The Control of Corporate Europe (Feem Studies in Economics)

Fabrizio Barca, Marco Becht

  The Control of Corporate Europe (Feem Studies in Economics)  Fabrizio Barca, Marco Becht  This volume describes how listed companies are controlled in nine different European countries, and includes a chapter on the USA, allowing transatlantic comparison. Each country study provides an analysis of standardized measures of the size and distribution of voting power, and then explores the aspects of corporate control that are most prominent in the country concerned.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume describes how listed companies are controlled in nine different European countries, and includes a chapter on the USA, allowing transatlantic comparison. Each country study provides an analysis of standardized measures of the size and distribution of voting power, and then explores the aspects of corporate control that are most prominent in the country concerned....

European Fixed Income Markets : Money, Bond and Interest Rate Derivatives (The Wiley Finance Series)

Jonathan A. Batten, Thomas A. Fetherston, Peter G. Szilagyi

  European Fixed Income Markets : Money, Bond and Interest Rate Derivatives (The Wiley Finance Series)  Jonathan A. Batten, Thomas A. Fetherston, Peter G. Szilagyi  This book offers a clear, insightful perspective on the post-euro fixed-income markets of Europe. The introduction of the euro in 1999 cast a new focus on the financial markets of constituent euro-zone countries which have subsequently seen their domestic markets emerge as the second largest bond market in the world after America, with bonds being the most important asset-class-rivalling equities. Such critical size and importance results from the harmonization of macro-economic targets, and has considerably broadened the scope of individual national debt markets. The essential characteristics and institutional details of the fixed-income markets of euro-zone countries as well as their individual fixed-income market are introduced and discussed by 26 prominent international academics and market practitioners. Their unique and detailed country analyses of both the euro and non-euro European countries will add measurably to an understanding of these markets. There has...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book offers a clear, insightful perspective on the post-euro fixed-income markets of Europe. The introduction of the euro in 1999 cast a new focus on the financial markets of constituent euro-zone countries which have subsequently seen their domestic markets emerge as the second largest bond market in the world after America, with bonds being the most important asset-class-rivalling equities. Such critical size and importance results from the harmonization of macro-economic targets, and has considerably broadened the scope of individual national debt markets. The essential characteristics and institutional details of the fixed-income markets of euro-zone countries as well as their individual fixed-income market are introduced and discussed by 26 prominent international academics and market practitioners. Their unique and detailed country analyses of both the euro and non-euro European countries will add measurably to an understanding of these markets. There has......

Quality Management

Howard S. Gitlow, Alan Oppenheim, Rosa Oppenheim

  Quality Management  Howard S. Gitlow, Alan Oppenheim, Rosa Oppenheim  Quality Management presents a unique and workable approach to the tools and methods necessary for real quality improvement. W. Edwards Deming's philosophies on quality are woven into this text. This text is one of a few quality control texts which adopt Shewhart's and Deming's view of control charts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Quality Management presents a unique and workable approach to the tools and methods necessary for real quality improvement. W. Edwards Deming's philosophies on quality are woven into this text. This text is one of a few quality control texts which adopt Shewhart's and Deming's view of control charts....

Markets, Planning and Democracy: Essays After the Collapse of Socialism (New Thinking in Political Economy Series)

David L. Prychitko

  Markets, Planning and Democracy: Essays After the Collapse of Socialism (New Thinking in Political Economy Series)  David L. Prychitko  The essays contained herein span over a decade and reflect David Prychitko?s thinking about the role of the market system, and its relation to planning and democratic processes. The collection consists of previously published and unpublished articles written not only for economists but also for an interdisciplinary audience. Prychitko extends the Austrian School?s criticism of central planning to include the decentralized, self-managed and democratic models of socialism - those that were supposed to distinguish Yugoslav-style socialism from Soviet socialism. He critically evaluates the socialist and market-socialist proposals of contemporary advocates including Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel, Ted Burczak, Branko Horvat, and Joseph Stiglitz. A younger Austrian economist, Prychitko has also emerged as an internal critic within that tradition. He questions the Austrian School?s claims that the unhampered market maximizes social welfare, that any actions of the state...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The essays contained herein span over a decade and reflect David Prychitko?s thinking about the role of the market system, and its relation to planning and democratic processes. The collection consists of previously published and unpublished articles written not only for economists but also for an interdisciplinary audience. Prychitko extends the Austrian School?s criticism of central planning to include the decentralized, self-managed and democratic models of socialism - those that were supposed to distinguish Yugoslav-style socialism from Soviet socialism. He critically evaluates the socialist and market-socialist proposals of contemporary advocates including Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel, Ted Burczak, Branko Horvat, and Joseph Stiglitz. A younger Austrian economist, Prychitko has also emerged as an internal critic within that tradition. He questions the Austrian School?s claims that the unhampered market maximizes social welfare, that any actions of the state......

Resiliency in Schools: Making It Happen for Students and Educators (1-Off)

Nan Henderson, Mike Milstein

  Resiliency in Schools: Making It Happen for Students and Educators (1-Off)  Nan Henderson, Mike Milstein  Updated Edition of Bestseller! Foreword by Emmy E. Werner This updated edition offers scores of new resources for resilience education as well as an action plan you can use right now to build inner strength and flexibility in your students and staff.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Updated Edition of Bestseller! Foreword by Emmy E. Werner This updated edition offers scores of new resources for resilience education as well as an action plan you can use right now to build inner strength and flexibility in your students and staff....

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The Control of Corporate Europe (Feem Studies in Economics). Fabrizio Barca, Marco Becht . Книги.

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