Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers, Revised Edition

Terence J. Sacks

  Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers, Revised Edition  Terence J. Sacks  Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers offers you essential information about a variety of careers available assisting medical personnel and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers offers you essential information about a variety of careers available assisting medical personnel and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources....

Communications Skills for Cosmetologists

Kathleen Ann Bergant

  Communications Skills for Cosmetologists  Kathleen Ann Bergant  Designed to help readers develop successful communication skill, this in-depth resource focuses on areas crucial to the cosmetologist in order to be successful in the increasing competitive field of cosmetology. The unique workbook-style approach encourages readers to make notes, highlight pertinent areas and follow along with activities. ALSO AVAILABLE Audiotape, ISBN: 1-56253-342-8  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Designed to help readers develop successful communication skill, this in-depth resource focuses on areas crucial to the cosmetologist in order to be successful in the increasing competitive field of cosmetology. The unique workbook-style approach encourages readers to make notes, highlight pertinent areas and follow along with activities. ALSO AVAILABLE Audiotape, ISBN: 1-56253-342-8...

Environmental Management Accounting: Informational and Institutional Developments (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, V. 9)

Martin Bennett, Jan Jaap Bouma, Teun Wolters

  Environmental Management Accounting: Informational and Institutional Developments (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, V. 9)  Martin Bennett, Jan Jaap Bouma, Teun Wolters  Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) is increasingly recognised as a distinguished tool of environmental management. It helps to integrate a company's environmental and business interests, whereby enhancing corporate eco-efficiency in terms of reducing environmental costs or making one's product more competitive. This book gives a comprehensive coverage of the state of the art. It presents a number of EMA frameworks that companies can take as a basis for implementing their own specific EMA structures. Besides discussing environmental accounting issues within conventional management accounting, it gives a detailed picture of materials flow (cost) accounting as an alternative way of looking at the ecology-economy relationships at the corporate level.A fascinating case study shows how a large company (Siemens) applies materials flow accounting and what benefits it entails. Applying EMA in an effective way may require the use of information systems. The book discusses the pros and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) is increasingly recognised as a distinguished tool of environmental management. It helps to integrate a company's environmental and business interests, whereby enhancing corporate eco-efficiency in terms of reducing environmental costs or making one's product more competitive. This book gives a comprehensive coverage of the state of the art. It presents a number of EMA frameworks that companies can take as a basis for implementing their own specific EMA structures. Besides discussing environmental accounting issues within conventional management accounting, it gives a detailed picture of materials flow (cost) accounting as an alternative way of looking at the ecology-economy relationships at the corporate level.A fascinating case study shows how a large company (Siemens) applies materials flow accounting and what benefits it entails. Applying EMA in an effective way may require the use of information systems. The book discusses the pros and......

Profit Through Association Marketing

Gary C. Teagno

  Profit Through Association Marketing  Gary C. Teagno  This book gives readers an inside look at associations and the techniques they can use to reach their members. This premier guide thoroughly examines the association market--including motivation, decision making, and ``hot buttons.'' Readers will also find: case studies and examples from actual companies and associations in addition to key association personnel; resource appendixes that include associations able to assist in marketing; information on how to develop a marketing proposal specifically for associations--including a sample proposal; all the aspects of an association that makes it the ideal partner.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book gives readers an inside look at associations and the techniques they can use to reach their members. This premier guide thoroughly examines the association market--including motivation, decision making, and ``hot buttons.'' Readers will also find: case studies and examples from actual companies and associations in addition to key association personnel; resource appendixes that include associations able to assist in marketing; information on how to develop a marketing proposal specifically for associations--including a sample proposal; all the aspects of an association that makes it the ideal partner....

Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)

Ralf Herbrich

  Learning Kernel Classifiers: Theory and Algorithms (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)  Ralf Herbrich  Linear classifiers in kernel spaces have emerged as a major topic within the field of machine learning. The kernel technique takes the linear classifier--a limited, but well-established and comprehensively studied model--and extends its applicability to a wide range of nonlinear pattern-recognition tasks such as natural language processing, machine vision, and biological sequence analysis. This book provides the first comprehensive overview of both the theory and algorithms of kernel classifiers, including the most recent developments. It begins by describing the major algorithmic advances: kernel perceptron learning, kernel Fisher discriminants, support vector machines, relevance vector machines, Gaussian processes, and Bayes point machines. Then follows a detailed introduction to learning theory, including VC and PAC-Bayesian theory, data-dependent structural risk minimization, and compression bounds. Throughout, the book emphasizes the interaction between theory and algorithms: how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Linear classifiers in kernel spaces have emerged as a major topic within the field of machine learning. The kernel technique takes the linear classifier--a limited, but well-established and comprehensively studied model--and extends its applicability to a wide range of nonlinear pattern-recognition tasks such as natural language processing, machine vision, and biological sequence analysis. This book provides the first comprehensive overview of both the theory and algorithms of kernel classifiers, including the most recent developments. It begins by describing the major algorithmic advances: kernel perceptron learning, kernel Fisher discriminants, support vector machines, relevance vector machines, Gaussian processes, and Bayes point machines. Then follows a detailed introduction to learning theory, including VC and PAC-Bayesian theory, data-dependent structural risk minimization, and compression bounds. Throughout, the book emphasizes the interaction between theory and algorithms: how......

<<<  Никогда в жизни!. Катажина Грохоля             Ковроткачество народов Российской империи. Е. ... >>>

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Opportunities in Physician Assistant Careers, Revised Edition. Terence J. Sacks . Книги.

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