Real Stories from the Rink

Brian McFarlane

  Real Stories from the Rink  Brian McFarlane  Tundra Books.   Ages 9-12.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tundra Books. Ages 9-12....

Keep the Faith: A Memoir

Faith Evans

  Keep the Faith: A Memoir  Faith Evans  It's been over ten years since Big was killed. I grieved for him for a very long time. And then, as time passed, the icy wall of grief surrounding my heart began to thaw and I began to heal. I remarried, had more children, and continued to record and release more music. I continued to live my life. And while I can never discount the time I spent with Big, I've never felt the need to live in the past. But sometimes, I still find myself thinking about Big being rushed the hospital, and I break down in tears. It's not just because we hung up on each other during what would be our last telephone conversation. And it's not because I am raising our son, a young man who has never known his father. It's partly all of those things. But mainly it's because he wasn't ready to go. His debut album was called Ready to Die. But in the end, he wasn't. Big never got a chance to tell his story. It's been left to others to tell it for him. In making the decision to tell my own story, it means that...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин It's been over ten years since Big was killed. I grieved for him for a very long time. And then, as time passed, the icy wall of grief surrounding my heart began to thaw and I began to heal. I remarried, had more children, and continued to record and release more music. I continued to live my life. And while I can never discount the time I spent with Big, I've never felt the need to live in the past. But sometimes, I still find myself thinking about Big being rushed the hospital, and I break down in tears. It's not just because we hung up on each other during what would be our last telephone conversation. And it's not because I am raising our son, a young man who has never known his father. It's partly all of those things. But mainly it's because he wasn't ready to go. His debut album was called Ready to Die. But in the end, he wasn't. Big never got a chance to tell his story. It's been left to others to tell it for him. In making the decision to tell my own story, it means that......

The Geography of Love: A Memoir

Glenda Burgess

  The Geography of Love: A Memoir  Glenda Burgess  When Glenda Burgess and Kenneth Grunzweig met in 1988, Kenneth had already lost two wives—the first in a fatal car crash, and then years later his second wife in a brutal murder for which Kenneth remained for many years the prime suspect. What possesses a woman to fall in love with a man fourteen years her senior, with a troubled teenage daughter and a past shadowed with so much suspicion and misfortune? And why would a man who has loved and lost in such tragic ways take a chance on opening his heart to another woman, despite the odds?Beautifully written and heart-wrenchingly honest,The Geography of Love is a poignant and unforgettable chronicle of a relationship that defies convention and survives the unthinkable.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When Glenda Burgess and Kenneth Grunzweig met in 1988, Kenneth had already lost two wives—the first in a fatal car crash, and then years later his second wife in a brutal murder for which Kenneth remained for many years the prime suspect. What possesses a woman to fall in love with a man fourteen years her senior, with a troubled teenage daughter and a past shadowed with so much suspicion and misfortune? And why would a man who has loved and lost in such tragic ways take a chance on opening his heart to another woman, despite the odds?Beautifully written and heart-wrenchingly honest,The Geography of Love is a poignant and unforgettable chronicle of a relationship that defies convention and survives the unthinkable....

Школа умелого карандаша. Альбом упражнений по развитию графических навыков у детей 5-7 лет с речевыми нарушениями

И. А. Подрезова

  Школа умелого карандаша. Альбом упражнений по развитию графических навыков у детей 5-7 лет с речевыми нарушениями  И. А. Подрезова  ГНОМ и Д.   Данное пособие является частью комплекта по развитию графических навыков у детей 5-7 лет с речевыми нарушениями, включающего также перспективное планирование и конспекты занятий, демонстрационные таблицы для зрительных диктантов и альбом для штриховки. Работа по данной системе способствует предупреждению у дошкольников оптико-моторной дисграфии. Материал адресован логопедам, дефектологам, воспитателям дошкольных образовательных учреждений.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ГНОМ и Д. Данное пособие является частью комплекта по развитию графических навыков у детей 5-7 лет с речевыми нарушениями, включающего также перспективное планирование и конспекты занятий, демонстрационные таблицы для зрительных диктантов и альбом для штриховки. Работа по данной системе способствует предупреждению у дошкольников оптико-моторной дисграфии. Материал адресован логопедам, дефектологам, воспитателям дошкольных образовательных учреждений....

Практикум по объектно-ориентированному программированию

Бабушкина И.А., Окулов С.М.

  Практикум по объектно-ориентированному программированию  Бабушкина И.А., Окулов С.М.  Практикум по объектно-ориентированному программированию  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Практикум по объектно-ориентированному программированию...

<<<  Как открыть свое дело. Создание юридического лица. О. В. Широкунова             Александр Солженицын. Людмила Сараскина >>>

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Real Stories from the Rink. Brian McFarlane . Книги.

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