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Вяжем для детей: шапки, шарфы, варежки, пинетки, покрывала Н. В. Болгова
Ниола 21 век. Вязание - мое хобби. Опытные рукодельницы и те, кто только начинает осваивать приемы вязания спицами и крючком, найдут в этой уникальной книге коллекцию модной вязаной одежды и аксессуаров для детей и подростков - от джемперов и жакетов до шарфов, шапок, варежек, пинеток, покрывал и подушек. Опытные мастерицы смогут разработать собственные модели на основе предложенных, подобрав подходящий узор в рубрике "Коллекция узоров". А новички - освоить несложные приемы вязания, воспользовавшись специальными советами на страницах этой книги. Для тех, кто посвящает свой досуг вязанию спицами и крючком....
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Художники эпохи Возрождения
Терра-Книжный клуб. Популярная энциклопедия. Возрождение - это эпоха интеллектуального и художественного расцвета в истории европейской культуры. В это время сложилось представление о царящей в природе гармонии и о человеке как венце творения. Среди выдающихся представителей этой эпохи такие мастера изобразительного искусства, как Босх, Боттичелли, Джотто, Дюрер, Леонардо да Винчи, Мантенья, Микеланджело, Рафаэль, Тициан и многие другие. Жизни и творчеству художников, архитекторов, скульпторов, теоретиков искусства, работавших в Италии, Нидерландах, Франции, Англии и Германии, посвящена эта книга....
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Learning Points: 100 Activities and Actions for Customer Service Excellence (Learning Points) Garber Peter
Book Description100 fun and effective activities that teach your employees how to give customer-pleasing service in any situation Learning Points: 100 Activities and Actions for Customer Service Excellence In our increasingly competitive businessworld, it is becoming more and more important to provide the best possible service to customers. Your customer service representatives are in a unique position to keep your customers happy and coming back. With Learning Points: 100 Activities and Actions for Customer Service Excellence, you can be sure your employees know exactly what they need to do in any situation to provide the quality of service your company expects. And your customers deserve. These fun, engaging, and easy-to-use activities take only minutes to complete. They contain a wealth of insights, tips, and guidance that will create employees who ? Understand the principles of customer service and how to apply them to build rapport, solve problems, and......
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In the Company of Owners: The Truth about Stock Options (And Why Every Employee Should Have Them) Joseph R. Blasi
Book DescriptionThe string of business scandals that recently engulfed America painted a picture of corporate chieftains lining their pockets by cutting corners, cooking the books, and duping gullible investors. In doing so, greedy CEOs have hijacked what could be one of the most important business innovations in decades: stock options for all employees. Joseph Blasi, Douglas Kruse, and Aaron Bernstein-all leading experts on employee ownership-show how American companies would perform much better if they followed the lead of many high-tech firms and granted options to their entire workforce, rather than to just a tiny corporate elite. Using SEC data in a way never done before, they document the vast wealth executives have accumulated for themselves. It shows how the abuse of options has taken place not just at scandal-ridden companies such as Enron and WorldCom, but across the entire reach of corporate America. In the Company of Owners argues that there's a better way.......
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China Obscura
Book DescriptionArriving in mainland China by chance just a day after the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown, young Chinese-American photographer Mark Leong was compelled to stay and explore with his camera's lens the fascinating contradictions of a rapidlychanging but still intensely traditional Chinese society. Living in Beijing and traveling across China for the past fifteen years, he has captured images that astonish with their power and with his unprecedented access to both official and underground Chinese culture. This is a China rarely seen, where schoolchildren learn the tenets of Mao and an addict sifts heroin on a bill bearing the Chairman's benevolent likeness; where nervous stockbrokers carry handguns and teenage rollerbladers hope for fame andfinancial sponsorship. In more than 150 photographs, with a foreword by noted Chinese poet Yang Lian and an afterword by author Peter Hessler, China Obscura is an intimate and exquisitely detailed portrait of a society accelerating......
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На главную
Вяжем для детей: шапки, шарфы, варежки, пинетки, покрывала. Н. В. Болгова . Книги.
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