Software Security Technologies

Richard Sinn

  Software Security Technologies  Richard Sinn  Course Technology.   Providing the perfect blend of basic security theory and practical software security programming, Course Technology. Providing the perfect blend of basic security theory and practical software security programming, "Software Security Technologies: A Programmatic Approach" offers a valuable introduction to the field of software security. Divided into three parts, this comprehensive guide encourages readers to master their security skills by building on the basics. The first section of the book is devoted to fundamental security theories that govern common software security technical issues. Coverage then progresses to a focus on the practical programming materials that will teach readers how to implement security solutions using the most popular software packages. Using these theories and programming practices as a foundation, the book concludes with a section on security in practice, demonstrating how the conceptual and practical materials covered in the first two sections are applied in real-world scenarios. All of these topics are explained using a straightforward approach, so that readers can......

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How to Read Jung

David Tacey

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Software Security Technologies. Richard Sinn . Книги.

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