Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales)

  Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales)  Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales)  Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales)...

Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Снега Килиманджаро / Ernest Hemingway. The Snows of Kilimanjaro

  Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Снега Килиманджаро / Ernest Hemingway. The Snows of Kilimanjaro  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Восток-Запад.   Метод чтения Ильи Франка.   В книге предлагается рассказ Э.Хемингуэя АСТ, АСТ Москва, Восток-Запад. Метод чтения Ильи Франка. В книге предлагается рассказ Э.Хемингуэя "Снега Килиманджаро", адаптированный (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу Ильи Франка. Уникальность метода заключается в том, что запоминание слов и выражений происходит за счет их повторяемости, без заучивания и необходимости использовать словарь. Пособие способствует эффективному освоению языка может служить дополнением к учебной программе. Предназначено для студентов, для изучающих английский язык самостоятельно, а также для всех интересующихся английской культурой. Пособие подготовил Алексей Шипулин....

Animation Art: From Pencil to Pixel, the World of Cartoon, Anime, and CGI

  Animation Art: From Pencil to Pixel, the World of Cartoon, Anime, and CGI  Jerry Beck  Jerry Beck  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Jerry Beck...

Medieval Britain: A Very Short Introduction

John Gillingham and Ralph A. Griffiths

  Medieval Britain: A Very Short Introduction  John Gillingham and Ralph A. Griffiths  Oxford University Press.   Very Short Introductions.   A comprehensive and authoritative short guide, this Very Short Introduction to Medieval Britain covers the establishment of the Anglo-Norman monarchy in the early Middle Ages, through to England's failure to dominate the British Isles and France in the later Middle Ages. Out of the turbulence came stronger senses of identity in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Yet this was an age, too, of growing definition of Englishness and of a distinctive English cultural tradition. Формат: 11 см х 17,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Oxford University Press. Very Short Introductions. A comprehensive and authoritative short guide, this Very Short Introduction to Medieval Britain covers the establishment of the Anglo-Norman monarchy in the early Middle Ages, through to England's failure to dominate the British Isles and France in the later Middle Ages. Out of the turbulence came stronger senses of identity in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. Yet this was an age, too, of growing definition of Englishness and of a distinctive English cultural tradition. Формат: 11 см х 17,5 см....

Shaping the Shoreline: Fisheries and Tourism on the Monterey Coast (Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books)

Connie Y. Chiang

  Shaping the Shoreline: Fisheries and Tourism on the Monterey Coast (Weyerhaeuser Environmental Books)  Connie Y. Chiang  Monterey, California is home to the hugely successful Monterey Bay Aquarium and provided the setting for John Steinbeck's classic novel Cannery Row, yet the city's coastline was also the stage for a great shift in the junction of industry and tourism. From the late-nineteenth-century immigrant fisheries and the sardine boom of the interwar years and World War II, to the Southern Pacific Railroad's promotional campaigns and recent post-industrial tourism, Shaping the Shoreline looks at the ways in which Monterey has formed, and been formed by, the tension between labor and leisure. Connie Y. Chiang examines Monterey's development from a seaside resort to a working-class fishing town and, finally, to a tourist attraction again. Through the subjects of work, recreation, and environment - the intersections of which are applicable to communities across the United States and abroad - she documents the struggles and contests over this coastal region. By tracing Monterey's shift from what...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Monterey, California is home to the hugely successful Monterey Bay Aquarium and provided the setting for John Steinbeck's classic novel Cannery Row, yet the city's coastline was also the stage for a great shift in the junction of industry and tourism. From the late-nineteenth-century immigrant fisheries and the sardine boom of the interwar years and World War II, to the Southern Pacific Railroad's promotional campaigns and recent post-industrial tourism, Shaping the Shoreline looks at the ways in which Monterey has formed, and been formed by, the tension between labor and leisure. Connie Y. Chiang examines Monterey's development from a seaside resort to a working-class fishing town and, finally, to a tourist attraction again. Through the subjects of work, recreation, and environment - the intersections of which are applicable to communities across the United States and abroad - she documents the struggles and contests over this coastal region. By tracing Monterey's shift from what......

<<<  Consider Phlebas. Iain M. Banks             Управление товарным потоком. Руководство по оптимизации логистических ... >>>

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Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales). Rumpelstiltskin (Ladybird Tales) . Книги.

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