King Arthur's Round Table : How Collaborative Conversations Create Smart Organizations

David Perkins, David Perkins

  King Arthur's Round Table : How Collaborative Conversations Create Smart Organizations  David Perkins, David Perkins  Your organization functions and grows through conversations?face-to-face and electronic, from the mailroom to the boardroom. The quality of those conversations determines how smart your organization is. This revelatory book shows you how the Round Table of Arthurian legend can help foster collaboration and transform today?s world of business, nonprofits, and government. Your organization functions and grows through conversations?face-to-face and electronic, from the mailroom to the boardroom. The quality of those conversations determines how smart your organization is. This revelatory book shows you how the Round Table of Arthurian legend can help foster collaboration and transform today?s world of business, nonprofits, and government. "When I want a group to work effectively, I turn immediately to my colleague of thirty-five years, David Perkins. This book is a distillation of his knowledge and wisdom." ?Howard Gardner author of Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Intelligence Reframed "David Perkins applies his wit and inventive mind to create a fresh perspective on the world of collaboration in organizations. His archetypes and toolboxes offer valuable insights to anyone facing the challenges of collaborative problem solving." ?David Straus author of How to Make......

Developing Global Executives

Morgan W. McCall Jr., George P. Hollenbeck

  Developing Global Executives  Morgan W. McCall Jr., George P. Hollenbeck  In our borderless global economy, companies must ship their executives nearly as far and wide as their products. Whether these far-flung executives soar or land with a thud may make all the difference between a successful international enterprise or a world-class failure-and it is this crucial difference that Developing Global Executives defines. Based on a wide-ranging study of veteran global executives, leadership development experts Morgan W. McCall, Jr. and George P. Hollenbeck revealwhat it takes for organizations to groom, and individuals to become, successful international executives. The answer sounds deceptively simple: People learn to In our borderless global economy, companies must ship their executives nearly as far and wide as their products. Whether these far-flung executives soar or land with a thud may make all the difference between a successful international enterprise or a world-class failure-and it is this crucial difference that Developing Global Executives defines. Based on a wide-ranging study of veteran global executives, leadership development experts Morgan W. McCall, Jr. and George P. Hollenbeck revealwhat it takes for organizations to groom, and individuals to become, successful international executives. The answer sounds deceptively simple: People learn to "be global" from doing global work. But therein lies a tricky distinction-what specific types of career experiences are the ones that prepare global leaders for their roles? To what extent can individuals seek out-and companies help orchestrate-these experiences? In Developing Global Executives , leading global......

Financial Success in the Year 2000 and Beyond: 13 Experts Show the Way

Michael P. Eischen, Larry Chambers

  Financial Success in the Year 2000 and Beyond: 13 Experts Show the Way  Michael P. Eischen, Larry Chambers  Today's investor faces a much larger challenge than those of just ten years ago. The size and complexities of the financial marketplace create confusion. The Dow Jones industrial average has doubled in the past two and a half years, and 10,000 on the Dowis no longer a fantasy. Money keeps flooding into the market. The New York Stock Exchange daily trading volume is four times that of 1990.Financial Success in the Year 2000 and Beyond covers financial planning and asset management, the fastest growing segments of the financial services industry. In the old days, highly commissioned salesmen would simply tell their clients what products to buy. Today, there are infinitely more choices and investments options to sort through and be concerned about. Technology has put complex investing tools into the hands of ordinary people, without good advice on how to use them. Never have so many people experienced so much control over their financial futures, yet felt a need for so much help....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Today's investor faces a much larger challenge than those of just ten years ago. The size and complexities of the financial marketplace create confusion. The Dow Jones industrial average has doubled in the past two and a half years, and 10,000 on the Dowis no longer a fantasy. Money keeps flooding into the market. The New York Stock Exchange daily trading volume is four times that of 1990.Financial Success in the Year 2000 and Beyond covers financial planning and asset management, the fastest growing segments of the financial services industry. In the old days, highly commissioned salesmen would simply tell their clients what products to buy. Today, there are infinitely more choices and investments options to sort through and be concerned about. Technology has put complex investing tools into the hands of ordinary people, without good advice on how to use them. Never have so many people experienced so much control over their financial futures, yet felt a need for so much help.......

Change Power: Capabilities That Drive Corporate Renewal

Dennis Turner, Michael Crawford

  Change Power: Capabilities That Drive Corporate Renewal  Dennis Turner, Michael Crawford  To achieve sustained high performance, organizations need more than the operational capabilities we recognize as familiar and essential management skills and techniques. There are a few key capabilities vital to success in virtually all change situations, and these are different from those capabilities needed to achieve high performance in the here and now. These reshaping capabilities provide the basis for organizational renewal and yet they seem to elude a great many organizations. In an extensive study of 243 cases of organizational change in private and public sector organizations, the authors found that: there was at least one major setback in 67% of the change attempts surveyed 47% of the cases were hit by two major setbacks 29% experienced no less than three. Yet in 88% of cases, executives felt that the new directions they were pursuing were right, and 92% felt that the changes were not beyond their firms capacity to achieve. The reality proved different. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин To achieve sustained high performance, organizations need more than the operational capabilities we recognize as familiar and essential management skills and techniques. There are a few key capabilities vital to success in virtually all change situations, and these are different from those capabilities needed to achieve high performance in the here and now. These reshaping capabilities provide the basis for organizational renewal and yet they seem to elude a great many organizations. In an extensive study of 243 cases of organizational change in private and public sector organizations, the authors found that: there was at least one major setback in 67% of the change attempts surveyed 47% of the cases were hit by two major setbacks 29% experienced no less than three. Yet in 88% of cases, executives felt that the new directions they were pursuing were right, and 92% felt that the changes were not beyond their firms capacity to achieve. The reality proved different. ......

Real Estate Advertising That Works!

Linda Lipman

  Real Estate Advertising That Works!  Linda Lipman  This classic books shows you step-by-step how to use the powerful selling force of advertising to maximize your real estate sales effectiveness. Real Estate Advertising That Works! also gives you complete glossaries of both real estate adjectives andadvertising, printing and newspaper terms that you can use in your own advertising. Plus, it's loaded with hundreds of examples and idea-starters for headlines, body copy and powerful closing phrases for any listing you have!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This classic books shows you step-by-step how to use the powerful selling force of advertising to maximize your real estate sales effectiveness. Real Estate Advertising That Works! also gives you complete glossaries of both real estate adjectives andadvertising, printing and newspaper terms that you can use in your own advertising. Plus, it's loaded with hundreds of examples and idea-starters for headlines, body copy and powerful closing phrases for any listing you have!...

<<<  Аракчеев. Николай Гейнце             Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach (Stanford Business Classics). ... >>>

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King Arthur's Round Table : How Collaborative Conversations Create Smart Organizations. David Perkins, David Perkins . Книги.

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