Aspect Patterns: What They Reveal & How They Are Triggered

  Aspect Patterns: What They Reveal & How They Are Triggered  Stephanie Clement  Stephanie Clement  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Stephanie Clement...

The Dharma's Gatekeepers: Sakya Pandita on Buddhist Scholarship in Tibet

  The Dharma's Gatekeepers: Sakya Pandita on Buddhist Scholarship in Tibet  Jonathan C. Gold  Jonathan C. Gold  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jonathan C. Gold...

Скажи депрессии "Прощай!", или Как избавиться от проблем

Е. В. Емельянова

  Скажи депрессии Речь. Все будет хорошо!. Нерешенные проблемы, сложные взаимоотношения с близкими, стрессы в личной жизни и на работе - все это нередко печалит нас, выбивает из колеи, лишает жизненных сил... и иногда приводит к возникновению депрессии. В данной книге описывается очень мягкий, постепенный, "щадящий" путь выхода из этого тяжелого состояния, который неоднократно применялся автором и приводил к стойкому успеху. Описания и упражнения подобраны таким образом, что их можно выполнять индивидуально, самостоятельно или в совместной работе с психологом. В качестве иллюстраций к теоретическим блокам приводятся примеры из психологической практики. Поэтому пользоваться книгой могут все, кого интересует данная тема....

Casting a Shadow: Creating the Alfred Hitchcock Film

Edited by Will Schmenner

  Casting a Shadow: Creating the Alfred Hitchcock Film  Edited by Will Schmenner  Northwestern University Press.   Alfred Hitchcock is often held up as the prime example of the one-man filmmaker, conceiving and controlling all aspects of his films' development--the archetype of genius over collaboration. An exhibition at the Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University, however, put the lie to Hitchcock-as-auteur, presenting more than seventy-five sketches, designs, watercolors, paintings, and storyboards that, together, examine Hitchcock's very collaborative filmmaking process. The four essays in this collection were written to accompany the exhibition and delve further into Hitchcock's contributions to the collaborative process of art in film. Scott Curtis considers the four functions of Hitchcock's sketches and storyboards and how they undermine the impression of Hitchcock as a lone artist. Tom Gunning examines the visual vocabulary and cultural weight of Hitchcock's movies. Bill Krohn focuses sharply on the film I Confess, tracking its making over a very cooperative path. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Northwestern University Press. Alfred Hitchcock is often held up as the prime example of the one-man filmmaker, conceiving and controlling all aspects of his films' development--the archetype of genius over collaboration. An exhibition at the Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University, however, put the lie to Hitchcock-as-auteur, presenting more than seventy-five sketches, designs, watercolors, paintings, and storyboards that, together, examine Hitchcock's very collaborative filmmaking process. The four essays in this collection were written to accompany the exhibition and delve further into Hitchcock's contributions to the collaborative process of art in film. Scott Curtis considers the four functions of Hitchcock's sketches and storyboards and how they undermine the impression of Hitchcock as a lone artist. Tom Gunning examines the visual vocabulary and cultural weight of Hitchcock's movies. Bill Krohn focuses sharply on the film I Confess, tracking its making over a very cooperative path. ......

Science, Math, Checkmate: 32 Chess Activities for Inquiry and Problem Solving

  Science, Math, Checkmate: 32 Chess Activities for Inquiry and Problem Solving  Alexey W. Root  Alexey W. Root  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Alexey W. Root...

<<<  $то причин убить босса. Макс Нарышкин             Отмщение. Кэролайн Хаддад >>>

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Aspect Patterns: What They Reveal & How They Are Triggered. Stephanie Clement . Книги.

Березники, Пермь, Рязань, Архангельск, Калуга, Челябинск, Саратов, Муром, Екатеринбург,
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