С. А. Есенин. Стихотворения и поэмы (аудиокнига MP3)

С. А. Есенин

  С. А. Есенин. Стихотворения и поэмы (аудиокнига MP3)  С. А. Есенин  Библиофоника.   Цель предлагаемой слушателю поэтической антологии - наиболее ярко показать творческий путь поэта, подчеркнуть его верность избранным темам. Это, прежде всего, истоки самой поэзии Есенина: Россия, ее история, ее природа, мир патриархальной русской деревни. Это тема любви, светлой и лиричной и одновременно бурной и трагической. Это перевернувший прошлое новый, жестокий послеоктябрьский мир, который Есенин пытался, но так и не смог принять. И, наконец, Библиофоника. Цель предлагаемой слушателю поэтической антологии - наиболее ярко показать творческий путь поэта, подчеркнуть его верность избранным темам. Это, прежде всего, истоки самой поэзии Есенина: Россия, ее история, ее природа, мир патриархальной русской деревни. Это тема любви, светлой и лиричной и одновременно бурной и трагической. Это перевернувший прошлое новый, жестокий послеоктябрьский мир, который Есенин пытался, но так и не смог принять. И, наконец, "беззащитная исповедальность", горькие размышления о себе, тоска по утраченной чистоте и идеалам юности. Антология начинается с небольшого прозаического фрагмента "О себе", поэтической автобиографии, помогающей проникнуть в есенинскую поэзию. Далее 222 стихотворения, среди них как самые известные и любимые, так и менее известные, в том числе ранние, открывающие подчас неожиданного Есенина. Среди них: "Вот уже вечер, Роса…", "Поет зима - аукает", "Гой ты Русь моя родная", "Песнь о собаке", "Не жалею, не зову, не плачу...", "Письмо матери"......

Tobacco Control Policy: Strategies, Successes, and Setbacks

Joy De Beyer, Linda Waverley Brigden

  Tobacco Control Policy: Strategies, Successes, and Setbacks  Joy De Beyer, Linda Waverley Brigden  World Bank Publications.   This is inspiring reading for policy makers seeking to implement the provisions of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in their countries.--Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director General of the World Health Organization Currently, there are over 1.2 billion tobacco users in the world, most in developing countries. Once a problem primarily in high-income countries, disease and death from tobacco use has increasingly become a burden for developing countries as well. The tobacco epidemic is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disability in the world today. However, mitigating the devastating health damage caused by tobacco use is made especially difficult by nicotine?s powerfully addictive properties, low prices of tobacco products, and the constant, often subtle reinforcement of social norms and encouragement to smoke through billions of dollars of advertising each year. This book contains the stories of six countries ? Brazil, Bangladesh, Canada,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин World Bank Publications. This is inspiring reading for policy makers seeking to implement the provisions of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in their countries.--Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director General of the World Health Organization Currently, there are over 1.2 billion tobacco users in the world, most in developing countries. Once a problem primarily in high-income countries, disease and death from tobacco use has increasingly become a burden for developing countries as well. The tobacco epidemic is one of the leading causes of preventable death and disability in the world today. However, mitigating the devastating health damage caused by tobacco use is made especially difficult by nicotine?s powerfully addictive properties, low prices of tobacco products, and the constant, often subtle reinforcement of social norms and encouragement to smoke through billions of dollars of advertising each year. This book contains the stories of six countries ? Brazil, Bangladesh, Canada,......

Supply Chain and Finance (Series on Computers and Operations Research, 2)

  Supply Chain and Finance (Series on Computers and Operations Research, 2)  Book DescriptionThis book describes recently developed mathematical models, methodologies, and case studies in diverse areas, including stock market analysis, portfolio optimization, classification techniques in economics, supply chain optimization, development of e-commerce applications, etc. It will be of interest to both theoreticians and practitioners working in economics and finance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book describes recently developed mathematical models, methodologies, and case studies in diverse areas, including stock market analysis, portfolio optimization, classification techniques in economics, supply chain optimization, development of e-commerce applications, etc. It will be of interest to both theoreticians and practitioners working in economics and finance....

The Practice of Supply Chain Management : Where Theory and Application Converge (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)

  The Practice of Supply Chain Management : Where Theory and Application Converge (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science)  Book DescriptionFor over a decade, there has been an increasing interest in the use of supply chain methods to improve performance across the entire business enterprise. Numerous industries have recognized the importance of efficient supply chain integration, and, as a result, supply chain management has become a standard part of business practice. The Practice of Supply Chain Management: Where Theory and Application Converge is a must-have volume for users of supply chain management methods, supply chain management researchers, and students in supply chain management. The objective of the book is to provide an overview of this important practice-research cycle, and it is organized into three sections: Core Concepts and Practices; Emerging Supply Chain Practices; and Supply Chain in Action. The focus of the book is on supply chain practice, but supply chain practice that has been heavily influenced by supply chain research. It is this synergy between research and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFor over a decade, there has been an increasing interest in the use of supply chain methods to improve performance across the entire business enterprise. Numerous industries have recognized the importance of efficient supply chain integration, and, as a result, supply chain management has become a standard part of business practice. The Practice of Supply Chain Management: Where Theory and Application Converge is a must-have volume for users of supply chain management methods, supply chain management researchers, and students in supply chain management. The objective of the book is to provide an overview of this important practice-research cycle, and it is organized into three sections: Core Concepts and Practices; Emerging Supply Chain Practices; and Supply Chain in Action. The focus of the book is on supply chain practice, but supply chain practice that has been heavily influenced by supply chain research. It is this synergy between research and......

Wildlife Photography Workshops

Steve Toon

  Wildlife Photography Workshops  Steve Toon  Book Description Nearly 150 exquisite examples of wildlife photography are used as the basis for a complete outdoor photographer’s education, including professional tips on choosing and using various camera systems, the basics of composition and perspective, understanding the behavior of your animal subjects, and critical techniques of photographic storytelling. The material is designed to be easily understood by novice shutterbugs, yet it contains enough complexity and technical detail to offer a challenge to more advanced photographers. Additionally, assignments are given at the conclusion of each chapter, providing valuable real-world exercises to employ the many techniques and theories discussed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Nearly 150 exquisite examples of wildlife photography are used as the basis for a complete outdoor photographer’s education, including professional tips on choosing and using various camera systems, the basics of composition and perspective, understanding the behavior of your animal subjects, and critical techniques of photographic storytelling. The material is designed to be easily understood by novice shutterbugs, yet it contains enough complexity and technical detail to offer a challenge to more advanced photographers. Additionally, assignments are given at the conclusion of each chapter, providing valuable real-world exercises to employ the many techniques and theories discussed....

<<<  Дым. Новь. Вешние годы. Стихотворения в прозе. И. С. Тургенев             Чингиз Айтматов. Повести. Чингиз Айтматов >>>

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С. А. Есенин. Стихотворения и поэмы (аудиокнига MP3). С. А. Есенин . Книги.

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