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OpenVMS with Apache, Osu, and Wasd: The Nonstop Webserver Alan Winston
Whether you're an experienced webmaster new to OpenVMS or an old OpenVMS hand new to webservers, this book will save you time and help you do your job better. The book points out similarities and differences between Unix and VMS, contains a management-friendly explanation of VMS's suitability for 24x7 operation, explains web concepts like authentication and access control models clearly (including honest discussion of drawbacks and weaknesses). Clear examples show how to configure each of the three webservers to accomplish specific goals, and comparisons will help you choose which server to run. If you're using or considering using a VMS webserver, this book is for you. OpenVMS with Apache, OSU and WASD also discusses specific tasks, such as how to port CGI programs from other operating systems, and gives working examples in PERL, Python, and DCL. One chapter also covers database connectivity for VMS-based CGI programs. · Use OpenVMS to provide reliable,......
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Multimedia Technologies and Applications for the 21st Century: Visions of World Experts (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 431) Borko Furht
Multimedia Technologies and Applications for the 21st Century: Visions of World Experts presents contributions from leading researchers and experts describing their current research and their views of the future trends in the field. The book consists of thirteen chapters in five parts. These chapters tackle a number of critical issues in distributed multimedia systems and applications -- from VLSI processors that support multimedia and multimedia servers, through multimedia databases and multimedia networks and communications, to merging multimedia applications. Only a few years ago multimedia seemed like a brand new research field and an emerging new industry. Today, at the edge of the 21st century, multimedia research is coming of age, and the multimedia industry has significantly grown with the total market estimated to be about $50 billion. Several years ago it was felt that the digital media revolution had just started; however, the seeds had been sown long before. Fundamental......
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Photoshop 7.0 Quick Source Guide Quick Source, Quick Source
This 6 page, tri-fold, full-color guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who uses Photoshop 7.0 in a PC or Macintosh environment. In a clear, user-friendly format, it provides step-by-step instructions, short cuts and tips on how to execute the basiccommands of the software. Topics include: Using the NEW File Browser; Opening, Saving, and Creating a File; Customizing your Workspace; Using Tool Presets, the Toolbox, and Palettes; Undoing Items; Working with Layers, Colors, and Filters; Repairing Images; Creating Type, Printing Images, and much more! An excellent instructional tool for a user new to Photoshop 7.0, it also serves as a handy reference tool for the more experienced user....
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Dreamweaver 4/Fireworks 4 Visual JumpStart Ethan Watrall
Dreamweaver4/Fireworks 4 Visual Jumpstart covers both versions in one book, allowing the user to get up to speed quickly with the tasks and functions they need to know and use. It has an informal tone which is accessible and encouraging to even the less experienced users. The marriage of Macromedia's Dreamweaver 4 and Fireworks 4 Studio integrates the power of Dreamweaver, the leading professional visual Web design tool, with Frieworks, a professional vector and bitmap graphics editing tool. This software allows users to cut production time, automate workflow, and customize applications without coding or scripting. Dreamweaver outsells it's closets competitor(Adobe GoLive) by more than 70%(according to PC Data)and is available in nine languages....
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Русско-турецкий разговорник
Астрель, АСТ, Транзиткнига. Русско-турецкий разговорник содержит типичные модели фраз и выражений по широкому кругу тем. Турецкий текст снабжен практической транскрипцией, передающей звуки турецкого языка средствами русской графики. Разговорник предназначен для российских граждан, с разными целями посещающих Турцию и не владеющих турецким языком....
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OpenVMS with Apache, Osu, and Wasd: The Nonstop Webserver. Alan Winston . Книги.
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