A History of Psychology: Ideas and Context (4th Edition)

  A History of Psychology: Ideas and Context (4th Edition)  D Brett King, Wayne Viney, W Douglas Woody  D Brett King, Wayne Viney, W Douglas Woody  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин D Brett King, Wayne Viney, W Douglas Woody...

Vijayanagara Visions: Religious Experience and Cultural Creativity in a South Indian Empire

William J. Jackson

  Vijayanagara Visions: Religious Experience and Cultural Creativity in a South Indian Empire  William J. Jackson  
.   The book explores the religious imagination of the old Vijaynagar empire by investigating the culture of bhakti and the visionary experiences of bhakti saints.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин . The book explores the religious imagination of the old Vijaynagar empire by investigating the culture of bhakti and the visionary experiences of bhakti saints....

The Bible and Lay People

Andrew Village

  The Bible and Lay People  Andrew Village  Ashgate.   There are many books about how people ought to interpret the Bible. This book is about how people in churches actually interpret the Bible, and why they interpret it in the way that they do. Based on a study of Anglicans in the Church of England, it explores the interaction of belief, personality, experience and context and sheds new light on the way that texts interact with readers. The author shows how the results of such study can begin to shape an empirically-based theology of scripture. This unique study approaches reader-centred criticism and the theology of scripture from a completely new angle, and will be of interest to both scholars and those who use the bible in churches.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Ashgate. There are many books about how people ought to interpret the Bible. This book is about how people in churches actually interpret the Bible, and why they interpret it in the way that they do. Based on a study of Anglicans in the Church of England, it explores the interaction of belief, personality, experience and context and sheds new light on the way that texts interact with readers. The author shows how the results of such study can begin to shape an empirically-based theology of scripture. This unique study approaches reader-centred criticism and the theology of scripture from a completely new angle, and will be of interest to both scholars and those who use the bible in churches....

Messianism, Apocalypse And Redemption in 20th Century German Thought (ATF) (ATF)

  Messianism, Apocalypse And Redemption in 20th Century German Thought (ATF) (ATF)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

The Encyclopedia of Wood

  The Encyclopedia of Wood  Skyhorse Publishing.   Timber is one of our most precious, versatile, and vulnerable resources, so using it effectively is important. Knowing your material inside and out is the first step to doing just that. Read about the structure of wood itself, from growth rings to its chemical composition. Learn wood’s physical and mechanical properties, including everything from elasticity to nuclear radiation. This extensive manual includes a section on stress grading as well as thorough descriptions of which fasteners to use and when. It has information on adhesive bonding, biodeterioration, control of moisture content, preservation, fire safety, specialty treatments, and much more. The Encyclopedia of Wood is an essential resource for builders, architects, engineers, and woodworkers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Skyhorse Publishing. Timber is one of our most precious, versatile, and vulnerable resources, so using it effectively is important. Knowing your material inside and out is the first step to doing just that. Read about the structure of wood itself, from growth rings to its chemical composition. Learn wood’s physical and mechanical properties, including everything from elasticity to nuclear radiation. This extensive manual includes a section on stress grading as well as thorough descriptions of which fasteners to use and when. It has information on adhesive bonding, biodeterioration, control of moisture content, preservation, fire safety, specialty treatments, and much more. The Encyclopedia of Wood is an essential resource for builders, architects, engineers, and woodworkers....

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A History of Psychology: Ideas and Context (4th Edition). D Brett King, Wayne Viney, W Douglas Woody . Книги.

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