Art And Celebrity

John A. Walker

  Art And Celebrity  John A. Walker  Book DescriptionThe uneasy crossover between art and celebrity has been much discussed in recent years. Artists as celebrities is hardly a new phenomenon, but the growing cult of celebrity in contemporary culture is throwing up paradoxical ideas about the contradictions between Book DescriptionThe uneasy crossover between art and celebrity has been much discussed in recent years. Artists as celebrities is hardly a new phenomenon, but the growing cult of celebrity in contemporary culture is throwing up paradoxical ideas about the contradictions between "high" art and mass appeal and blurring the already unstable boundaries between art, commodity and popular culture. This is a lively and accessible study of the phenomenon -- the glitzy world where art and celebrity meet -- informed by a fundamentally serious look at what happens when the "serious" world of art collides with celebrity. Global culture is now dominated by celebrities, some of whom -- like Madonna and Stallone -- are art collectors and some -- like Dennis Hopper and David Bowie -- are spare-time artists. Walker explains how artists such as Warhol, Gavin Turk, Jeff Koons, Elizabeth Peyton and Alison Jackson contribute to, but also critique, the cult of celebrity by depicting film......

On Broadway Men Still Wear Hats: Unusual Lives Led on the Edges of Broadway

Robert Simonson

  On Broadway Men Still Wear Hats: Unusual Lives Led on the Edges of Broadway  Robert Simonson  Book DescriptionYou don?t have to be involved in a play to be a Broadway enthusiast. In On Broadway, Men Still Wear Hats, the lives of some of theater?s lesser known contributors are brought to light: an accountant who gave up number crunching to write Internet theater reviews full-time, an amateur photographer who went from groupie to Tony Award nominee, a Texas ballet dancer turned kosher play seller, a Glasgow high school dropout who became Broadway?s favorite restauranteur. Author, journalist, and playwright Robert Simonson follows in the footsteps of Damon Runyon, Joseph Mitchell, and A.J. Liebling as he captures these and other passionate lives lived out along the edges of New York theater world?s white-hot spotlight.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionYou don?t have to be involved in a play to be a Broadway enthusiast. In On Broadway, Men Still Wear Hats, the lives of some of theater?s lesser known contributors are brought to light: an accountant who gave up number crunching to write Internet theater reviews full-time, an amateur photographer who went from groupie to Tony Award nominee, a Texas ballet dancer turned kosher play seller, a Glasgow high school dropout who became Broadway?s favorite restauranteur. Author, journalist, and playwright Robert Simonson follows in the footsteps of Damon Runyon, Joseph Mitchell, and A.J. Liebling as he captures these and other passionate lives lived out along the edges of New York theater world?s white-hot spotlight....

Dragon Bones : A Novel

Lisa See

  Dragon Bones : A Novel  Lisa See  Book DescriptionWhen the body of an American archaeologist is found floating in the Yangzi River, Ministry of Public Security agent Liu Hulan and her husband, American attorney David Stark, are dispatched to Site 518 to investigate. As Hulan scrutinizes this death—or is it a murder?—David, on behalf of the National Relics Bureau, tries to discover who has stolen from the site an artifact that may prove to the world China’s claim that it is the oldest uninterrupted civilization on earth.This artifact is not only an object of great monetary value but one that is emblematic of the very soul of China. Everyone—from the Chinese government, to a religious cult, to an unscrupulous American art collector—wants this relic, and some,it seems, may be willing to kill to get it. At stake in this investigation is control of China’s history and national pride, and even stability between China and the United States. The troubled Hulan must overcome her own fears...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhen the body of an American archaeologist is found floating in the Yangzi River, Ministry of Public Security agent Liu Hulan and her husband, American attorney David Stark, are dispatched to Site 518 to investigate. As Hulan scrutinizes this death—or is it a murder?—David, on behalf of the National Relics Bureau, tries to discover who has stolen from the site an artifact that may prove to the world China’s claim that it is the oldest uninterrupted civilization on earth.This artifact is not only an object of great monetary value but one that is emblematic of the very soul of China. Everyone—from the Chinese government, to a religious cult, to an unscrupulous American art collector—wants this relic, and some,it seems, may be willing to kill to get it. At stake in this investigation is control of China’s history and national pride, and even stability between China and the United States. The troubled Hulan must overcome her own fears......

The Barbed Wire: Pow In The U.s.a.

Gerhard G. Hennes

  The Barbed Wire: Pow In The U.s.a.  Gerhard G. Hennes  Book DescriptionA young soldier captured during World War II is sent to a prisoner of war camp in a small town, where he stays until the German surrender. Not an unfamiliar story. . . except the soldier is German, and the POW camp is in Crossville, Tennessee. In his powerful true story, Gerhard Hennes shares his adventures as a POW in the United States and openly reveals the personal hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows of a young man growing disillusioned with Hitler's Germany. Rich with tales of escape, interrogation by high ranking Allied officers, travel on the Queen Mary (converted for troop transport), and day-to-day life as a prisoner of war, The Barbed Wire is both a first-hand account of this near-forgotten chapter in U.S. history and the memoir of a German family surviving during World War II.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA young soldier captured during World War II is sent to a prisoner of war camp in a small town, where he stays until the German surrender. Not an unfamiliar story. . . except the soldier is German, and the POW camp is in Crossville, Tennessee. In his powerful true story, Gerhard Hennes shares his adventures as a POW in the United States and openly reveals the personal hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows of a young man growing disillusioned with Hitler's Germany. Rich with tales of escape, interrogation by high ranking Allied officers, travel on the Queen Mary (converted for troop transport), and day-to-day life as a prisoner of war, The Barbed Wire is both a first-hand account of this near-forgotten chapter in U.S. history and the memoir of a German family surviving during World War II....

Antidumping Exposed : The Devilish Details of Unfair Trade Law

Brink Lindsey

  Antidumping Exposed : The Devilish Details of Unfair Trade Law  Brink Lindsey  Book DescriptionPresently, the U.S. stands alone in opposing meaningful reform-an untenable position. In this book, the authors explain how these insidious rules have endured, and why and how to promote a successful antidumping reform strategy.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPresently, the U.S. stands alone in opposing meaningful reform-an untenable position. In this book, the authors explain how these insidious rules have endured, and why and how to promote a successful antidumping reform strategy....

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Art And Celebrity. John A. Walker . Книги.

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