Искусная хозяйка. 365 меню на каждый день

Л. Трофиненко

  Искусная хозяйка. 365 меню на каждый день  Л. Трофиненко  Махаон.   Ежедневные завтраки, обеды, ужины... Это достаточно тяжелый труд для каждой хозяйки. Книга, которую вы держите в руках, уникальна. В ней собраны рецепты вкусных блюд на каждый день года! Это супы и вторые блюда, салаты и холодные закуски, десерты и выпечка с учетом времени года, праздничных и выходных дней. Готовьте с удовольствием и ешьте на здоровье!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Махаон. Ежедневные завтраки, обеды, ужины... Это достаточно тяжелый труд для каждой хозяйки. Книга, которую вы держите в руках, уникальна. В ней собраны рецепты вкусных блюд на каждый день года! Это супы и вторые блюда, салаты и холодные закуски, десерты и выпечка с учетом времени года, праздничных и выходных дней. Готовьте с удовольствием и ешьте на здоровье!...

Adobe Photoshop CS Studio Techniques

Ben Willmore

  Adobe Photoshop CS Studio Techniques  Ben Willmore  Adobe Press.   If you're ready to go from Photoshop competent to Photoshop enlightened, this is the place to turn. In these pages, revered Photoshop instructor Ben Willmore explains the whys behind the how's so that you can unleash Photoshop CS' full creative potential. In a friendly, easy-going style that's long on information and short on techno-babble, Ben explains the concepts, features, and techniques that promise to make a real difference in the way you use Photoshop CS. Complex concepts like curves and channels are made crystal clear, and features new to Photoshop CS--like the very cool PhotoMerge function for creating panoramic composite images, support for nested layers, and more--are covered in the depth they deserve. After a quick grounding in the tools, palettes, layers, and masks at the program's core, Ben gets into the real-world production techniques that make up the heart of this volume: sharpening scans, correcting and optimizing images, and more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Adobe Press. If you're ready to go from Photoshop competent to Photoshop enlightened, this is the place to turn. In these pages, revered Photoshop instructor Ben Willmore explains the whys behind the how's so that you can unleash Photoshop CS' full creative potential. In a friendly, easy-going style that's long on information and short on techno-babble, Ben explains the concepts, features, and techniques that promise to make a real difference in the way you use Photoshop CS. Complex concepts like curves and channels are made crystal clear, and features new to Photoshop CS--like the very cool PhotoMerge function for creating panoramic composite images, support for nested layers, and more--are covered in the depth they deserve. After a quick grounding in the tools, palettes, layers, and masks at the program's core, Ben gets into the real-world production techniques that make up the heart of this volume: sharpening scans, correcting and optimizing images, and more....

Reasoning about Uncertainty

Joseph Y. Halpern

  Reasoning about Uncertainty  Joseph Y. Halpern  Uncertainty is a fundamental and unavoidable feature of daily life; in order to deal with uncertaintly intelligently, we need to be able to represent it and reason about it. In this book, Joseph Halpern examines formal ways of representing uncertainty and considers various logics for reasoning about it. While the ideas presented are formalized in terms of definitions and theorems, the emphasis is on the philosophy of representing and reasoning about uncertainty; the material is accessible and relevant toresearchers and students in many fields, including computer science, artificial intelligence, economics (particularly game theory), mathematics, philosophy, and statistics. Halpern begins by surveying possible formal systems for representinguncertainty, including probability measures, possibility measures, and plausibility measures. He considers the updating of beliefs based on changing information and the relation to Bayes' theorem; this leads to a discussion of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Uncertainty is a fundamental and unavoidable feature of daily life; in order to deal with uncertaintly intelligently, we need to be able to represent it and reason about it. In this book, Joseph Halpern examines formal ways of representing uncertainty and considers various logics for reasoning about it. While the ideas presented are formalized in terms of definitions and theorems, the emphasis is on the philosophy of representing and reasoning about uncertainty; the material is accessible and relevant toresearchers and students in many fields, including computer science, artificial intelligence, economics (particularly game theory), mathematics, philosophy, and statistics. Halpern begins by surveying possible formal systems for representinguncertainty, including probability measures, possibility measures, and plausibility measures. He considers the updating of beliefs based on changing information and the relation to Bayes' theorem; this leads to a discussion of......

Structured Fortran 77 for Engineers and Scientists

Delores M. Etter, Delores M. Etter, Joe Hayton

  Structured Fortran 77 for Engineers and Scientists  Delores M. Etter, Delores M. Etter, Joe Hayton  This introductory text is designed to teach FORTRAN as a first programming language. The text's applications-oriented approach motivates readers by bringing engineering concepts to life. The author's proven five-step problem solving methodology, stressing top-down design techniques, is used throughout the book as an organizing principle for addressing and solving engineering problems with FORTRAN 77.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This introductory text is designed to teach FORTRAN as a first programming language. The text's applications-oriented approach motivates readers by bringing engineering concepts to life. The author's proven five-step problem solving methodology, stressing top-down design techniques, is used throughout the book as an organizing principle for addressing and solving engineering problems with FORTRAN 77....

Афоризмы для умных людей. Не падай духом где попало!

Геннадий Малкин

  Афоризмы для умных людей. Не падай духом где попало!  Геннадий Малкин  Рипол Классик.   Автор нашего сборника - один из самых ярких и оригинальных российских афористов. Его остроумные, образные, отточенные, порой парадоксальные максимы давно стали знаком нашего времени и пространства, многие из них хорошо известны читателю, который даже не подозревает, что у этих кратких и удивительно точных мыслей есть конкретный автор.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Рипол Классик. Автор нашего сборника - один из самых ярких и оригинальных российских афористов. Его остроумные, образные, отточенные, порой парадоксальные максимы давно стали знаком нашего времени и пространства, многие из них хорошо известны читателю, который даже не подозревает, что у этих кратких и удивительно точных мыслей есть конкретный автор....

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Искусная хозяйка. 365 меню на каждый день. Л. Трофиненко . Книги.

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