shopping for insurance.In The Insurance Maze: How You Can Save Money on Insurance—and Still Get the Coverage You Need , industry expert and writer Kimberly Lankford breaks through the clutter and jargon of the industry and helps you make the most of your coverage and avoid expensive mistakes that can jeopardize your financial future. Some of the topics addressed include:•Mistakes people make when choosing employer-provided......

Doing Business and Investing in Mali Guide (World Business, Investment and Government Library)


  Doing Business and Investing in Mali Guide (World Business, Investment and Government Library)  USA IBP  Strategic and practical information for conducting business and investing in the country. Business opportunities, regulations, contacts and more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Strategic and practical information for conducting business and investing in the country. Business opportunities, regulations, contacts and more....

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Cecilia Valdes or El Angel Hill (Library of Latin America). Cirilo Villaverde . Книги.

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