Law of Public Communication, 2009 Update Edition, The (7th Edition)

  Law of Public Communication, 2009 Update Edition, The (7th Edition)  Kent R. Middleton, William E. Lee  Kent R. Middleton, William E. Lee  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kent R. Middleton, William E. Lee...


Салман Рушди

  Стыд  Салман Рушди  Амфора.   Роман Амфора. Роман "Стыд" принадлежит к числу самых известных произведений Салмана Рушди. Эта книга основана на подлинных событиях новейшей истории Пакистана, но сам автор называет ее "чем-то вроде сказки на новый лад". Если из нашей жизни вычесть стыд, утверждает писатель, останется лишь разнузданная свобода, свобода от всех пут и уз, соединяющих людей друг с другом, а прошлое с настоящим....

The Mouse Machine: Disney and Technology

J P. Telotte

  The Mouse Machine: Disney and Technology  J P. Telotte  Throughout Disney's phenomenally successful run in the entertainment industry, the company has negotiated the use of cutting-edge film and media technologies that, J. P. Telotte argues, have proven fundamental to the company's identity. Disney's technological developments include the use of stereophonic surround sound for Fantasia, experimentation with wide-screen technology, inaugural adoption of three-strip Technicolor film, and early efforts at fostering depth in the animated image. Telotte also chronicles Disney's partnership with television, development of the theme park, and depiction of technology in science fiction narratives. An in-depth discussion of Disney's shift into digital filmmaking with its Pixar partnership and an emphasis on digital special effects in live-action films, such as the Pirates of the Caribbean series, also highlight the studio's historical investment in technology. By exploring the technological context for Disney creations throughout its history, The...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Throughout Disney's phenomenally successful run in the entertainment industry, the company has negotiated the use of cutting-edge film and media technologies that, J. P. Telotte argues, have proven fundamental to the company's identity. Disney's technological developments include the use of stereophonic surround sound for Fantasia, experimentation with wide-screen technology, inaugural adoption of three-strip Technicolor film, and early efforts at fostering depth in the animated image. Telotte also chronicles Disney's partnership with television, development of the theme park, and depiction of technology in science fiction narratives. An in-depth discussion of Disney's shift into digital filmmaking with its Pixar partnership and an emphasis on digital special effects in live-action films, such as the Pirates of the Caribbean series, also highlight the studio's historical investment in technology. By exploring the technological context for Disney creations throughout its history, The......

Wong & Ouyang: Blueprints for Hong Kong

  Wong & Ouyang: Blueprints for Hong Kong  Images Publishing Group Pty. Ltd..   The Master Architect.   As one of the world's great cities, Hong Kong has many faces. To scholars and journalists, it was long the best place to play Images Publishing Group Pty. Ltd.. The Master Architect. As one of the world's great cities, Hong Kong has many faces. To scholars and journalists, it was long the best place to play "China watcher". To the business and financial community, Hong Kong remains one of the best places in the world to make money. To artists, writers and filmmakers, the city's colourful history and dramatic beauty have provided inspiration and vivid settings for art, books and movies. To tourists, it is a shopper's paradise with great restaurants and magnificent harbour views. - Judy Lu Kestell and Harold Meinheil. A great city does not just appear out of nowhere. Behind and beyond the skyline and the tourist attractions, people from all parts of China and the world have worked together to overcome daunting internal obstacles and external forces. In architecture, Wong & Ouyang has been an important contributor to that immense effort. The publication of this book, Wong & Ouyang - Blueprints for Hong Kong on the occasion of its 50th anniversary is a fitting......

Estonia Country Study Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Estonia Country Study Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Estonia Country Study Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Estonia Country Study Guide...

<<<  Полдень, XXI век. Журнал Бориса Стругацкого, июль, 2008.              Учимся узнавать, различать, называть. Мир ... >>>

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Law of Public Communication, 2009 Update Edition, The (7th Edition). Kent R. Middleton, William E. Lee . Книги.

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