21st Century Capitalism

Robert Heilbroner

  21st Century Capitalism  Robert Heilbroner  W. W. Norton & Company, Inc..   Economists, practitioners of the dismal science, are little known for their compassion or their profundity, but Robert Heilbroner, author of The Worldly Philosophers , displays both in this sweeping study of the state and future of capitalism. Based on lectures delivered at Massey College, Heilbroner's book argues persuasively that the public sector, far from being a drag on the marketplace, can be W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.. Economists, practitioners of the dismal science, are little known for their compassion or their profundity, but Robert Heilbroner, author of The Worldly Philosophers , displays both in this sweeping study of the state and future of capitalism. Based on lectures delivered at Massey College, Heilbroner's book argues persuasively that the public sector, far from being a drag on the marketplace, can be "an indispensable source of strength;" that the death of Communism, not just an unalloyed cause for celebration, represents in some ways the end of the ideals of egalitarianism and community; and that there is "a limit beyond which acquisitiveness no longer serves, and may well disserve, the adaptability of the order." A book everyone concerned about more than their next paycheck should read....

Monetary Policy at the European Periphery: Greek Experience and Lessons for Eu Candidates (European and Transatlantic Studies)

Iannis A. Mourmouras, Michael G. Arghyrou, Jurgen Von Hagen

  Monetary Policy at the European Periphery: Greek Experience and Lessons for Eu Candidates (European and Transatlantic Studies)  Iannis A. Mourmouras, Michael G. Arghyrou, Jurgen Von Hagen  The book proposes a monetary policy regime that is suitable for the European Periphery on the road to the euro. The first part examines the relation between the eleven founding members of the EMU and countries staying out of the EMU - paying particular attention to the European Periphery that includes Greece and all those CEE transition countries which have recently applied for EU membership. The second part of the book argues against ERM-II participation for those countries. It stresses the limits in efficiency of an ERM-II arrangement in a world of increased international capital movements, fiscal imbalances, and asymmetric real shocks. The third part offers a consistent and credible monetary framework for the achievement of price stability at the European Periphery: adoption of explicit and formal inflation targets together with political and economic independence of the central bank.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The book proposes a monetary policy regime that is suitable for the European Periphery on the road to the euro. The first part examines the relation between the eleven founding members of the EMU and countries staying out of the EMU - paying particular attention to the European Periphery that includes Greece and all those CEE transition countries which have recently applied for EU membership. The second part of the book argues against ERM-II participation for those countries. It stresses the limits in efficiency of an ERM-II arrangement in a world of increased international capital movements, fiscal imbalances, and asymmetric real shocks. The third part offers a consistent and credible monetary framework for the achievement of price stability at the European Periphery: adoption of explicit and formal inflation targets together with political and economic independence of the central bank....

The Entrepreneurial Cat: 13 Ways to Transform Your Business Life

Mary Hessler-Key, Dino Kotopoulis

  The Entrepreneurial Cat: 13 Ways to Transform Your Business Life  Mary Hessler-Key, Dino Kotopoulis  Cats don't worry about what others think -- they just do what comes naturally. Readers will take this and a dozen other feline lessons to heart in this amusing, informative guide that shows how to be more proactive in business and in life. The 13 elemental tenets from the cat world help readers face the demands of a business world that makes it harder than ever to create meaningful work. From Cats don't worry about what others think -- they just do what comes naturally. Readers will take this and a dozen other feline lessons to heart in this amusing, informative guide that shows how to be more proactive in business and in life. The 13 elemental tenets from the cat world help readers face the demands of a business world that makes it harder than ever to create meaningful work. From "Being Curious and Finding the Right Niche" to "Taking Naps," Jazzie the cat reminds readers of time-honored truths that successful business people can use to their entrepreneurial advantage....

Forging a Common Bond: Labor and Environmental Activism During the Basf Lockout (New Perspectives on the History of the South)

Timothy J. Minchin, John David Smith

  Forging a Common Bond: Labor and Environmental Activism During the Basf Lockout (New Perspectives on the History of the South)  Timothy J. Minchin, John David Smith  Timothy J. Minchin studies one of the longest labor disputes in American history, a lockout involving the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers' International Union and BASF, a German-based chemical manufacturer. The dispute ran from 1984 to 1989 at the BASFplant in Geismar, Louisiana, and was resolved only after the union applied an unusual strategy of alliance with environmentalists in order to bring pressure against the company from several directions at once. Minchin examines the range of innovative tactics applied by the union, from joining with Greenpeace on a Timothy J. Minchin studies one of the longest labor disputes in American history, a lockout involving the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers' International Union and BASF, a German-based chemical manufacturer. The dispute ran from 1984 to 1989 at the BASFplant in Geismar, Louisiana, and was resolved only after the union applied an unusual strategy of alliance with environmentalists in order to bring pressure against the company from several directions at once. Minchin examines the range of innovative tactics applied by the union, from joining with Greenpeace on a "Toxic March" through Louisiana to raising concerns about possible links between plant emissions and residents' health problems, especially the state's high cancer rate. He also documents how the union used workers' awareness of past environmental practices to disrupt the company's efforts to expand operations at the site. Minchin's research challenges the prevailing notion that unions and environmental groups have......

Women and Microcredit in Rural Bangladesh: An Anthropological Study of Grameen Bank Lending

Aminur Rahman

  Women and Microcredit in Rural Bangladesh: An Anthropological Study of Grameen Bank Lending  Aminur Rahman  The first anthropological study of the Grameen Bank microlending program to rural poor women, focused on both economic and social processes to examine and understand grassroots microlending structure and its implications for women borrowers, societal members, bank workers and for the sustainability and growth of lending institutions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The first anthropological study of the Grameen Bank microlending program to rural poor women, focused on both economic and social processes to examine and understand grassroots microlending structure and its implications for women borrowers, societal members, bank workers and for the sustainability and growth of lending institutions....

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21st Century Capitalism. Robert Heilbroner . Книги.

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