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Advanced Methods And Tools for ECG Data Analysis Gari D. Clifford, Francisco Azuaje, Patrick McSharry
The electrocardigram (ECG) is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart that is used to diagnose heart disorders. In recent years, new state-of-the-art approaches to ECG analysis have emerged that are now of significant interest to biomedical and electrical engineers, as well as healthcare professionals. This practical book is the first one-stop resource to offer a thorough, up-to-date treatment of the techniques and methods used in ECG data analysis, from fundamental principles to the latest tools in the field. The book places emphasis on the selection, modeling, classification, and interpretation of data based on advanced signal processing and artificial intelligence techniques. Professionals find guidance on designing, implementing, and evaluating software systems used for the analysis of ECG and related data. Moreover, this comprehensive resource offers a solid grounding in the relevant basics of physiology, data acquisition and database design, and......
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The Art of Theatre: Then and Now William Missouri Downs, Wright, Erik Ramsey
This invigorating new introductory text makes timely and relevant connections between theatre and the familiar world of Hollywood television and film to help students understand how the living art of theatre relates to, predates, and influences the screen entertainment they are used to watching. From theatre's ritual origins to modern musicals, from the controversies surrounding the NEA to the applicability of acting lessons in everyday life, this book is an important first step toward a deeper awareness of theatre's continuing and contemporary significance. Featuring strong coverage of current events in theatre, the reviewer-praised anecdotal narrative makes this book fun to read and one that students will want to keep long after the course is over. THE ART OF THEATRE is organized into three distinct sections, giving you the flexibility to organize your course your way. Adding to this flexibility is the book's availability in two versions. THE ART OF THEATRE: THEN AND NOW contains 16......
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Leadership and Management for HR Professionals Keith Porter, Paul Smith, Roger Fagg
This is a new and completely revised edition of the successful text published in 2000 entitled Core Management. The book provides excellent coverage of the CIPD syllabus for three core areas of the CIPD syllabus. New end of chapter website links are included. The text is written in an easy-to-read style and each chapter is linked to other relevant parts of the book. * Provides excellent coverage of the CIPD Leadership and Management Standards * Includes self-assessment exercises, exam questions, further reading and research * New edition of the best-selling Core Management by Winfield et al and companion text to Managing Information: Core Management by Bedward and Stredwick...
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100 вкусных рецептов для очищения организма А. М. Диченскова
. Здоровье нации. В этой книге вы найдете множество вкусных рецептов, которые помогут вам очистить ваш организм, наполнят вас энергией, укрепят здоровье, подарят уйму витаминов и минеральных веществ. Готовьте с удовольствием! Приятного аппетита!...
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Сказка о царе Салтане. Сказка о попе и его работнике Балде. Сказка о золотом петушке. Часть 2 (аудиокнига CD) А. С. Пушкин
Мегалайнер. Созвездие Сказок. Сказка о золотом петушке, Сказка о царе Салтане, Сказка о попе и его работнике Балде. "Созвездие сказок" - новая серия дисков, предназначенная для юных слушателей! На диске собраны самые лучшие, любимые и познавательные сказки. Участие хороших актеров и звукорежиссеров позволило создать атмосферу, в которой ребенок полностью погружается в сюжет сказки и сопереживает главным героям. Внутри детям приготовлен приятный сюрприз в виде наклеек с полюбившимися героями....
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Advanced Methods And Tools for ECG Data Analysis. Gari D. Clifford, Francisco Azuaje, Patrick McSharry . Книги.
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