John Duncan: Bonfires

Colin Graham, Mary Warner Marien, John Duncan

  John Duncan: Bonfires  Colin Graham, Mary Warner Marien, John Duncan  In Bonfires, photographer John Duncan documents the long-standing Protestant tradition of bonfire building--part of the annual July 11 celebration commemorating the defeat of James Stuart at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690--in his native Belfast. The large structures on which the fires are lit serve as a powerful assertion of Protestant identity and signal a sense of community solidarity. Duncan's photographs frame these structures against Belfast's changing urban landscape, revealing the deep divisions that, despite political progress, still affect Northern Ireland long after the cease-fires. Duncan's images reveal the expressive, jerry-rigged constructions that are lit to create the fires. They recall all manner of real and mythic architecture, from high-rise apartment buildings to military watchtowers, gun emplacements, the Empire State Building or the Tower of Babel.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In Bonfires, photographer John Duncan documents the long-standing Protestant tradition of bonfire building--part of the annual July 11 celebration commemorating the defeat of James Stuart at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690--in his native Belfast. The large structures on which the fires are lit serve as a powerful assertion of Protestant identity and signal a sense of community solidarity. Duncan's photographs frame these structures against Belfast's changing urban landscape, revealing the deep divisions that, despite political progress, still affect Northern Ireland long after the cease-fires. Duncan's images reveal the expressive, jerry-rigged constructions that are lit to create the fires. They recall all manner of real and mythic architecture, from high-rise apartment buildings to military watchtowers, gun emplacements, the Empire State Building or the Tower of Babel....

Mega English. Age 3-5

  Mega English. Age 3-5  Egmont.   I Can Learn.   These bright home learning books are designed to appeal to both children and parents alike, with exercises extensively researched by educational specialists and fun stickers to reward progress. The six titles have been attractively designed with full-colour insides and up-to-date content, which will strengthen the series' track record of success. Egmont. I Can Learn. These bright home learning books are designed to appeal to both children and parents alike, with exercises extensively researched by educational specialists and fun stickers to reward progress. The six titles have been attractively designed with full-colour insides and up-to-date content, which will strengthen the series' track record of success. "I Can Learn" allows for lots of practice in the core subjects of Maths and English, building children's confidence in the important formative primary years....

Анекдоты тренеров о бизнесе и не только

Алексей Сергеев, Михаил Казанцев, Карина Хутаева

  Анекдоты тренеров о бизнесе и не только  Алексей Сергеев, Михаил Казанцев, Карина Хутаева  Речь.   Психологический тренинг.   В сборник вошли анекдоты с комментариями, большая часть которых собиралась в течение трех лет Алексеем Сергеевым, генеральным директором Тренингового агентства Речь. Психологический тренинг. В сборник вошли анекдоты с комментариями, большая часть которых собиралась в течение трех лет Алексеем Сергеевым, генеральным директором Тренингового агентства "Мастер-Класс". Анекдоты прокомментированы бизнес-тренерами Алексеем Сергеевым, Кариной Хутаевой и Михаилом Казанцевым. Это полезный рабочий инструмент для тренеров, консультантов и преподавателей, а также приятный и одновременно развивающий информационный ресурс для руководителей, менеджеров по развитию и управлению персоналом, офисных работников, продавцов, финансистов, профессионалов и просто хороших людей....

Letters to Erik: The Ghost's Love Story

An Wallace

  Letters to Erik: The Ghost's Love Story  An Wallace  Outskirts Press.   Christine de Chagny is still haunted. When the Opera Ghost sent Christine away to marry his rival, the youthful and winsome Vicomte Raoul de Chagny, she promised the Ghost that she would return to bury him when he died. Unable to keep her word and tormented by grief and regret, she starts writing letters to the man she believes to be dead-only to discover that some Ghosts can never be laid to rest. Picking up where Gaston Leroux's novel ended, Letters to Erik is a story of forgiveness, redemption, and steadfast love.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Outskirts Press. Christine de Chagny is still haunted. When the Opera Ghost sent Christine away to marry his rival, the youthful and winsome Vicomte Raoul de Chagny, she promised the Ghost that she would return to bury him when he died. Unable to keep her word and tormented by grief and regret, she starts writing letters to the man she believes to be dead-only to discover that some Ghosts can never be laid to rest. Picking up where Gaston Leroux's novel ended, Letters to Erik is a story of forgiveness, redemption, and steadfast love....

В круге первом

Александр Солженицын

  В круге первом  Александр Солженицын  Средне-Уральское книжное издательство.   Лауреаты Нобелевской премии.   В новом издательском цикле «Лауреаты Нобелевской премии» читатели смогут познакомиться с произведениями отечественных и зарубежных Нобелевских лауреатов разных лет. Александр Исаевич Солженицын - всемирно известный русский писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 1970 года, участник Великой Отечественной войны. Средне-Уральское книжное издательство. Лауреаты Нобелевской премии. В новом издательском цикле «Лауреаты Нобелевской премии» читатели смогут познакомиться с произведениями отечественных и зарубежных Нобелевских лауреатов разных лет. Александр Исаевич Солженицын - всемирно известный русский писатель, лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе 1970 года, участник Великой Отечественной войны. "В круге первом" рассказывается о тяжёлой участи заключённых подмосковной спецтюрьмы - так называемой "шарашки", где в 1948-1949 гг. находился и сам автор....

<<<  When the Final Buzzer Sounds. Colleen Howe, Gordie ...             Управление товарным потоком. Руководство по оптимизации логистических ... >>>

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John Duncan: Bonfires. Colin Graham, Mary Warner Marien, John Duncan . Книги.

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