Colorful Leadership "Achieve Your Goals, Avoid Off-Color Situations,and Have a Lot of Fun Doing It"

Steve Wille

  Colorful Leadership We lead people, manage processes, and pursue goals. These are three fundamentally different skills that come together in what we call leadership, management, and entrepreneurship. This book focuses on the center spot in our picture where the three disciplines converge. Look at the world through colored filters to discover what others are seeing from their perspectives. Then use the additive color process where each person adds to the whole, much like the red, green, and blue dots of light inside your television coming together to form a bright, full-color image, rich in possibilities....

2009 Oklahoma Directory of Manufacturers & Processors (Harris Oklahoma Manufacturers Directory)

  2009 Oklahoma Directory of Manufacturers & Processors (Harris Oklahoma Manufacturers Directory)  Harris InfoSource  Harris InfoSource  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harris InfoSource...

How to Create Hot Selling Internet Product in One Day!

T.J. Rohleder

  How to Create Hot Selling Internet Product in One Day!  T.J. Rohleder  Having complete control over your own Internet product can be worth huge sums of money to you for many years and perhaps even decades... And that's GOOD NEWS for you because this small book will show you how to create your own hot-selling product in as little as one day! Let other people spend years developing their own products. You won't have to! Now you can create your own high-profit product that can make you huge sums of money for many years - and you can do it in as short of a time as one day!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Having complete control over your own Internet product can be worth huge sums of money to you for many years and perhaps even decades... And that's GOOD NEWS for you because this small book will show you how to create your own hot-selling product in as little as one day! Let other people spend years developing their own products. You won't have to! Now you can create your own high-profit product that can make you huge sums of money for many years - and you can do it in as short of a time as one day!...

Managing Global Business Strategies: A Twenty-first Century Perspective

John McManus, Don White, Neil Botten

  Managing Global Business Strategies: A Twenty-first Century Perspective  John McManus, Don White, Neil Botten  Summary Aimed at key decision makers and those responsible for global strategy, this book is about changing markets and the complexity of undertaking business in a fast paced technological and knowledge based age in a dynamic and strategic context. Trends show a renaissance in entrepreneurial activity that is fuelling innovation particularly in the so called BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, China and India. For example, both China and India have benefited immensely from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and as a direct consequence both nation states are reshaping the way global business is conducted and the way investment decisions are made. Evidence would suggest that Europe and the United States are more dependent on the BRIC trading nations for earnings and profits. Geographical distance is no longer a barrier between nations; however, the challenges of ethic diversity in domestic markets are multiplied by the difficulties of delivering goods and services into global markets with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Summary Aimed at key decision makers and those responsible for global strategy, this book is about changing markets and the complexity of undertaking business in a fast paced technological and knowledge based age in a dynamic and strategic context. Trends show a renaissance in entrepreneurial activity that is fuelling innovation particularly in the so called BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, China and India. For example, both China and India have benefited immensely from Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and as a direct consequence both nation states are reshaping the way global business is conducted and the way investment decisions are made. Evidence would suggest that Europe and the United States are more dependent on the BRIC trading nations for earnings and profits. Geographical distance is no longer a barrier between nations; however, the challenges of ethic diversity in domestic markets are multiplied by the difficulties of delivering goods and services into global markets with......

Аристофан. Комедии (аудиокнига MP3)


  Аристофан. Комедии (аудиокнига MP3)  Аристофан  аКнига.   Облака, Лисистрата, Лягушки, Женщины в народном собрании.   Аристофан - самый яркий античный комедиограф - выдающееся и в своем роде уникальное явление мировой литературы. Обладая богатейшей фантазией и истинно аттическим остроумием, Аристофан раскрывает идеи своих комедий, не теряющие актуальности и сегодня, в ярких и оригинальных сценах.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин аКнига. Облака, Лисистрата, Лягушки, Женщины в народном собрании. Аристофан - самый яркий античный комедиограф - выдающееся и в своем роде уникальное явление мировой литературы. Обладая богатейшей фантазией и истинно аттическим остроумием, Аристофан раскрывает идеи своих комедий, не теряющие актуальности и сегодня, в ярких и оригинальных сценах....

<<<  Cash Is Still King. Keith Checkley             Александр Солженицын. Людмила Сараскина >>>

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Colorful Leadership "Achieve Your Goals, Avoid Off-Color Situations,and Have a Lot of Fun Doing It". Steve Wille . Книги.

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