The Billionaire Who Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune

Conor O'Clery

  The Billionaire Who Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune  Conor O'Clery  Chuck Feeney was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to a blue-collar Irish-American family during the Depression. After service in the Korean War, he made a fortune as founder of Duty Free Shoppers, the world’s largest duty-free retail chain. By 1988, he was hailed by Forbes Magazine as the twenty-fourth richest American alive. But secretly Feeney had already transferred all his wealth to his foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies. Only in 1997 when he sold his duty free interests, was he “outed” as one of the greatest and most mysterious American philanthropists in modern times. After going “underground” again, he emerged in 2005 to cooperate on a biography promoting giving while living. Now in his mid-seventies, Feeney is determined his foundation should spend down the remaining $4 billion in his lifetime.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Chuck Feeney was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to a blue-collar Irish-American family during the Depression. After service in the Korean War, he made a fortune as founder of Duty Free Shoppers, the world’s largest duty-free retail chain. By 1988, he was hailed by Forbes Magazine as the twenty-fourth richest American alive. But secretly Feeney had already transferred all his wealth to his foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies. Only in 1997 when he sold his duty free interests, was he “outed” as one of the greatest and most mysterious American philanthropists in modern times. After going “underground” again, he emerged in 2005 to cooperate on a biography promoting giving while living. Now in his mid-seventies, Feeney is determined his foundation should spend down the remaining $4 billion in his lifetime....

Книга про время

А. Кожевников, Т. Тихонова, О. С. Жукова

  Книга про время  А. Кожевников, Т. Тихонова, О. С. Жукова  Астрель, Астрель-СПб.   Клуб веселых дошколят.   Эта книжка создана специально для детей дошкольного возраста. Читая веселые стихи и рассматривая яркие картинки, ребенок получит первое представление о таком сложном понятии, как время.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Астрель, Астрель-СПб. Клуб веселых дошколят. Эта книжка создана специально для детей дошкольного возраста. Читая веселые стихи и рассматривая яркие картинки, ребенок получит первое представление о таком сложном понятии, как время....

Bringing Home the Birkin: My Life in Hot Pursuit of the World's Most Coveted Handbag

Michael Tonello

  Bringing Home the Birkin: My Life in Hot Pursuit of the World's Most Coveted Handbag  Michael Tonello  William Morrow.   An insider's hilarious, whirlwind account of his years spent globe-trotting in search of the holy grail of handbags: the Birkin For more than twenty years, the Hermеs Birkin bag has been the iconic symbol of fashion, luxury, and wealth. Though the bag is often seen dangling from the arms of celebrities, there is a fabled waiting list of more than two years to buy one from Hermes, and the average fashionista has a better chance of climbing Mount Everest in Prada pumps than of possessing one of these coveted carryalls. Unless, of course, she happens to know Michael Tonello… Michael's newfound career started with an impulsive move to Barcelona, a vanished job assignment, no work visa, and an Hermes scarf sold on eBay to generate some quick cash. But soon the resourceful Michael discovered the truth about the waiting list and figured out the secret to getting Hermes to part with one of these precious bags. Millions of dollars worth of Birkins later, Michael had become one of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин William Morrow. An insider's hilarious, whirlwind account of his years spent globe-trotting in search of the holy grail of handbags: the Birkin For more than twenty years, the Hermеs Birkin bag has been the iconic symbol of fashion, luxury, and wealth. Though the bag is often seen dangling from the arms of celebrities, there is a fabled waiting list of more than two years to buy one from Hermes, and the average fashionista has a better chance of climbing Mount Everest in Prada pumps than of possessing one of these coveted carryalls. Unless, of course, she happens to know Michael Tonello… Michael's newfound career started with an impulsive move to Barcelona, a vanished job assignment, no work visa, and an Hermes scarf sold on eBay to generate some quick cash. But soon the resourceful Michael discovered the truth about the waiting list and figured out the secret to getting Hermes to part with one of these precious bags. Millions of dollars worth of Birkins later, Michael had become one of......

Тайная история мира

М. И. Бурлешин, С. И. Демкин, В. В. Потапов

  Тайная история мира  М. И. Бурлешин, С. И. Демкин, В. В. Потапов  Мартин.   Великие тайны и загадки мира.   Узнайте тайную историю мира! Существует ли Бог, управляющий всем во Вселенной? Какова жизнь после смерти? Могут ли растения мыслить? Что ждет человечество в будущем? На эти и многие другие вопросы ответят известные специалисты по эзотерике, магии, мистике и другим направлениям тайных знаний. Новая книга из серии Мартин. Великие тайны и загадки мира. Узнайте тайную историю мира! Существует ли Бог, управляющий всем во Вселенной? Какова жизнь после смерти? Могут ли растения мыслить? Что ждет человечество в будущем? На эти и многие другие вопросы ответят известные специалисты по эзотерике, магии, мистике и другим направлениям тайных знаний. Новая книга из серии "Великие тайны и загадки мира" откроет перед вами самые удивительные и величайшие тайны мира....

The Kentucky Thoroughbred (None)

  The Kentucky Thoroughbred (None)  Kent Hollingsworth  Kent Hollingsworth  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kent Hollingsworth...

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The Billionaire Who Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune. Conor O'Clery . Книги.

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