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The Economic Nature of the Firm: A Reader Louis G. Putterman, Louis Putterman, Randall S. Kroszner, Randy Kroszner
This book brings together classic writings on the economic nature and organization of firms, including works by Ronald Coase, Armen Alchian and Harold Demsetz, Michael Jensen and William Meckling, and Oliver Williamson, as well as more recent contributions by Paul Milgrom and John Roberts, Bengt Holmstrom, and Oliver Hart. Part I explores the general theme of the firm's economic nature and its place in the market system; Part II covers the scope of the firm; Part III examines internal organization and the human factor; and Part IV ties the firm's organization and behavior to issues of financing and ownership. This second edition has twelve new selections and an introductory essay that surveys the new institutional economics of the firm....
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Building IBM: Shaping an Industry and Its Technology Emerson W. Pugh
No company of the twentieth century achieved greater success and engendered more admiration, respect, envy, fear, and hatred than IBM. Building IBM tells the story of that company -- how it was formed, how it grew, and how it shaped and dominated the information processing industry. Emerson Pugh presents substantial new material about the company in the period before 1945 as well as a new interpretation of the postwar era. Granted unrestricted access to IBM's archival records and withno constraints on the way he chose to treat the information they contained, Pugh dispels many widely held myths about IBM and its leaders and provides new insights on the origins and development of the computer industry. Pugh begins the story with Herman Hollerith's invention of punched-card machines used for tabulating the U.S. Census of 1890, showing how Hollerith's inventions and the business he established provided the primary basis for IBM. He tells why Hollerith......
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Be Quick But Don't Hurry Andrew Hill, John Wooden, John R. Wooden
Perhaps the least controversial sports honor in living memory was the selection of John Wooden as "Coach of the Century" by ESPN, honoring his ten NCAA basketball championships in a twelve-year stretch. His UCLA teams won with great centers and with small lineups, with superstars and with team effort, always with quickness, always with class. Wooden was a teacher first and foremost, and his lessons -- taught on the basketball court, but applicable throughout one's life -- are summarized in his famed Pyramid of Success. Andrew Hill was one of the lucky young men who got to learn from Wooden in his favored classroom -- though that is hardly how Hill would have described it at the time. An all-city high school player in Los Angeles, Hill played -- alittle -- on three national champions, from 1970 to 1972. Hill was left embittered by his experience at UCLA; he was upset at how unequally Wooden treated his starting players and his substitutes. Hill went on to a successful......
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Retro Boomers: A Lifestyle Transition Guide for Baby Boomers Timothy G. Behr
As a Baby Boomer, ask yourself these questions: Do I want something different? Something better? Retro Boomers is the inspirational guide and road map that will guide you toward defining yourself during the pre-retirementphase of your life. If not now, when? Start today by re-creating and reinventing yourself. Follow the steps in this book to find a career of passion and purpose. With the help of Retro Boomers you will discover your life's passion and be embodied by a sense of fulfillment. This book will tell you how to pursue your dreams and create a new Retro Boomer lifestyle that is within your reach....
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Expanding Partnerships in Conservation Jeffrey A. McNeely, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Ve World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas 1992 Caracas
Protected areas around the globe national parks, wildlife reserves, biosphere reserves will prosper only if they are supported by the public, the private sector, and the full range of government agencies. Yet such support is unlikely unless society appreciates the importance of protected areas to its own interest, and the protected areas are well-managed and contribute to the national welfare in a cost-effective way. A crucial foundation for success is full cooperation between individuals and institutions. Based on papers presented at the IVth World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas, Expanding Partnerships in Conservation explores how new and stronger partnerships can be formed between managers of protected areas and other sectors of society. It describes a range of activities currently underway in many parts of the world that are intended to improve conservation efforts at the international, national, and local levels....
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The Economic Nature of the Firm: A Reader. Louis G. Putterman, Louis Putterman, Randall S. Kroszner, Randy Kroszner . Книги.
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