Тени прошлого

Николай Андреев

  Тени прошлого  Николай Андреев  АСТ, Северо-Запад Пресс, Харвест.   Победитель.   ...Спасаясь от врагов, они покинули пределы империи. Возле крошечной звезды они обнаружили дикий неведомый мир. Именно там остались следы древней погибшей цивилизации...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Северо-Запад Пресс, Харвест. Победитель. ...Спасаясь от врагов, они покинули пределы империи. Возле крошечной звезды они обнаружили дикий неведомый мир. Именно там остались следы древней погибшей цивилизации......

Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now

Jane B. Burka, Lenora M. Yuen

  Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It Now  Jane B. Burka, Lenora M. Yuen  Da Capo Lifelong Books.   Based on their workshops and counseling experience, psychologists Jane B.Burka and Lenora M.Yuen offer a probing, sensitive, and at times humorous look at a problem that affects everyone: students and scientists, secretaries and executives, homemakers and salespeople. Da Capo Lifelong Books. Based on their workshops and counseling experience, psychologists Jane B.Burka and Lenora M.Yuen offer a probing, sensitive, and at times humorous look at a problem that affects everyone: students and scientists, secretaries and executives, homemakers and salespeople. "Procrastination" identifies the reasons we put off tasks - fears of failure, success, control, separation, and attachment - and their roots in our childhood and adult experiences. The authors offer a practical, tested program to overcome procrastination by achieving set goals, managing time, enlisting support, and handling stress. Burka and Yuen even provide tips on living and working with the procrastinators you may know. Wise, effective, and easy to use, this new edition shows why for 25 years "Procrastination" has been an immediate must-have for anyone who puts things off until tomorrow....

Get Ready for A&P (2nd Edition)

Lori K. Garrett

  Get Ready for A&P (2nd Edition)  Lori K. Garrett  Key Message: Available as a workbook and website, this resource saves classroom time and frustration by helping readers quickly prepare for their A&P course, and can be packaged with any Pearson Benjamin Cummings A&P book for no additional charge. The hands-on workbook gets readers up to speed with basic study skills, math skills, anatomical terminology, basic chemistry, cell biology, and other basics of the human body. Each topic area includes a pre-test, guided explanation, interactive quizzes and exercises, and end-of-chapter cumulative tests. For each chapter, the Companion Website provides a Pre-Test that gives readers instant feedback; a Chapter Guide that directs readers to tutorials, animations, activities, and web links; access to myeBook; and a Post-Test with a Study Plan. The Second Edition features new key content and online activities as well as expanded online assessment that makes it easier than ever for students to master the material and for instructors to assess...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Key Message: Available as a workbook and website, this resource saves classroom time and frustration by helping readers quickly prepare for their A&P course, and can be packaged with any Pearson Benjamin Cummings A&P book for no additional charge. The hands-on workbook gets readers up to speed with basic study skills, math skills, anatomical terminology, basic chemistry, cell biology, and other basics of the human body. Each topic area includes a pre-test, guided explanation, interactive quizzes and exercises, and end-of-chapter cumulative tests. For each chapter, the Companion Website provides a Pre-Test that gives readers instant feedback; a Chapter Guide that directs readers to tutorials, animations, activities, and web links; access to myeBook; and a Post-Test with a Study Plan. The Second Edition features new key content and online activities as well as expanded online assessment that makes it easier than ever for students to master the material and for instructors to assess......

Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Organization: Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Plan

Sally J. Patterson, Janel M. Radtke

  Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Organization: Seven Steps to Creating a Successful Plan  Sally J. Patterson, Janel M. Radtke  How a nonprofit s strategic communications department defines its issues and policies determines whether the public views it as an effective organization. Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition supports nonprofits in using their resources most effectively. The Second Edition includes an accompanying CD-ROM, equipping professionals with the worksheets, forms, surveys, and self-assessment tools needed to create a total communications plan. Plus, the book s step-by-step instructions demonstrate nonprofit communications strategies that work. Practical and clear, this in-the-trenches book provides nonprofit CEOs with expert insights to achieve their mission.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How a nonprofit s strategic communications department defines its issues and policies determines whether the public views it as an effective organization. Strategic Communications for Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition supports nonprofits in using their resources most effectively. The Second Edition includes an accompanying CD-ROM, equipping professionals with the worksheets, forms, surveys, and self-assessment tools needed to create a total communications plan. Plus, the book s step-by-step instructions demonstrate nonprofit communications strategies that work. Practical and clear, this in-the-trenches book provides nonprofit CEOs with expert insights to achieve their mission....


Н. А. Ришина

  Мопс  Н. А. Ришина  ЖУК.   Дог-Профи.   Это очередная книга проекта ЖУК. Дог-Профи. Это очередная книга проекта "Dog-Профи", которая посвящена одной из древнейших пород - мопсу, фавориту китайских и европейских императорских дворов и неизменному любимцу демократической публики. Начинающие владельцы мопсов найдут здесь много полезной информации и научатся лучше понимать своих любимцев. Материалы для книги предоставлены специалистами по породе, а также ведущими специалистами крупнейших фирм-производителей продукции для животных....

<<<  Разработка системы менеджмента качества на предприятиях. ...             Александр Солженицын. Людмила Сараскина >>>

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Тени прошлого. Николай Андреев . Книги.

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