Человек-невидимка (аудиокнига MP3)

Герберт Уэллс

  Человек-невидимка (аудиокнига MP3)  Герберт Уэллс  МедиаКнига, 1С-Паблишинг.   В знаменитом романе писателя-фантаста Герберта Уэлдса увлекательно и реалистично рассказывается о судьбе ученого, который изобрел состав, делающий человека невидимым, и испытал его на себе.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин МедиаКнига, 1С-Паблишинг. В знаменитом романе писателя-фантаста Герберта Уэлдса увлекательно и реалистично рассказывается о судьбе ученого, который изобрел состав, делающий человека невидимым, и испытал его на себе....

Innovation Policy and the Economy : Volume 3 (Innovation Policy and the Economy (Paperback))

  Innovation Policy and the Economy : Volume 3 (Innovation Policy and the Economy (Paperback))  Book DescriptionThis annual series, sponsored by the National Bureau of Economic Research, provides a forum for research on the interactions among public policy, the innovation process, and the economy. Discussions cover all types of policy that affect the ability of an economy to achieve scientific and technological progress or that affect the impact of science and technology on economic growth. The books are designed to be of interest to general readers interested in public policy as well as to economists.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis annual series, sponsored by the National Bureau of Economic Research, provides a forum for research on the interactions among public policy, the innovation process, and the economy. Discussions cover all types of policy that affect the ability of an economy to achieve scientific and technological progress or that affect the impact of science and technology on economic growth. The books are designed to be of interest to general readers interested in public policy as well as to economists....

Irrational Modernism : A Neurasthenic History of New York Dada

Amelia Jones

  Irrational Modernism : A Neurasthenic History of New York Dada  Amelia Jones  Book DescriptionIn Irrational Modernism , Amelia Jones gives us a history of New York Dada, reinterpreted in relation to the life and works of Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Jones enlarges our conception of New York Dada beyond the male avant-garde heroics of Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, and Francis Picabia to include the rebellious body of the Baroness. If they practiced Dada, she lived it, with her unorthodox personal life, wild assemblage objects, radical poetry and prose, and the flamboyantself-displays by which she became her own work of art. Through this reinterpretation, Jones not only provides a revisionist history of an art movement but also suggests a new method of art history. Jones argues that the accepted idea of New York Dada as epitomized by Duchamp's readymades and their implicit cultural critique does not take into consideration the contradictions within the movement -- its misogyny, for example -- or the social turmoil of the period caused by...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn Irrational Modernism , Amelia Jones gives us a history of New York Dada, reinterpreted in relation to the life and works of Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Jones enlarges our conception of New York Dada beyond the male avant-garde heroics of Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, and Francis Picabia to include the rebellious body of the Baroness. If they practiced Dada, she lived it, with her unorthodox personal life, wild assemblage objects, radical poetry and prose, and the flamboyantself-displays by which she became her own work of art. Through this reinterpretation, Jones not only provides a revisionist history of an art movement but also suggests a new method of art history. Jones argues that the accepted idea of New York Dada as epitomized by Duchamp's readymades and their implicit cultural critique does not take into consideration the contradictions within the movement -- its misogyny, for example -- or the social turmoil of the period caused by......

Mountain Photography

Philip R. I. Smith

  Mountain Photography  Philip R. I. Smith  Book DescriptionThis valuable how-to guide will be much appreciated by outdoor enthusiasts who want better-quality photographs to record their wilderness experiences. The author starts with the basics, offering suggestions on choosing a suitable camera and accessories. Helpful insights are given into both landscape and action photography, with an emphasis on how to avoid the pitfalls. Enhanced by many full-colour illustrations, the book also includes tips from well-known photographers such as Pat Morrow and Galen Rowell.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis valuable how-to guide will be much appreciated by outdoor enthusiasts who want better-quality photographs to record their wilderness experiences. The author starts with the basics, offering suggestions on choosing a suitable camera and accessories. Helpful insights are given into both landscape and action photography, with an emphasis on how to avoid the pitfalls. Enhanced by many full-colour illustrations, the book also includes tips from well-known photographers such as Pat Morrow and Galen Rowell....

Ecohouse, Second Edition

Sue Roaf

  Ecohouse, Second Edition  Sue Roaf  Book DescriptionEcohouse 2 tells you how to design low energy, environmentally friendly buildings. It provides the foundations for building design in a warming world, and shows how to take the first step towards the zero-carbon emission buildings of tomorrow. Sue Roaf is famed for her approach to design and her awareness of energy efficiency. Here she reveals the concepts, structures and techniques that lie behind the realization of her ideals. By using her own house as a case-study Roaf guides the reader through the ideas for energy efficient design or 'eco design'. This second edition, a follow up to the best selling original, introduces new sections including earth sheltering and reed beds. It also explores 24 case-studies of ecohouses from around the world. It is an ideal comprehensive reference for architects, designers and their clients, as well as self builders, who wish to help make sustainable design a reality. * 24 case studies from around the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionEcohouse 2 tells you how to design low energy, environmentally friendly buildings. It provides the foundations for building design in a warming world, and shows how to take the first step towards the zero-carbon emission buildings of tomorrow. Sue Roaf is famed for her approach to design and her awareness of energy efficiency. Here she reveals the concepts, structures and techniques that lie behind the realization of her ideals. By using her own house as a case-study Roaf guides the reader through the ideas for energy efficient design or 'eco design'. This second edition, a follow up to the best selling original, introduces new sections including earth sheltering and reed beds. It also explores 24 case-studies of ecohouses from around the world. It is an ideal comprehensive reference for architects, designers and their clients, as well as self builders, who wish to help make sustainable design a reality. * 24 case studies from around the......

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Человек-невидимка (аудиокнига MP3). Герберт Уэллс . Книги.

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