По северу России

К. К. Случевский

  По северу России  К. К. Случевский  ОГИ (Объединенное Гуманитарное Издательство).   Путешествия.   Константин Константинович Случевский - крупнейший русский поэт второй половины XIX в. Особое место в его творчестве занимают путевые очерки ОГИ (Объединенное Гуманитарное Издательство). Путешествия. Константин Константинович Случевский - крупнейший русский поэт второй половины XIX в. Особое место в его творчестве занимают путевые очерки "По северу России" (1886-1888) и "По северо-западу России" (1897), появившиеся после поездки в свите великого князя Владимира Александровича по северо-западным и северным губерниям европейской России. Написанные по горячим следам, очерки отразили динамичную и разнообразную жизнь русского Севера в царствование Александра III. "Архангельск, несомненно, город будущего… К нему должны тянуться не только северные окраины, к нему должна тянуться Россия", - проницательно утверждает автор....

Wet-on-Wet Watercolour Painting: A Complete Guide to Techniques and Materials

Ewa Karpinska

  Wet-on-Wet Watercolour Painting: A Complete Guide to Techniques and Materials  Ewa Karpinska  Watercolor is the medium of choice for visual artists today, and this practical guide is a must-have for beginners and experienced painters alike. Everything watercolorists need to bring their vision alive on paper is here: how to follow the inner rhythm of the water, when to stop and reflect and when to take instant action, and how to choose the appropriate surface, color, and brushstroke. All wet-on-wet techniques are explored and a series of vibrant sample pieces break down the painting process to educate and inspire.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Watercolor is the medium of choice for visual artists today, and this practical guide is a must-have for beginners and experienced painters alike. Everything watercolorists need to bring their vision alive on paper is here: how to follow the inner rhythm of the water, when to stop and reflect and when to take instant action, and how to choose the appropriate surface, color, and brushstroke. All wet-on-wet techniques are explored and a series of vibrant sample pieces break down the painting process to educate and inspire....

Penelope and the Preposterous Birthday Party

Sheri Radford

  Penelope and the Preposterous Birthday Party  Sheri Radford  (ages 4 - 6) The latest book in the (ages 4 - 6) The latest book in the "Penelope" series is a comical birthday celebration with hilarious illustrations and uproarious text. Penelope is having a birthday party and everyone is invited. But as her parents quickly realize, Penelope really did invite everyone. As ballerinas leap through the air, ponies meander through the kitchen, soccer players kick penalty shots in the living room, and an elephant makes himself at home, Penelope's flabbergasted parents find increasingly dramatic words (outrageous ... ridiculous ... preposterous) to describe the growing chaos. Even though Penelope meant well by not leaving anyone out, it's clear that this birthday bash has gone berserk ... bonkers ... bananas! Ring the doorbell and join Penelope's party – with this birthday girl, it's bound to be a blast!This is the third book in the award-winning "Penelope" series which also includes Penelope and the Monsters (Lobster Press, 2005), which the Vancouver Sun called "comedy both parents and......

Diego's Egyptian Expedition (Go, Diego, Go!)

  Diego's Egyptian Expedition (Go, Diego, Go!)  Diego is very far away from the rainforest in a country called Egypt. There he learns about very special animals that live in the desert. Join Diego and his new friend Medina as they cross the desert, find the Great Pyramids, and save the camels.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Diego is very far away from the rainforest in a country called Egypt. There he learns about very special animals that live in the desert. Join Diego and his new friend Medina as they cross the desert, find the Great Pyramids, and save the camels....

Absolute Java (4th Edition)

Walter Savitch

  Absolute Java (4th Edition)  Walter Savitch  KEY BENEFIT: Java programming concepts and techniques are discussed in a straightforward style using understandable language and code. KEY TOPICS: Console I/O; FLow of Control; Defining Classes; Arrays; Inheritance; Polymorphism and Abstract Classes; Exception Handling; File I/O; Recursion; UML and Patterns; Interfaces and Inner Classes; Generics and the ArrayList Class; Linked Data Structures; Collections, Maps, and Iterators; Swing; Web Programming with JSP; Database Programming with Java. MARKET: Ideal for both introductory and intermediate Java programmers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин KEY BENEFIT: Java programming concepts and techniques are discussed in a straightforward style using understandable language and code. KEY TOPICS: Console I/O; FLow of Control; Defining Classes; Arrays; Inheritance; Polymorphism and Abstract Classes; Exception Handling; File I/O; Recursion; UML and Patterns; Interfaces and Inner Classes; Generics and the ArrayList Class; Linked Data Structures; Collections, Maps, and Iterators; Swing; Web Programming with JSP; Database Programming with Java. MARKET: Ideal for both introductory and intermediate Java programmers....

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По северу России. К. К. Случевский . Книги.

Йошкар-Ола, Первоуральск, Пенза, Ижевск, Волгодонск, Димитровград, Артём, Москв, Комсомольск-на-Амуре,
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