Михаил Ульянов

Сергей Марков

  Михаил Ульянов  Сергей Марков  Вече.   Вече. "Эта книга писалась в основном при жизни М.А.Ульянова, моего тестя. С тем условием, чтобы непременно - по его настоянию, а печатному слову он придавал большое значение - ему показать. Не все, что хотелось бы, вошло в заметки (большая часть - в дневниковом режиме, так что заранее прошу прощения у читателя за "непричесанность", но, думаю, услышать живого Ульянова любопытней, чем читать отредактированный и утвержденный текст). В последнем нашем разговоре - последнем в его жизни интервью (когда Ульянов признался, что находится на пути к Богу, и посетовал, вспоминая свой приезд в Москву с трофейным отцовским чемоданом: "Как быстро все прошло!") - он сказал: "Художник должен оставаться загадкой. Я раздеваться не буду, так и знай". И я знал. И писал, читая как бы его глазами. Возможно, кому-то покажется мало откровений, богемных пикантностей, "клубнички". Но скажу, положа руку на сердце: здесь все - правда. За написанное мне не совестно перед Михаилом Александровичем Ульяновым (который......

Hit the Ground Running

Liz Cornish

  Hit the Ground Running  Liz Cornish  A get-results guide for women executives who know that to get the corner office they need to take charge from day one “Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, 'She doesn't have what it takes.'They will say, 'Women don't have what it takes.'” -Clare Boothe Luce Hit the Ground Running shows you how to make a great first impression and achieve tangible success on those first crucial days at a new job. Whether you're leading a department, running a small business, or tackling a new promotion, you'll find a proven blueprint for organizing priorities, crafting strategic agendas, forging partnerships, and setting expectations for both your staff and the higher-ups.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A get-results guide for women executives who know that to get the corner office they need to take charge from day one “Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed. If I fail, no one will say, 'She doesn't have what it takes.'They will say, 'Women don't have what it takes.'” -Clare Boothe Luce Hit the Ground Running shows you how to make a great first impression and achieve tangible success on those first crucial days at a new job. Whether you're leading a department, running a small business, or tackling a new promotion, you'll find a proven blueprint for organizing priorities, crafting strategic agendas, forging partnerships, and setting expectations for both your staff and the higher-ups....

Fifty Key Thinkers on Development (Routledge Key Guides)

David Simon

  Fifty Key Thinkers on Development (Routledge Key Guides)  David Simon  Fifty Key Thinkers on Development is the essential guide to the world's most influential development thinkers. It presents a unique guide to the lives and ideas of leading contributors to the contested terrain of development studies from both North and South. David Simon has assembled a highly authoritative team of contributors from different backgrounds and disciplines to reflect on the lives and contributions of fifty leading development thinkers from around the world. These include: A· Modernizers like Hirshman, Kindleberger and Rostow A· Dependencies such as Frank, Cardoso and Amin A· Progressives like Prebisch, Helleiner and Streeten A· Political leaders enunciating radical alternative visions of development, such as Mao, Nkrumah and Nyerere A· Progenitors of religiously or spiritually inspired development, such as Gandhi and Ariyaratne A· Development-environment thinkers like Blaikie, Brookfield and Shiva This invaluable reference is a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fifty Key Thinkers on Development is the essential guide to the world's most influential development thinkers. It presents a unique guide to the lives and ideas of leading contributors to the contested terrain of development studies from both North and South. David Simon has assembled a highly authoritative team of contributors from different backgrounds and disciplines to reflect on the lives and contributions of fifty leading development thinkers from around the world. These include: A· Modernizers like Hirshman, Kindleberger and Rostow A· Dependencies such as Frank, Cardoso and Amin A· Progressives like Prebisch, Helleiner and Streeten A· Political leaders enunciating radical alternative visions of development, such as Mao, Nkrumah and Nyerere A· Progenitors of religiously or spiritually inspired development, such as Gandhi and Ariyaratne A· Development-environment thinkers like Blaikie, Brookfield and Shiva This invaluable reference is a......

Development in Hindsight: The Economics of Common Sense

Peter de Haan

  Development in Hindsight: The Economics of Common Sense  Peter de Haan  * Highly readable book on how to fight poverty Development in Hindsight gives insight into major development issues, such as the contribution of aid to the economic growth of developing countries and the effect of globalization on the fight against poverty. It also considers the role of the state and the market in development and the institutional dimension of economic growth. All this in an up-to-date, highly readable, and entertaining manner. It is a must for students, development practitioners and for those interested in the development challenges of developing countries, especially in their fight against poverty.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин * Highly readable book on how to fight poverty Development in Hindsight gives insight into major development issues, such as the contribution of aid to the economic growth of developing countries and the effect of globalization on the fight against poverty. It also considers the role of the state and the market in development and the institutional dimension of economic growth. All this in an up-to-date, highly readable, and entertaining manner. It is a must for students, development practitioners and for those interested in the development challenges of developing countries, especially in their fight against poverty....

Buying and Selling A Home In Ireland: Need To Know Guide (Need to Know)

  Buying and Selling A Home In Ireland: Need To Know Guide (Need to Know)  Damian McHugh  Damian McHugh  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Damian McHugh...

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Михаил Ульянов. Сергей Марков . Книги.

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