Using Multivariate Statistics (5th Edition)

Barbara G. Tabachnick, Linda S. Fidell

  Using Multivariate Statistics (5th Edition)  Barbara G. Tabachnick, Linda S. Fidell  This book takes a practical approach to multivariate data analysis, with an introduction to the most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques. Using Multivariate Statistics provides practical guidelines for conducting numerous types of multivariate statistical analyses. It gives syntax and output for accomplishing many analyses through the most recent releases of SAS, SPSS, and SYSTAT, some not available in software manuals. The book maintains its practical approach, still focusing on the benefits and limitations of applications of a technique to a data set - when, why, and how to do it. Overall, it provides advanced users with a timely and comprehensive introduction to today's most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques, while assuming only a limited knowledge of higher-level mathematics. For those interested in statistical analysis.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book takes a practical approach to multivariate data analysis, with an introduction to the most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques. Using Multivariate Statistics provides practical guidelines for conducting numerous types of multivariate statistical analyses. It gives syntax and output for accomplishing many analyses through the most recent releases of SAS, SPSS, and SYSTAT, some not available in software manuals. The book maintains its practical approach, still focusing on the benefits and limitations of applications of a technique to a data set - when, why, and how to do it. Overall, it provides advanced users with a timely and comprehensive introduction to today's most commonly encountered statistical and multivariate techniques, while assuming only a limited knowledge of higher-level mathematics. For those interested in statistical analysis....

Get Paid to Write!: The No-Nonsense Guide to Freelance Writing (Culture Tools)

Thomas A. Williams

  Get Paid to Write!: The No-Nonsense Guide to Freelance Writing (Culture Tools)  Thomas A. Williams  Williams shares the trade secrets for defining the style and editorial slant of the publications you want to write for, crafting the all important query letter, finding good ideas for articles, structuring an article, selling information on the internet, and much, much more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Williams shares the trade secrets for defining the style and editorial slant of the publications you want to write for, crafting the all important query letter, finding good ideas for articles, structuring an article, selling information on the internet, and much, much more....

Letters to a Young Academic: Seeking Teachable Moments

Guy R. McPherson

  Letters to a Young Academic: Seeking Teachable Moments  Guy R. McPherson  Young academicians are serious scholars and voracious readers who are perennially in search of practical and inspiring advice about their vocation. Here, author Guy Randall McPherson synthesizes and summarizes countless conversations with academicians over a two-decade career.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Young academicians are serious scholars and voracious readers who are perennially in search of practical and inspiring advice about their vocation. Here, author Guy Randall McPherson synthesizes and summarizes countless conversations with academicians over a two-decade career....

Government, Business, and the American Economy

Robert Langran

  Government, Business, and the American Economy  Robert Langran  This current and inclusive book discusses the role of government in American economy? covering such topics as antitrust laws, deregulation of communication, consumer protection, employment policy, and the roles of special interest groups . A look at international trading blocks, and America in a global economy, provides readers with an understanding of the far reaching effects of government on the U.S., and gives them a wealth of knowledge valuable in their everyday life as American citiens and consumers. Chapter topics include government regulation; the Supreme Court and the Sherman Act, Federal Trade Commission, and Clayton Acts; employment policies; environmental protection; deregulation of transportation, financial institutions, andcommunications; foreign trade; international trade; and the United States in a world economy. For individuals interested in learning more about the ways in which the government impacts the American economy?ranging from taxing to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This current and inclusive book discusses the role of government in American economy? covering such topics as antitrust laws, deregulation of communication, consumer protection, employment policy, and the roles of special interest groups . A look at international trading blocks, and America in a global economy, provides readers with an understanding of the far reaching effects of government on the U.S., and gives them a wealth of knowledge valuable in their everyday life as American citiens and consumers. Chapter topics include government regulation; the Supreme Court and the Sherman Act, Federal Trade Commission, and Clayton Acts; employment policies; environmental protection; deregulation of transportation, financial institutions, andcommunications; foreign trade; international trade; and the United States in a world economy. For individuals interested in learning more about the ways in which the government impacts the American economy?ranging from taxing to......

Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (Routledge Advances in Feminist Economics)

  Feminist Economics and the World Bank: History, Theory and Policy (Routledge Advances in Feminist Economics)  The past decade has witnessed a paradigm shift at the World Bank from a focus on structural adjustment to a focus on poverty reduction. As evidenced by the Bank's 2001 report, Engendering Development: Through Rights, Resource and Voice , an increased attention to gender issues has been an important part of this process. The premise of the report is that economic growth and development cannot be effectively addressed when gender inequality is not taken into account, because poverty increases gender inequalities and gender inequalities hinder economic development. This book brings together a range of responses from feminist economists and other social researchers on the issues raised in this report. With contributions from highly esteemed scholars such as Eudine Barriteau, Diane Elson, Gale Summerfield, and Zafiris Tzannatos, this anthology critically examines the relationships between gender, growth, development, and the World Bank. It develops a history of the World...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The past decade has witnessed a paradigm shift at the World Bank from a focus on structural adjustment to a focus on poverty reduction. As evidenced by the Bank's 2001 report, Engendering Development: Through Rights, Resource and Voice , an increased attention to gender issues has been an important part of this process. The premise of the report is that economic growth and development cannot be effectively addressed when gender inequality is not taken into account, because poverty increases gender inequalities and gender inequalities hinder economic development. This book brings together a range of responses from feminist economists and other social researchers on the issues raised in this report. With contributions from highly esteemed scholars such as Eudine Barriteau, Diane Elson, Gale Summerfield, and Zafiris Tzannatos, this anthology critically examines the relationships between gender, growth, development, and the World Bank. It develops a history of the World......

<<<  Французский язык за 16 уроков (+ CD-ROM). Т. Н. Савина             Foundation Web Design with Dreamweaver 8 (Foundation). Craig Grannell >>>

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Using Multivariate Statistics (5th Edition). Barbara G. Tabachnick, Linda S. Fidell . Книги.

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