Microeconomics : Principles and Policy, 2004 Update

William J. Baumol

  Microeconomics : Principles and Policy, 2004 Update  William J. Baumol  Book Description This text remains a proven leader in the world of economics. Since introducing the aggregate supply/ aggregate demand model as a fundamental tool for learning economics over two decades ago, in this edition William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder continue their long tradition of equipping students with the knowledge and tools they need to apply modern economics to their world. Hallmark features include one of the strongest policy treatments on the market and a careful and in-depth focus on the most important economic tools students should retain after the course is over.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This text remains a proven leader in the world of economics. Since introducing the aggregate supply/ aggregate demand model as a fundamental tool for learning economics over two decades ago, in this edition William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder continue their long tradition of equipping students with the knowledge and tools they need to apply modern economics to their world. Hallmark features include one of the strongest policy treatments on the market and a careful and in-depth focus on the most important economic tools students should retain after the course is over....

The Measurement of Economic Relationships

Peter Tryfos

  The Measurement of Economic Relationships  Peter Tryfos  Book Description The Measurement of Economic Relationships presents a critical review of the established approach to measuring relationships in business and economics and of the one that preceded it. The first approach is based on the notion of a process Book Description The Measurement of Economic Relationships presents a critical review of the established approach to measuring relationships in business and economics and of the one that preceded it. The first approach is based on the notion of a process "generating" the observations in a certain "random" manner, the second on the concept of approximating the observations of the variable of interest as closely as possible. It is shown that both approaches offer measures of the contribution of the determining variables, interval estimates and tests concerning the effects of the variables, and interval forecasts; in general, however, their solutions are different. In reviewing the two approaches since their first appearance at the end ofthe 18 th century, little justification is found for the manner in which the established approach perceives the economic world. Doubts are raised that substantial real progress has been made since the advent of the so-called......

The Employment Relationship: Key Challenges for HR

Paul Sparrow

  The Employment Relationship: Key Challenges for HR  Paul Sparrow  Book DescriptionChallenges Facing the Employment Relationship in Future Organizations addresses the issues of change within employee relationships resulting from the impact of factors such as: * international competitive pressures * technological change * changing individual expectations and behaviours The new employment contract is analysed from inside and outside organizations and the issues are addressed from both a human resource management and work psychology perspective. This book: * Reviews the phenomenon of globalization, outlining the current impacts on the employment relationship and summarizing the assumed impacts on future work * Looks at the employment relationship from a labour market perspective and reviewsthe evidence on an increasing individualization of the employment relationship * Reviews work by psychologists on the changing psychological contract * Provides an overview of new forms of work organization, drawing attention to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionChallenges Facing the Employment Relationship in Future Organizations addresses the issues of change within employee relationships resulting from the impact of factors such as: * international competitive pressures * technological change * changing individual expectations and behaviours The new employment contract is analysed from inside and outside organizations and the issues are addressed from both a human resource management and work psychology perspective. This book: * Reviews the phenomenon of globalization, outlining the current impacts on the employment relationship and summarizing the assumed impacts on future work * Looks at the employment relationship from a labour market perspective and reviewsthe evidence on an increasing individualization of the employment relationship * Reviews work by psychologists on the changing psychological contract * Provides an overview of new forms of work organization, drawing attention to......

How to Start a Business in Connecticut (Smartstart Series (Entrepreneur Press).)

Entrepreneur Press

  How to Start a Business in Connecticut (Smartstart Series (Entrepreneur Press).)  Entrepreneur Press  Book Description How to Start a Business in Connecticut is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one resource goes a step beyond other business how-to books to give you a jump-start on planning for your business and provides you with: Quick reference to the most current mailing and Internet addresses and telephone numbers for federal, state, local and private agencies that will help get your business up and running State population statistics, income and consumption rates, major industry trends and overall business incentives to give you a better picture of doing business in Connecticut Checklists, sample forms and a complete sample business plan to assist you with numerous startup details State-specific information on issues like choosing a legal form, selecting a business name, obtaining licenses and permits,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description How to Start a Business in Connecticut is your roadmap to avoid planning, legal and financial pitfalls and direct you through the bureaucratic red tape that often entangles fledgling entrepreneurs. This all-in-one resource goes a step beyond other business how-to books to give you a jump-start on planning for your business and provides you with: Quick reference to the most current mailing and Internet addresses and telephone numbers for federal, state, local and private agencies that will help get your business up and running State population statistics, income and consumption rates, major industry trends and overall business incentives to give you a better picture of doing business in Connecticut Checklists, sample forms and a complete sample business plan to assist you with numerous startup details State-specific information on issues like choosing a legal form, selecting a business name, obtaining licenses and permits,......

Scents of the City

Isabel Naegele

  Scents of the City  Isabel Naegele  Book DescriptionAll too often, the smells and flavors of a city are simple, sad, monotonous, or uniform. Then again, they can be as overwhelming as cheap perfume. In spite of these extremes--or perhaps because of them--the smells of the city are hardly ever noticed. Sometimes, however, the flaneur 's nose catches a surprising freshness, a breeze bearing the merest traces of a scent which captivates our sense and turns everyday banality into poetry. Scents of the City is Ruedi Baur and Isabelle Naegele's collection of samples and patterns found in a wide range of public spaces throughout the world of cities. The result of a multi-year obsession, Scents of the City reveals a dense collection which, for the artists, denotes a Book DescriptionAll too often, the smells and flavors of a city are simple, sad, monotonous, or uniform. Then again, they can be as overwhelming as cheap perfume. In spite of these extremes--or perhaps because of them--the smells of the city are hardly ever noticed. Sometimes, however, the flaneur 's nose catches a surprising freshness, a breeze bearing the merest traces of a scent which captivates our sense and turns everyday banality into poetry. Scents of the City is Ruedi Baur and Isabelle Naegele's collection of samples and patterns found in a wide range of public spaces throughout the world of cities. The result of a multi-year obsession, Scents of the City reveals a dense collection which, for the artists, denotes a "city the flavor of which is so difficult to describe with words." Examples are taken from a wide range of cities, both large and small, and the differences between cities are further expressed through the use of multiple languages, with short......

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Microeconomics : Principles and Policy, 2004 Update. William J. Baumol . Книги.

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