
  Колобок  Проф-Пресс.   Читаем детям.   Прочитайте вашему малышу эту русскую народную сказку про Колобка. Красочные иллюстрации не оставят вашего ребенка равнодушным.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Проф-Пресс. Читаем детям. Прочитайте вашему малышу эту русскую народную сказку про Колобка. Красочные иллюстрации не оставят вашего ребенка равнодушным....

Wallpaper City Guide: Vienna

  Wallpaper City Guide: Vienna  Phaidon Press.   Wallpaper City Guide.   Phaidon Press. Wallpaper City Guide. "Wallpaper City Guides" not only suggest where to stay, eat, and drink, but what the tourist passionate about design might want to see, whether he or she has a week or just 24 hours in the city. The guides feature up-and-coming areas, landmark buildings in an 'Architour', design centers, and a selection of the best shops to buy items unique to the particular city. "Wallpaper City Guides" present travelers with a fast-track ticket to the chosen location. The edited guides offer the best, the most exciting, and the most beautiful of the featured city. In addition to looking beautiful, the guides are expertly designed with function as a priority. They have tabbed sections so the tourist can easily find what he or she is looking for. Also included are color-coded city maps, rate and currency cards, and an easy navigational tool. They are the ultimate combination of form and function. Compiled by the well-traveled editorial team of Wallpaper and by an extraordinary......

Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review)

M. Raafat El-Gewely

  Biotechnology Annual R Volume 14 (Biotechnology Annual Review) (Biotechnology Annual Review)  M. Raafat El-Gewely  Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the challenges of staying on top of developments in their field of specialty and maintaining a broader overview of the field as a whole. This latest volume of Biotechnology Annual Review comprises expert reviews on a diverse range of topics, ranging from gene expression microarray analysis to the use of ethnomedicines and ethnomedicinal phytophores to treat herpes viruses. Such a diverse range of review topics will keep biotechnologists of all levels up-to-date on the latest in the vast field of biotechnology and deepen their understanding of the many facets of the field as a whole..More than 150 figures elucidate and reinforce key points.Inclusion of reviews of such hot-topics as arginine methylation in health and disease .Wide variety of coverage keeps biotechnologists up-to-date on many facets of the field  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Biotechnology is a diverse, complex, and rapidly evolving field. Students and experienced researchers alike face the challenges of staying on top of developments in their field of specialty and maintaining a broader overview of the field as a whole. This latest volume of Biotechnology Annual Review comprises expert reviews on a diverse range of topics, ranging from gene expression microarray analysis to the use of ethnomedicines and ethnomedicinal phytophores to treat herpes viruses. Such a diverse range of review topics will keep biotechnologists of all levels up-to-date on the latest in the vast field of biotechnology and deepen their understanding of the many facets of the field as a whole..More than 150 figures elucidate and reinforce key points.Inclusion of reviews of such hot-topics as arginine methylation in health and disease .Wide variety of coverage keeps biotechnologists up-to-date on many facets of the field...

Серенький козлик

  Серенький козлик  Проф-Пресс.   Читаем детям.   Проф-Пресс. Читаем детям. "Жил был у бабушки серенький колик…" - так начинается всеми известная и любимая песенка. Прочитайте вашему малышу эту историю, а красочные иллюстрации не заставят ребенка скучать....

Grounding Globalization (Antipode Book Series)

Edward Webster, Rob Lambert, Andries Beziudenhout

  Grounding Globalization (Antipode Book Series)  Edward Webster, Rob Lambert, Andries Beziudenhout  Claims have been made on the emergence of a new labour internationalism in response to the growing insecurity created by globalization. However, when persons face conditions of insecurity they often turn inwards. The book contains a warning and a sign of hope. Some workers become fatalistic, even xenophobic. Others are attempting to globalize their own struggles. * Examines the claim that a new labour internationalism is emerging by grounding the book in evidence, rather than assertion * Analyzes three distinct places -Orange, Australia; Changwon, South Korea; and Ezakheni, South Africa - and how they dealt with manufacturing plants undergoing restructuring * Explores worker responses to rising levels of insecurity and examines preconditions for the emergence of counter-movements to such insecurity * Highlights the significance of 'place' and 'scale', and demonstrates how the restructuring of multi-national corporations, and worker responses to this,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Claims have been made on the emergence of a new labour internationalism in response to the growing insecurity created by globalization. However, when persons face conditions of insecurity they often turn inwards. The book contains a warning and a sign of hope. Some workers become fatalistic, even xenophobic. Others are attempting to globalize their own struggles. * Examines the claim that a new labour internationalism is emerging by grounding the book in evidence, rather than assertion * Analyzes three distinct places -Orange, Australia; Changwon, South Korea; and Ezakheni, South Africa - and how they dealt with manufacturing plants undergoing restructuring * Explores worker responses to rising levels of insecurity and examines preconditions for the emergence of counter-movements to such insecurity * Highlights the significance of 'place' and 'scale', and demonstrates how the restructuring of multi-national corporations, and worker responses to this,......

<<<  Латиноамериканский исторический альманах, №8, 2008.              Отмщение. Кэролайн Хаддад >>>

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