Carriage Of Goods By Sea

John Furness Wilson

  Carriage Of Goods By Sea  John Furness Wilson  The fifth edition of Carriage of Goods by Sea has been brought up to date with the latest judicial decisions, statutory developments and changes in shipping practice. It provides an authoritative, comprehensive and critical survey of the law relating to the carriage of goods by sea. While dealing primarily with charterparties and bills of lading, attention is also given to new forms of documentation and problems involving through and combined transport. A separate chapter is also devoted to dispute settlement. Throughout, legal principles are examined against the background of current documentation and factors involved in the prosecution of a cargo claim, thus lending the legal analysis a useful practical orientation. This is one of the leading authorities on this important area of international trade law, and is suitable for recommendation to students on courses on international trade law, carriage of goods by sea and maritime law. It is also a useful reference for newly...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The fifth edition of Carriage of Goods by Sea has been brought up to date with the latest judicial decisions, statutory developments and changes in shipping practice. It provides an authoritative, comprehensive and critical survey of the law relating to the carriage of goods by sea. While dealing primarily with charterparties and bills of lading, attention is also given to new forms of documentation and problems involving through and combined transport. A separate chapter is also devoted to dispute settlement. Throughout, legal principles are examined against the background of current documentation and factors involved in the prosecution of a cargo claim, thus lending the legal analysis a useful practical orientation. This is one of the leading authorities on this important area of international trade law, and is suitable for recommendation to students on courses on international trade law, carriage of goods by sea and maritime law. It is also a useful reference for newly......

Strategic Management: Concepts (11th Edition)

Fred David

  Strategic Management: Concepts (11th Edition)  Fred David  Featuring a model that is widely used for strategic planning among consultants and companies worldwide, this current, well-written book offers a practitioner-oriented perspective, meets all AACSB guidelines, and focuses on skill-building in all major areas of strategy formation, implementation, and evaluation. Global, natural environment and e-commerce themes are evident throughout the book which also contains 46 Experiential Exercises. A five-part organization includes an overview of strategic management; coverage of strategic formulation, implementation, and evaluation; and a strategic management case analysis. For consultants and other strategic planners.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Featuring a model that is widely used for strategic planning among consultants and companies worldwide, this current, well-written book offers a practitioner-oriented perspective, meets all AACSB guidelines, and focuses on skill-building in all major areas of strategy formation, implementation, and evaluation. Global, natural environment and e-commerce themes are evident throughout the book which also contains 46 Experiential Exercises. A five-part organization includes an overview of strategic management; coverage of strategic formulation, implementation, and evaluation; and a strategic management case analysis. For consultants and other strategic planners....

Волоконная оптика. Теория и практика

Девид Бейли, Эдвин Райт

  Волоконная оптика. Теория и практика  Девид Бейли, Эдвин Райт  КУДИЦ-Пресс.   Сетевые технологии.   Цель книги - дать всесторонний обзор принципов действия оптического волокна, а также основы проектирования и использования волоконно-оптической технологии в системах связи и различных промышленных приложениях. Материал изложен в том порядке, какой существует в практике проектирования волоконно-оптических систем: от проектирования и выбора оборудования до тестирования готовых систем. Приведенные в книге базовые принципы электротехники и электроники в концепции к излагаемому материалу, а также теория волоконно-оптической передачи, позволяют рекомендовать книгу, как учебное пособие для студентов вузов и различных курсов повышения квалификации инженеров-проектировщиков и монтажников.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин КУДИЦ-Пресс. Сетевые технологии. Цель книги - дать всесторонний обзор принципов действия оптического волокна, а также основы проектирования и использования волоконно-оптической технологии в системах связи и различных промышленных приложениях. Материал изложен в том порядке, какой существует в практике проектирования волоконно-оптических систем: от проектирования и выбора оборудования до тестирования готовых систем. Приведенные в книге базовые принципы электротехники и электроники в концепции к излагаемому материалу, а также теория волоконно-оптической передачи, позволяют рекомендовать книгу, как учебное пособие для студентов вузов и различных курсов повышения квалификации инженеров-проектировщиков и монтажников....

Earth-Sheltered Houses: How to Build an Affordable...

Rob Roy

  Earth-Sheltered Houses: How to Build an Affordable...  Rob Roy  An earth-sheltered, earth-roofed home has the least impact upon the land of all housing styles, leaving almost zero footprint on the planet. Earth-Sheltered Houses is a practical guide for those who want to build their own underground home at moderate cost. It describes the benefits of sheltering a home with earth, including the added comfort and energy efficiency from the moderating influence of the earth on the home's temperature (keeping it warm in the winter and cool in the summer), along with the benefits of low maintenance and the protection against fire, sound, earthquake, and storm afforded by the earth. Extra benefits from adding an earth or other living roof option include greater longevity of the roof substrate, fine aesthetics, and environmental harmony. The book covers all of the various construction techniques involved, including details on planning, excavation, footings, floor, walls, framing, roofing, waterproofing, insulation, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин An earth-sheltered, earth-roofed home has the least impact upon the land of all housing styles, leaving almost zero footprint on the planet. Earth-Sheltered Houses is a practical guide for those who want to build their own underground home at moderate cost. It describes the benefits of sheltering a home with earth, including the added comfort and energy efficiency from the moderating influence of the earth on the home's temperature (keeping it warm in the winter and cool in the summer), along with the benefits of low maintenance and the protection against fire, sound, earthquake, and storm afforded by the earth. Extra benefits from adding an earth or other living roof option include greater longevity of the roof substrate, fine aesthetics, and environmental harmony. The book covers all of the various construction techniques involved, including details on planning, excavation, footings, floor, walls, framing, roofing, waterproofing, insulation, and......

Henri Rousseau: Jungles in Paris

  Henri Rousseau: Jungles in Paris  Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) was a self-taught artist with a unique style, exemplified in his visionary jungle scenes. These dream-like tableaux, for which he drew heavily on visits to Paris' Botanical Gardens, captivate with the lushness of their plant an animal life, while unsettling the viewer with their heady combination of exoticism and romanticism. This sumptuously illustrated book provides not only a comprehensive overview of Rousseau's career, but also penetrating insights into his inspiraton. With large, color reproductions of his paintings, many previously unpublished illustrations of his sources and influences, and a wealth of new research on his life and work (including the only interview conducted with the artist), Henri Rousseau: Jngles in Paris is poised to become the definitive volume on this remarkable painter.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Henri Rousseau (1844-1910) was a self-taught artist with a unique style, exemplified in his visionary jungle scenes. These dream-like tableaux, for which he drew heavily on visits to Paris' Botanical Gardens, captivate with the lushness of their plant an animal life, while unsettling the viewer with their heady combination of exoticism and romanticism. This sumptuously illustrated book provides not only a comprehensive overview of Rousseau's career, but also penetrating insights into his inspiraton. With large, color reproductions of his paintings, many previously unpublished illustrations of his sources and influences, and a wealth of new research on his life and work (including the only interview conducted with the artist), Henri Rousseau: Jngles in Paris is poised to become the definitive volume on this remarkable painter....

<<<  История печати. Том 3. Г. Буасье, М. Шедлинг, В. Лазурский             Автоматизация проектирования радиоэлектронных средств. ... >>>

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Carriage Of Goods By Sea. John Furness Wilson . Книги.

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