TREC: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing)

  TREC: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing)  The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), a yearly workshop hosted by the US government's National Institute of Standards and Technology, provides the infrastructure necessary for large-scale evaluation of text retrieval methodologies. With the goal of accelerating research in this area, TREC created the first large test collections of full-text documents and standardized retrieval evaluation. The impact has been significant; since TREC's beginning in 1992, retrieval effectiveness has approximately doubled. TREC has built a variety of large test collections, including collections for such specialized retrieval tasks as cross-language retrieval and retrieval of speech. Moreover, TREC has accelerated the transfer of research ideas into commercial systems, as demonstrated in the number of retrieval techniques developed in TREC that are now used in Web search engines. This book provides a comprehensive review of TREC research, summarizing the variety of TREC results, documenting...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), a yearly workshop hosted by the US government's National Institute of Standards and Technology, provides the infrastructure necessary for large-scale evaluation of text retrieval methodologies. With the goal of accelerating research in this area, TREC created the first large test collections of full-text documents and standardized retrieval evaluation. The impact has been significant; since TREC's beginning in 1992, retrieval effectiveness has approximately doubled. TREC has built a variety of large test collections, including collections for such specialized retrieval tasks as cross-language retrieval and retrieval of speech. Moreover, TREC has accelerated the transfer of research ideas into commercial systems, as demonstrated in the number of retrieval techniques developed in TREC that are now used in Web search engines. This book provides a comprehensive review of TREC research, summarizing the variety of TREC results, documenting......

Practical Grey-box Process Identification: Theory and Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)

Torsten Bohlin

  Practical Grey-box Process Identification: Theory and Applications (Advances in Industrial Control)  Torsten Bohlin  In process modelling, knowledge of the process under consideration is typically partial with significant unknown inputs (disturbances) to the model. Disturbances militate against the desirable trait of model reproducibility. In process modelling, knowledge of the process under consideration is typically partial with significant unknown inputs (disturbances) to the model. Disturbances militate against the desirable trait of model reproducibility. "Grey-box" identification can assist, in these circumstances, by taking advantage of the two sources of information that may be available: any invariant prior knowledge and response data from experiments. Practical Grey-box Process Identification is a three-stranded response to the following questions which are frequently raised in connection with grey-box methods: How much of my prior knowledge is useful and even correct in this environment? Are my experimental data sufficient and relevant? What do I do about the disturbances that I can’t get rid of? How do I know when my model is good enough? The first part of the book is a short review of the theoretical fundamentals of grey-box......

The Power of You!: How YOU Can Create Happiness, Balance, and Wealth

Scott Martineau

  The Power of You!: How YOU Can Create Happiness, Balance, and Wealth  Scott Martineau  True fulfillment in life doesn't come solely from success at the office or happiness at home; it comes from both. What if there was a way for you to balance the pressures and demands of work against the needs of your personal life—while simultaneously increasing your success at living and working? There is a way, and The Power of You! is it. Scott Martineau shows that real, sustainable happiness and personal growth can only come about when you do powerful inner work, challenging old beliefs, habits, and patterns that no longer serve you. The Power of You! addresses the needs of today's busy professionals with tools, techniques, skills, and a philosophy that does away with short-term fixes and cheap emotional highs. Together, these tools and tactics provide a comprehensive guide to ultimate balance, happiness, and wealth for anyone who wants to understand what it takes to succeed and be happy in the twenty-first century. The Power of You! is a self-help book like...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин True fulfillment in life doesn't come solely from success at the office or happiness at home; it comes from both. What if there was a way for you to balance the pressures and demands of work against the needs of your personal life—while simultaneously increasing your success at living and working? There is a way, and The Power of You! is it. Scott Martineau shows that real, sustainable happiness and personal growth can only come about when you do powerful inner work, challenging old beliefs, habits, and patterns that no longer serve you. The Power of You! addresses the needs of today's busy professionals with tools, techniques, skills, and a philosophy that does away with short-term fixes and cheap emotional highs. Together, these tools and tactics provide a comprehensive guide to ultimate balance, happiness, and wealth for anyone who wants to understand what it takes to succeed and be happy in the twenty-first century. The Power of You! is a self-help book like......

Planting A Capitalist South: Masters, Merchants, And Manufacturers In The Southern Interior, 1790-1860

Tom Downey

  Planting A Capitalist South: Masters, Merchants, And Manufacturers In The Southern Interior, 1790-1860  Tom Downey  In Planting a Capitalist South, Tom Downey effectively challenges the idea that commercial and industrial interests did little to alter the planter-dominated political economy of the Old South. By analyzing the interplay of planters, merchants, and manufacturers, Downey characterizes the South as neither strictly capitalist nor noncapitalist but as a sphere of contending types of capitalists: agrarians with land and slaves versus commercial and industrial owners of banks, railroads, stores, and factories. His book's focus is the central Savannah River Valley of western South Carolina. An influential political and economic region and the home of some of the South's leading states' rights and proslavery ideologues, it also spawned a number of inland commercial towns, one of the nation's first railroads, and a robust wage-labor community, including the famous Graniteville textile mill of William Gregg, the South's leading proponent of industrial development. As such, western South...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In Planting a Capitalist South, Tom Downey effectively challenges the idea that commercial and industrial interests did little to alter the planter-dominated political economy of the Old South. By analyzing the interplay of planters, merchants, and manufacturers, Downey characterizes the South as neither strictly capitalist nor noncapitalist but as a sphere of contending types of capitalists: agrarians with land and slaves versus commercial and industrial owners of banks, railroads, stores, and factories. His book's focus is the central Savannah River Valley of western South Carolina. An influential political and economic region and the home of some of the South's leading states' rights and proslavery ideologues, it also spawned a number of inland commercial towns, one of the nation's first railroads, and a robust wage-labor community, including the famous Graniteville textile mill of William Gregg, the South's leading proponent of industrial development. As such, western South......

ASVAB Core Review

  ASVAB Core Review  The ASVAB is the test that all new recruits to the U.S. Military must take. In order to pass the test, recruits need to pass four of eight subtests ? commonly known as the ASVAB Core. ASVAB Core Review supplies all the tools needed to beat this most crucial part of the ASVAB, including: ? Two full ASVAB Core exams with complete answers and explanations ? Extensive practice sections, including tips and strategies on math, word knowledge, and reading comprehension ? Insider information to help guide new recruits through the entire enlistment process  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The ASVAB is the test that all new recruits to the U.S. Military must take. In order to pass the test, recruits need to pass four of eight subtests ? commonly known as the ASVAB Core. ASVAB Core Review supplies all the tools needed to beat this most crucial part of the ASVAB, including: ? Two full ASVAB Core exams with complete answers and explanations ? Extensive practice sections, including tips and strategies on math, word knowledge, and reading comprehension ? Insider information to help guide new recruits through the entire enlistment process...

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TREC: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing). . Книги.

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