Уроки домоводства в Смольном институте. Учебные конспекты смолянки

  Уроки домоводства в Смольном институте. Учебные конспекты смолянки  Школа-Пресс.   Всем знакомо название Школа-Пресс. Всем знакомо название "Смольный институт" (Институт благородных девиц), но мало кто знает, что в этом привилегированном учебно-воспитательном заведении не только обучали молодых дворянок (а потом и мещанок) благородным манерам, но еще и учили их экономно-рачительному ведению домашнего хозяйства. В основе этой книги - подлинные конспекты воспитанницы Смольного института, которые не только воспроизводят содержание учебного курса, но и дают ценные практические советы, как выбирать продукты, долго сохранять их и вкусно готовить. Приводятся рецепты отдельных блюд, а также меню на несколько обедов. Для учащихся и учителей. Может быть использована на уроках домоводства в современной школе....

Боксер Билли. Закоренелый преступник

Эдгар Берроуз

  Боксер Билли. Закоренелый преступник  Эдгар Берроуз  Logos.   Эдгар Берроуз известен нашему читателю как автор серии романов о Тарзане. Предлагаемые в этой книге романы Logos. Эдгар Берроуз известен нашему читателю как автор серии романов о Тарзане. Предлагаемые в этой книге романы "Боксер Билли" и "Закоренелый преступник" представляют собой единое целое, поскольку связаны единым сюжетом. Герои романов Билли Байрн и Барбара Хардинг, пройдя через различные испытания и избежав множества опасностей, находят друг друга, чтобы соединить свои судьбы. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей....

Double or Die (Young Bond)

Charlie Higson

  Double or Die (Young Bond)  Charlie Higson  Kidnap - Violence - Explosions - Murder. No ordinary weekend. But then, James Bond is no ordinary boy ...In a North London cemetery a professor is kidnapped at gunpoint. A suspicious letter crammed with cryptic clues arrives at Eton. To decipher the deadly mystery, James Bond must take a series of dangerous gambles. Once the code is cracked, he has just forty-eight hours to save the professor from the dark forces that threaten to destroy them both. And, if the professor can't escape, it's not only his future under threat. It's the rest of the world's ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kidnap - Violence - Explosions - Murder. No ordinary weekend. But then, James Bond is no ordinary boy ...In a North London cemetery a professor is kidnapped at gunpoint. A suspicious letter crammed with cryptic clues arrives at Eton. To decipher the deadly mystery, James Bond must take a series of dangerous gambles. Once the code is cracked, he has just forty-eight hours to save the professor from the dark forces that threaten to destroy them both. And, if the professor can't escape, it's not only his future under threat. It's the rest of the world's ......

Effective Internal Communication

Lyn Smith, Pamela Mounter

  Effective Internal Communication  Lyn Smith, Pamela Mounter  
.   PR in Practice Series.   Internal communication has previously been overlooked in standard approaches to public relations, both in theory and in practice. The second edition of . PR in Practice Series. Internal communication has previously been overlooked in standard approaches to public relations, both in theory and in practice. The second edition of "Effective Internal Communication" explores how this is changing as more and more organizations recognize that good communication with their workforce is vital for continued success and profitability. In a practical and jargon-free style, "Effective Internal Communication" looks at how internal communication is conducted across different sectors and in organizations of differing sizes and complexity. Filled with practical examples and useful advice, the book contains many topical case studies that bring to life theoretical issues and complex issues. This new edition looks at a wide range of issues related to internal communication, including managing internal communication, internal communication across sectors, legal frameworks, measuring results, effects of technology, and managing change. It also contains new chapters on......

Modern Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics

  Modern Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics  The goal of this major undertaking is to support and enhance the interactions between mathematics and physics by making full use of the modern information technologies. Indeed, the 20th century was full of dramatic discoveries in each domain. And the important advances of that century in mathematicalpPhysics demonstrate clearly that physics is much closer to deep problems in mathematics than one could imagine by studying textbooks in our universities, and that physical ideas and concepts are often seminal in mathematics. The Modern Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (MEMPhys) is a truly 21st century scientific encyclopedia, emphasizing mathematical physics as opposed to mathematics on one side and physics on the other. The central idea is to create a modern version of Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed, albeit limited to this multidisciplinary field. Indeed nowadays, increasingly so, the problem (especially in science) is not so much the existence or availability of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The goal of this major undertaking is to support and enhance the interactions between mathematics and physics by making full use of the modern information technologies. Indeed, the 20th century was full of dramatic discoveries in each domain. And the important advances of that century in mathematicalpPhysics demonstrate clearly that physics is much closer to deep problems in mathematics than one could imagine by studying textbooks in our universities, and that physical ideas and concepts are often seminal in mathematics. The Modern Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (MEMPhys) is a truly 21st century scientific encyclopedia, emphasizing mathematical physics as opposed to mathematics on one side and physics on the other. The central idea is to create a modern version of Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed, albeit limited to this multidisciplinary field. Indeed nowadays, increasingly so, the problem (especially in science) is not so much the existence or availability of......

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Уроки домоводства в Смольном институте. Учебные конспекты смолянки. . Книги.

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