Johnson's War/Johnson's Great Society : The Guns and Butter Trap

Jeffrey W. Helsing

  Johnson's War/Johnson's Great Society : The Guns and Butter Trap  Jeffrey W. Helsing  Helsing provides a unique perspective on the escalation of the Vietnam War. He examines what many analysts and former policymakers in the Johnson administration have acknowledged as a crucial factor in the way the United States escalated in Vietnam: Johnson's desire for both guns and butter--his belief that he must stem the advance of communism in Southeast Asia while pursuing a Great Society at home.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Helsing provides a unique perspective on the escalation of the Vietnam War. He examines what many analysts and former policymakers in the Johnson administration have acknowledged as a crucial factor in the way the United States escalated in Vietnam: Johnson's desire for both guns and butter--his belief that he must stem the advance of communism in Southeast Asia while pursuing a Great Society at home....

Financial Markets Tick By Tick

Pierre Lequeux

  Financial Markets Tick By Tick  Pierre Lequeux  Tick by Tick is an in-depth and unique collection of analyses of the behaviour of the financial markets at the micro level. Its publication is particularly timely, given the current period of high volatility in the financial markets. LIFFE are proud to be associated with a text which features so many leading quantitative analysts, risk managers, academics and experts in this highly specialized field. Tick by Tick is an in-depth and unique collection of analyses of the behaviour of the financial markets at the micro level. Its publication is particularly timely, given the current period of high volatility in the financial markets. LIFFE are proud to be associated with a text which features so many leading quantitative analysts, risk managers, academics and experts in this highly specialized field." Brian Williamson Executive Chairman, LIFFE The editor has brought together some of the acknowledged experts in the field to contribute on a subject of great timeliness across the finance sector. One could go as far as to say we are experiencing a renaissance in terms of how market players work on a day-to-day basis due to the high intra-day volatility of financial markets and the greater emphasis put on risk management. This book will provide essential reading matter for all those using high frequency data, in both the practitioner and academic markets alike....

Modern Organizations in Virtual Communities

Jerzy Kisielnicki

  Modern Organizations in Virtual Communities  Jerzy Kisielnicki  With easy access to the Internet and the opportunity for organizations and individuals to communicate with greater ease and efficiency, modern organizations are rapidly becoming part of a growing virtual community. This technology affects a variety of organizations, from law enforcement agencies and libraries to government agencies and universities. This book provides a comprehensive collection of research works that describe such organizations, the policies and practices they have implemented, and challenges they have faced in adapting to the virtual world. The examples of the utilization and management of virtual applications and practices in organizations will benefit those who plan to implement such applications as well as those who already have.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With easy access to the Internet and the opportunity for organizations and individuals to communicate with greater ease and efficiency, modern organizations are rapidly becoming part of a growing virtual community. This technology affects a variety of organizations, from law enforcement agencies and libraries to government agencies and universities. This book provides a comprehensive collection of research works that describe such organizations, the policies and practices they have implemented, and challenges they have faced in adapting to the virtual world. The examples of the utilization and management of virtual applications and practices in organizations will benefit those who plan to implement such applications as well as those who already have....

The Digital Organization : AlliedSignal's Success with Business Technology

James D. Best

  The Digital Organization : AlliedSignal's Success with Business Technology  James D. Best  A detailed road map for integrating technology into your organization's core structure In this one-of-a-kind book, James Best—former Vice President of AlliedSignal's Computing and Network Operations—shows you how to turn your company into a successful digital organization. With clear explanations of technical trends and their applicability to specific business scenarios, Best provides an easy-to-follow, seven-step program that will help get your organization on the right track—incorporating it into the company's operations. Best's Laws of Computing Technology breakthroughs require a surrounding infrastructure Enterprise solutions must be managed on an enterprise basis Things break! Change causes downtime Industry standards inhibit innovation Market share wins, not technical eloquence Competitive advantage is hard to sustain The scope of every computer project grows New computer technologies unveil additional...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A detailed road map for integrating technology into your organization's core structure In this one-of-a-kind book, James Best—former Vice President of AlliedSignal's Computing and Network Operations—shows you how to turn your company into a successful digital organization. With clear explanations of technical trends and their applicability to specific business scenarios, Best provides an easy-to-follow, seven-step program that will help get your organization on the right track—incorporating it into the company's operations. Best's Laws of Computing Technology breakthroughs require a surrounding infrastructure Enterprise solutions must be managed on an enterprise basis Things break! Change causes downtime Industry standards inhibit innovation Market share wins, not technical eloquence Competitive advantage is hard to sustain The scope of every computer project grows New computer technologies unveil additional......

Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources

Neil Kotler, Philip Kotler

  Museum Strategy and Marketing: Designing Missions, Building Audiences, Generating Revenue and Resources  Neil Kotler, Philip Kotler  Jossey-Bass.   In a long-awaited answer of one of museum's most pressing challenges, Neil Kotler and Philip Kotler draw on unmatched expertise and experience to reveal how museums can build revenue, audiences, and resources while maintaining and advancing mission. In this first and only guide to planning strategy and marketing for museums, they offer an in-depth, hands-on guide to developing successful museums. The authors explain the strategic relationship between missions, audience and funding - and how managing this relationship is vital for a successful museum - and reveal how marketing tools can be used to grow healthy, vibrant museums. The book's encyclopedic approach covers everything museum managers need to know - from strategic planning and budgeting to advertising, media relations, and fundraising - providing them with the tools to create and nurture a thriving museum.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jossey-Bass. In a long-awaited answer of one of museum's most pressing challenges, Neil Kotler and Philip Kotler draw on unmatched expertise and experience to reveal how museums can build revenue, audiences, and resources while maintaining and advancing mission. In this first and only guide to planning strategy and marketing for museums, they offer an in-depth, hands-on guide to developing successful museums. The authors explain the strategic relationship between missions, audience and funding - and how managing this relationship is vital for a successful museum - and reveal how marketing tools can be used to grow healthy, vibrant museums. The book's encyclopedic approach covers everything museum managers need to know - from strategic planning and budgeting to advertising, media relations, and fundraising - providing them with the tools to create and nurture a thriving museum....

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Johnson's War/Johnson's Great Society : The Guns and Butter Trap. Jeffrey W. Helsing . Книги.

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