The Money-Making Guide to Bonds: Straightforward Strategies for Picking the Right Bonds and Bond Funds

Hildy Richelson, Stan Richelson

  The Money-Making Guide to Bonds: Straightforward Strategies for Picking the Right Bonds and Bond Funds  Hildy Richelson, Stan Richelson  "A clear and comprehensive road map for the novice and professional investor alike. This book is required reading for those who want to take charge of their financial destiny." -John B. Brynjolfsson, Manager, PIMCO Real Return Bond Fund You've heard the advice of experts year after year to minimize risk by diversifying into bonds. But bonds can be a lucrative, as well as a safe, investment, particularly when the stock market takes a nose-dive. However, no single source of easily accessible information has been available that uniformly describes bonds, compares their relative strengths and drawbacks, and tells how to select and profit from buying them?until now. Registered investment advisers Hildy and Stan Richelson have written The Money-Making Guide to Bonds to serve as the authoritative, yet user-friendly, resource on the subject. Over 35 different types of bonds and 20 types of bond funds are described, highlighting the specific advantages, risks, and tax implications......

A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza, Vol. I: Economic Foundations

S. D. Goitein

  A Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza, Vol. I: Economic Foundations  S. D. Goitein  University of California Press.   This six-volume University of California Press. This six-volume "portrait of a Mediterranean personality" is a composite portrait of the individuals who wrote the personal letters, contracts, and all other manuscript fragments that found their way into the Cairo Geniza. Most of the fragments from the Geniza, a storeroom for discarded writings that could not be thrown away because they might contain the name of God, had been removed to Cambridge University Library and other libraries around the world. Professor Goitein devoted the last thirty years of his long and productive life to their study, deciphering the language of the documents and organizing what he called a "marvelous treasure trove of manuscripts" into a coherent, fascinating picture of the society that created them. It is a rich, panoramic view of how people lived, traveled, worshiped, and conducted their economic and social affairs. The first and second volumes describe the economic foundations of the society and the institutions and social and political structures......

Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt: Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China (Studies in Environment and History)

Robert B. Marks

  Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt: Environment and Economy in Late Imperial South China (Studies in Environment and History)  Robert B. Marks  Challenging the conventional wisdom of Western environmental historians, this book examines the correlations between economic and environmental changes in the southern imperial Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (a region historically known as Lingnan, Challenging the conventional wisdom of Western environmental historians, this book examines the correlations between economic and environmental changes in the southern imperial Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi (a region historically known as Lingnan, "South of the Mountains") from 1400 to 1850. Marks discusses the impact of population growth on land use patterns, the agro-ecology, and deforestation; the commercialization of agriculture and its implications; the impact of climatic change on agriculture; and the ways in which the human population responded to environmental challenges....

Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political Behavior

Brian J.L. Berry

  Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political Behavior  Brian J.L. Berry  Is economic development a Is economic development a "random walk" or do underlying rhythms and cycles make it possible to anticipate long-term trends? Many social scientists have rejected the notion of long-term periodicity in economic trends. Now, after extensive analysis of economic data, distinguished scholar Brian J. L. Berry has found new evidence for the reliability-- and the value-- of "long-wave" theory. In "Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political Bahavior", Berry argues that the synchronization of longwaves and growth cycles is "more than a figment of some overactive imagination". Presenting his findings graphically, he argues that there is persuasive evidence of the existence of "deterministic chaos". Applying his analysis of rates of change to the economic phenomena of prices (Kondratiev cycles) and growth (Kuznets cycles), he discovers that pairs of 25-year growth cycles are embedded within 55-year long waves. As a result, Berry concludes, two different kinds of growth cycles--......

Advances in Health Economics

Anthony Scott, Alan Maynard, Robert Elliott

  Advances in Health Economics  Anthony Scott, Alan Maynard, Robert Elliott  " It would be difficult to overstate the standing of the authors. Many HERU alumni are among the most highly esteemed health economists in the world ." - Steve Morgan, University of British Columbia This is a series of essays to mark the 25 anniversary of HERU. Existing and former HERU staff write about their special interests and work records. This book addresses many current policy issues which exist in the Scottish (and English) National Health System. HERU is one of the leading health economic institutes in the UK Contributors are all distinguished members of the health economics community Covers a wide range of issues that are relevant to the application of health economics now and into the future....

<<<  Джеймс Фенимор Купер. Собрание сочинений в семи томах. ...             Ковроткачество народов Российской империи. Е. ... >>>

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The Money-Making Guide to Bonds: Straightforward Strategies for Picking the Right Bonds and Bond Funds. Hildy Richelson, Stan Richelson . Книги.

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