Snack Machine

John Wisner

  Snack Machine  John Wisner  Book DescriptionFrom light verse to dark fiction, John Wisner firmly establishes himself as a complete unknown with seventeen treats of questionable nutritional value. Enter a dizzying realm of blue-collar biotech, gourmet genetics, mindbending crimes ofpassion and a host of other guilty pleasures. Savor the flavor of Snack Machine , and see for yourself why co-worker Richard Geloneck raves, Book DescriptionFrom light verse to dark fiction, John Wisner firmly establishes himself as a complete unknown with seventeen treats of questionable nutritional value. Enter a dizzying realm of blue-collar biotech, gourmet genetics, mindbending crimes ofpassion and a host of other guilty pleasures. Savor the flavor of Snack Machine , and see for yourself why co-worker Richard Geloneck raves, "I had to stick pencils in my eyes to stop reading it!"...

Getting Your Child to Sleep .....and Back to Sleep: Tips for Parents of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers

Vicki Lansky

  Getting Your Child to Sleep .....and Back to Sleep: Tips for Parents of Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers  Vicki Lansky  Book DescriptionThis practical guide provides a wealth of hints to help a sleepless child get that much-needed rest. Whether it's colic, crying, bedtime, naptime, bad dreams, or the inevitable Book DescriptionThis practical guide provides a wealth of hints to help a sleepless child get that much-needed rest. Whether it's colic, crying, bedtime, naptime, bad dreams, or the inevitable "I need a drink of water," the author suggests an innovative solution, from capturing the "scary monster" in a paper bag to discouraging sleepwalking with a bell on the doorknob. The book also discusses how parents can cope with their own loss of sleep and when, or whether, to let the baby into their bed....

Expect A Miracle : One couple's compelling story of faith and hope

Mary Petrucci Suarez

  Expect A Miracle : One couple's compelling story of faith and hope  Mary Petrucci Suarez  Book Description Expect A Miracle reveals the frailties and strengths buffeted by disappointment after disappointment during one couple's lengthy and formidable efforts to become parents. As the author and her husband began their journey into the world of infertility they had no idea as to what degree their love for each other would be tested. It portrays the most emotional, stressful and out of control time in their lives. The author expresses her most intimate and deepest thoughts as she and her husband struggle to survive their greatest tragedy. It uncovers the differences between individuals as each attempt to understand why bad things happen to good people. It provides comfort and support to those inflicted by the death of a child. Eventually it details the author's experience with the adoption process and finally at long last reveals the rainbow breaking through the clouds when they brought home from another continent and into their lives a bright eyed...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Expect A Miracle reveals the frailties and strengths buffeted by disappointment after disappointment during one couple's lengthy and formidable efforts to become parents. As the author and her husband began their journey into the world of infertility they had no idea as to what degree their love for each other would be tested. It portrays the most emotional, stressful and out of control time in their lives. The author expresses her most intimate and deepest thoughts as she and her husband struggle to survive their greatest tragedy. It uncovers the differences between individuals as each attempt to understand why bad things happen to good people. It provides comfort and support to those inflicted by the death of a child. Eventually it details the author's experience with the adoption process and finally at long last reveals the rainbow breaking through the clouds when they brought home from another continent and into their lives a bright eyed......


Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield Disraeli

  Coningsby  Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield Disraeli  Book Description Book Description"This grandfather of mine is a great prince," thought Coningsby, as musing he stood before a portrait in which he recognised the features of the being from whom he had so recently and so strangely parted. There he stood, Philip Augustus, Marquess of Monmouth, in his robes of estate, with his new coronet on a table near him, a despatch lying at hand that indicated the special mission of high ceremony of which he had been the illustrious envoy, and the garter beneath his knee.Download DescriptionThis grandfather of mine is a great prince, thought Coningsby, as musing he stood before a portrait in which he recognised the features of the being from whom he had so recently and so strangely parted. There he stood, Philip Augustus, Marquess of Monmouth, in his robes of estate, with his new coronet on a table near him, a despatch lying at hand that indicated the special mission of high ceremony of which he had been the illustrious envoy, and the garter beneath his knee....

Open Source Game Programming: QT Games For KDE, PDAs, And Windows

Martin Heni, Andreas Beckermann

  Open Source Game Programming: QT Games For KDE, PDAs, And Windows  Martin Heni, Andreas Beckermann  Charles River Media.   Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDAs, and Windows starts with a review of game design and walks the reader through Open Source game development using Qt and KDE. From there it moves on to cover topics such as Canvas Games(2D), OpenGL (3D), graphics & sound, pathfinding, AI, particle effects, math, and physics. All relevant sections of the book include ready-to-use code snippets that are accompanied by fully functional tutorial/example programs and extensive API documentation. The companion CD-ROM includes C++ source code for Qt applications and all of the algorithms from the text. After reading this book, game programmers will have the tools and knowledge to master Open Source game development.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Charles River Media. Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDAs, and Windows starts with a review of game design and walks the reader through Open Source game development using Qt and KDE. From there it moves on to cover topics such as Canvas Games(2D), OpenGL (3D), graphics & sound, pathfinding, AI, particle effects, math, and physics. All relevant sections of the book include ready-to-use code snippets that are accompanied by fully functional tutorial/example programs and extensive API documentation. The companion CD-ROM includes C++ source code for Qt applications and all of the algorithms from the text. After reading this book, game programmers will have the tools and knowledge to master Open Source game development....

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Snack Machine. John Wisner . Книги.

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