Wal-Mart: A Field Guide to America's Largest Company and the World's Largest Employer

  Wal-Mart: A Field Guide to America's Largest Company and the World's Largest Employer  An indispensable introduction to the company that will define the twenty-first century economy. Edited by one of the nation's preeminent labor historians, this book marks an ambitious effort to dissect the full extent of Wal-Mart's business operations, its social effects, and its role in the U.S. and world economy. Wal-Mart is based on a spring 2004 conference of leading historians, business analysts, sociologists, and labor leaders that immediately attracted the attention of the national media, drawing profiles in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times , and the New York Review of Books . Their contributions are adapted here for a general audience. At the end of the nineteenth century the Pennsylvania Railroad declared itself An indispensable introduction to the company that will define the twenty-first century economy. Edited by one of the nation's preeminent labor historians, this book marks an ambitious effort to dissect the full extent of Wal-Mart's business operations, its social effects, and its role in the U.S. and world economy. Wal-Mart is based on a spring 2004 conference of leading historians, business analysts, sociologists, and labor leaders that immediately attracted the attention of the national media, drawing profiles in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times , and the New York Review of Books . Their contributions are adapted here for a general audience. At the end of the nineteenth century the Pennsylvania Railroad declared itself "the standard of the world." In more recent years, IBM and then Microsoft seemed the template for a new, global information economy. But at the dawn of the twenty-first century, Wal-Mart has overtaken all rivals as the......

Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy

Michael Johnston

  Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy  Michael Johnston  Corruption is a threat to democracy and economic development in many societies. It arises in the ways people pursue, use and exchange wealth and power, and in the strength or weakness of the state, political and social institutions that sustain and restrain those processes. Differences in these factors, Michael Johnston argues, give rise to four major syndromes of corruption: Influence Markets, Elite Cartels, Oligarchs and Clans, and Official Moguls. Johnston uses statistical measures to identify societies in each group, and case studies to show that the expected syndromes do arise.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Corruption is a threat to democracy and economic development in many societies. It arises in the ways people pursue, use and exchange wealth and power, and in the strength or weakness of the state, political and social institutions that sustain and restrain those processes. Differences in these factors, Michael Johnston argues, give rise to four major syndromes of corruption: Influence Markets, Elite Cartels, Oligarchs and Clans, and Official Moguls. Johnston uses statistical measures to identify societies in each group, and case studies to show that the expected syndromes do arise....

Kurt Naef: The Toymaker

Charles von Buren

  Kurt Naef: The Toymaker  Charles von Buren  Kurt Naef-Spiele sind der A«Rolls RoyceA» unter den Holzspielen. In schnelllebiger und elektronisch geprA¤gter Zeit behaupten sie ihren festen Platz im Markt: mit zeitlosem Design, liebevoller und hochwertiger Verarbeitung und pA¤dagogisch durchdachtem Entwurf. Die breite Produktpalette zeigt vorwiegend Gedulds- und Geschicklichkeitsspiele, mit denen sich rA¤umliches VorstellungsvermA¶gen, geometrische GesetzmA¤AYigkeiten sowie Koordination erleben und erlernen lassen. Der Schweizer Schreiner und MA¶belbauer Kurt Naef begann in den spA¤ten 1950er Jahren mit der Produktion zeitlos hochwertiger Holzspiele, in Eigenentwicklung und zusammen mit Designern. Er reproduzierte einige Spiele-Klassiker von renommierten Bauhaus-Entwerfern. Naef-Spiele sind in bedeutenden Museumssammlungen vertreten, so etwa im Museum of Modern Art und in Japan.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kurt Naef-Spiele sind der A«Rolls RoyceA» unter den Holzspielen. In schnelllebiger und elektronisch geprA¤gter Zeit behaupten sie ihren festen Platz im Markt: mit zeitlosem Design, liebevoller und hochwertiger Verarbeitung und pA¤dagogisch durchdachtem Entwurf. Die breite Produktpalette zeigt vorwiegend Gedulds- und Geschicklichkeitsspiele, mit denen sich rA¤umliches VorstellungsvermA¶gen, geometrische GesetzmA¤AYigkeiten sowie Koordination erleben und erlernen lassen. Der Schweizer Schreiner und MA¶belbauer Kurt Naef begann in den spA¤ten 1950er Jahren mit der Produktion zeitlos hochwertiger Holzspiele, in Eigenentwicklung und zusammen mit Designern. Er reproduzierte einige Spiele-Klassiker von renommierten Bauhaus-Entwerfern. Naef-Spiele sind in bedeutenden Museumssammlungen vertreten, so etwa im Museum of Modern Art und in Japan....

Short Guide to Writing about Film, A (6th Edition) (Short Guides Series)

Timothy Corrigan

  Short Guide to Writing about Film, A (6th Edition) (Short Guides Series)  Timothy Corrigan  Doubling an introduction to film study and a practical writing guide, this brief text introduces students to film terms and the major film theories, enabling them to write more critically. Examples from newer movies provide a fresh list of references for students introduced to film study and writing films. The author presents several approaches to film analysis and writing about film–auteurs, genres, ideology, kinds of formalism, and national cinemas, and introduces students to a range of film terms and film theories. Recent movies are used to fresh examples. Multiple approaches to writing about film as well as theories about film are given. Please enter here.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Doubling an introduction to film study and a practical writing guide, this brief text introduces students to film terms and the major film theories, enabling them to write more critically. Examples from newer movies provide a fresh list of references for students introduced to film study and writing films. The author presents several approaches to film analysis and writing about film–auteurs, genres, ideology, kinds of formalism, and national cinemas, and introduces students to a range of film terms and film theories. Recent movies are used to fresh examples. Multiple approaches to writing about film as well as theories about film are given. Please enter here....

Великий Новгород в веках

Виктор Смирнов

  Великий Новгород в веках  Виктор Смирнов  Вече.   В 2009 году Россия празднует 1150-летие своей государственности и первого ее центра - Великого Новгорода. Книгу-альбом составили популярные очерки, повествующие о наиболее ярких событиях в жизни города. Многие из них, такие как Ледовое побоище, повлияли на всю отечественную историю, значение других ограничено городскими стенами, при этом все они описаны живо, ярко, увлекательно. Читатель узнает о том, как протекала политическая и повседневная жизнь вечевой республики, о международной торговле, ремеслах и промыслах, церковной и светской архитектуре и живописи древнейшего города России. Прекрасно иллюстрированная книга адресована всем, кто интересуется отечественной историей, особенно полезна будет она для учащихся.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Вече. В 2009 году Россия празднует 1150-летие своей государственности и первого ее центра - Великого Новгорода. Книгу-альбом составили популярные очерки, повествующие о наиболее ярких событиях в жизни города. Многие из них, такие как Ледовое побоище, повлияли на всю отечественную историю, значение других ограничено городскими стенами, при этом все они описаны живо, ярко, увлекательно. Читатель узнает о том, как протекала политическая и повседневная жизнь вечевой республики, о международной торговле, ремеслах и промыслах, церковной и светской архитектуре и живописи древнейшего города России. Прекрасно иллюстрированная книга адресована всем, кто интересуется отечественной историей, особенно полезна будет она для учащихся....

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Wal-Mart: A Field Guide to America's Largest Company and the World's Largest Employer. . Книги.

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