Победите сердечно-сосудистые заболевания с помощью диеты по группе крови

Питер Д'Адамо, Кэтрин Уитни

  Победите сердечно-сосудистые заболевания с помощью диеты по группе крови  Питер Д'Адамо, Кэтрин Уитни  Попурри.   Учтя свойства человеческой крови, в соответствии с которыми её принято делить на 4 группы, доктор Д'Адамо предлагает широкому кругу читателей индивидуализированные планы питания для профилактики и лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Попурри. Учтя свойства человеческой крови, в соответствии с которыми её принято делить на 4 группы, доктор Д'Адамо предлагает широкому кругу читателей индивидуализированные планы питания для профилактики и лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний...

Analyzing Companies and Valuing Shares: How to Make the Right Investment Decision (Investor's Guide)

Michael Cahill

  Analyzing Companies and Valuing Shares: How to Make the Right Investment Decision (Investor's Guide)  Michael Cahill  Book DescriptionGetting to the real value of a business and assessing what are its shares really worth suddenly looks less clear cut. In an investment environment that is extremely challenging even for experienced City professionals, doing your homework has never been more important. And with the current accounting scandals rocking confidence and the markets being able to accurately value companies, stock has just taken on a whole new dimension. The book goes beyond investment ratios to explore what these ratios tell us about the company as an investment or what the ratios tell us about the stock market's assessment of the company and its prospects  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionGetting to the real value of a business and assessing what are its shares really worth suddenly looks less clear cut. In an investment environment that is extremely challenging even for experienced City professionals, doing your homework has never been more important. And with the current accounting scandals rocking confidence and the markets being able to accurately value companies, stock has just taken on a whole new dimension. The book goes beyond investment ratios to explore what these ratios tell us about the company as an investment or what the ratios tell us about the stock market's assessment of the company and its prospects...

Anselm Kiefer: Merkaba

Anselm Kiefer

  Anselm Kiefer: Merkaba  Anselm Kiefer  Book DescriptionAccording to the Kabbala, the Merkaba and Hechaloth literature deals specifically with the ascent to the seven heavenly palaces or temples, which represent the seven attainments of divine spirituality. Kiefer's spiritual architecture of the heavenly palaces bring the seas and land, heavens and earth back together. His poetry of images unites NASA's cosmological ordering of the stars with the mystical ordering of the ascent. Essay by Harold Bloom.~Foreword by St. John Perse.~Introduction by Ealan Wingate. Hardcover, 10.75 x 12.25 in./120 pgs / 60 color 0 BW13 duotone 0 ~ Item D20138  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAccording to the Kabbala, the Merkaba and Hechaloth literature deals specifically with the ascent to the seven heavenly palaces or temples, which represent the seven attainments of divine spirituality. Kiefer's spiritual architecture of the heavenly palaces bring the seas and land, heavens and earth back together. His poetry of images unites NASA's cosmological ordering of the stars with the mystical ordering of the ascent. Essay by Harold Bloom.~Foreword by St. John Perse.~Introduction by Ealan Wingate. Hardcover, 10.75 x 12.25 in./120 pgs / 60 color 0 BW13 duotone 0 ~ Item D20138...

The Beginner's Guide to Drawing People : Step-by-Step Techniques for Beginners, Covering Figure Drawing, Human Anatomy and the Female Nude (Beginner's Guide)

Patricia Monahan

  The Beginner's Guide to Drawing People : Step-by-Step Techniques for Beginners, Covering Figure Drawing, Human Anatomy and the Female Nude (Beginner's Guide)  Patricia Monahan  Book Description From understanding the basics of human anatomy to capturing the grace of the female nude to accurately depicting a person’s figure and form, this covers it all: choosing and using tools and materials, capturing both still posesand motion, and completing exciting, skill-building projects. “Detailed and engaging projects. Highly recommended.”— Library Journal.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description From understanding the basics of human anatomy to capturing the grace of the female nude to accurately depicting a person’s figure and form, this covers it all: choosing and using tools and materials, capturing both still posesand motion, and completing exciting, skill-building projects. “Detailed and engaging projects. Highly recommended.”— Library Journal....

The Light Fantastic : A Discworld Novel

Terry Pratchett

  The Light Fantastic : A Discworld Novel  Terry Pratchett  Harper Paperbacks.   Terry Pratchett 's profoundly irreverent, bestselling novels have garnered him a revered position in the halls of parody next to the likes of Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, and Carl Hiaasen. In The Light Fantastic , only one individual can save the world from a disastrous collision. Unfortunately, the hero happens to be the singularly inept wizard Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harper Paperbacks. Terry Pratchett 's profoundly irreverent, bestselling novels have garnered him a revered position in the halls of parody next to the likes of Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, and Carl Hiaasen. In The Light Fantastic , only one individual can save the world from a disastrous collision. Unfortunately, the hero happens to be the singularly inept wizard Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world....

<<<  Бумеранг не возвращается. Виктор Михайлов             Автоматизация проектирования радиоэлектронных средств. ... >>>

На главную

Победите сердечно-сосудистые заболевания с помощью диеты по группе крови. Питер Д'Адамо, Кэтрин Уитни . Книги.

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