The Narnian CD : The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis

Alan Jacobs

  The Narnian CD : The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis  Alan Jacobs  Book DescriptionA journey into the imaginative life of C. S. Lewis exploring the themes and life events that allowed an Oxford don, a scholar of medieval literature who loved to debate philosophy at his local pub, to write one of the most enduring classics of children’s literature.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA journey into the imaginative life of C. S. Lewis exploring the themes and life events that allowed an Oxford don, a scholar of medieval literature who loved to debate philosophy at his local pub, to write one of the most enduring classics of children’s literature....

Powerpuff Girls Chapter Book #1

E. S. Mooney

  Powerpuff Girls Chapter Book #1  E. S. Mooney  Book Description Uh-oh! One of The Powerpuff Girls' enemies, Amoeba Boy Tiny, has a crush on Bubbles. Now he is trying to get her attention. He is causing trouble all over Townsville! Can the Girls find a cure for Tiny's puppy love before he gets ina big, BIG mess??**This is the first in a new line of jr. chapter books about The Powerpuff Girls. It's just for early readers!**  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Uh-oh! One of The Powerpuff Girls' enemies, Amoeba Boy Tiny, has a crush on Bubbles. Now he is trying to get her attention. He is causing trouble all over Townsville! Can the Girls find a cure for Tiny's puppy love before he gets ina big, BIG mess??**This is the first in a new line of jr. chapter books about The Powerpuff Girls. It's just for early readers!**...

History of the Treatment of Spinal Injuries

John Russell Silver

  History of the Treatment of Spinal Injuries  John Russell Silver  Book DescriptionInjury of the spinal cord has been known since antiquity. There is no cure for the injury and until modern times patients died rapidly from a combination of pressure sores and urinary tract infection. Treatment consists of preventing complications until the spine has stabilised and the patient can be rehabilitated to an independent life. History of the Treatment of Spinal Injuries explores how this treatment developed in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, in Europe, Great Britain and latterly in the United States. It describes how these principles of treatment were recognised and explores the relationship and rivalry of the powerful personalities of the doctors who developed this treatment against the social background at different times.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionInjury of the spinal cord has been known since antiquity. There is no cure for the injury and until modern times patients died rapidly from a combination of pressure sores and urinary tract infection. Treatment consists of preventing complications until the spine has stabilised and the patient can be rehabilitated to an independent life. History of the Treatment of Spinal Injuries explores how this treatment developed in the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, in Europe, Great Britain and latterly in the United States. It describes how these principles of treatment were recognised and explores the relationship and rivalry of the powerful personalities of the doctors who developed this treatment against the social background at different times....

Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators

Robert Lloyd

  Quality Health Care: A Guide to Developing and Using Indicators  Robert Lloyd  Book DescriptionWritten by an internationally recognized expert in the field of quality management, this book will serve as a guide for planning and implementing a successful quality measurement program in health-care facilites.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWritten by an internationally recognized expert in the field of quality management, this book will serve as a guide for planning and implementing a successful quality measurement program in health-care facilites....


Валентина Осеева

  Динка  Валентина Осеева  ЛЕНИЗДАТ.   Переиздание широко известного произведения о судьбе девочки в дореволюционной России. Рассчитана на детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ЛЕНИЗДАТ. Переиздание широко известного произведения о судьбе девочки в дореволюционной России. Рассчитана на детей младшего и среднего школьного возраста....

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The Narnian CD : The Life and Imagination of C. S. Lewis. Alan Jacobs . Книги.

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