After the Revolution: Antoine-Jean Gros, Painting and Propaganda Under Napoleon

David O'Brien

  After the Revolution: Antoine-Jean Gros, Painting and Propaganda Under Napoleon  David O'Brien  Napoleon and Antoine-Jean Gros first met in 1796 in Italy where the young French painter was working as a portraitist and attempting to recover from the upheavals of the French Revolution. The meeting changed Gros's life. Soon thereafter, he was making paintings ---Napoleon Visiting the Battlefield of Eylau, Napoleon Visiting the Plague-Stricken in Jaffa, among others---that commemorated Napoleon and Antoine-Jean Gros first met in 1796 in Italy where the young French painter was working as a portraitist and attempting to recover from the upheavals of the French Revolution. The meeting changed Gros's life. Soon thereafter, he was making paintings ---Napoleon Visiting the Battlefield of Eylau, Napoleon Visiting the Plague-Stricken in Jaffa, among others---that commemorated "the Corsican upstart's" great deeds and have come to be regarded as masterpieces of both art and propaganda. After the Revolution by David O'Brien is the first account in over a century to trace Gros's meteoric career, from its beginnings in Paris in David's studio to its Napoleonic successes and end in a mysterious suicide. Drawing on letters from the artist to his mother, many of which O'Brien discovered, this book gives the reader a compelling account of the opportunities and conflicts faced by a brilliant, sensitive artist working for an increasingly autocratic regime. Highly......

The Underwater Photographer, Third Edition: Digital and Traditional Techniques


  The Underwater Photographer, Third Edition: Digital and Traditional Techniques  MARTIN EDGE  A superb hand-on manual containing a wealth of underwater tips, hints and advice - all beautifully illustrated with brand new, full colour images. Martin Edge, a leading authority on underwater photography, will help you capture stunning effects using his popular 'think and consider' system - offering a heightened awareness and understanding of the subject matter, lighting and environment to take the perfect picture. Practical examples take you step-by-step through the basic techniaques from photographing shipwrecks, divers, marine life and abstract images to taking photographs at night and 'dual lighting'. In 1999 the late Jim Church, guru of underwater photography, said: 'As a member of the new generation of underwater photography writers, [Martin has] set a standard that will only be surpassed when [he writes] a third edition.' Here it is, we hope you enjoy it. * Learn 'how that shot was taken' with practical case studies * Beautifully illustrated throughout...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A superb hand-on manual containing a wealth of underwater tips, hints and advice - all beautifully illustrated with brand new, full colour images. Martin Edge, a leading authority on underwater photography, will help you capture stunning effects using his popular 'think and consider' system - offering a heightened awareness and understanding of the subject matter, lighting and environment to take the perfect picture. Practical examples take you step-by-step through the basic techniaques from photographing shipwrecks, divers, marine life and abstract images to taking photographs at night and 'dual lighting'. In 1999 the late Jim Church, guru of underwater photography, said: 'As a member of the new generation of underwater photography writers, [Martin has] set a standard that will only be surpassed when [he writes] a third edition.' Here it is, we hope you enjoy it. * Learn 'how that shot was taken' with practical case studies * Beautifully illustrated throughout......

In Focus: National Geographic Greatest Portraits

National Geographic

  In Focus: National Geographic Greatest Portraits  National Geographic  National Geographic Greatest Portraits tells the story of portrait photography through the eyes-and words-of five accomplished National Geographic photographers. The book showcases images never-before-seen alongside award-winning favorites. New and fascinating text reveals photographers' individual experiences photographing people and their evaluation of NG portraits produced during each decade-from the late-19th century until today. National Geographic Greatest Portraits opens with a beautiful and surprising look at National Geographic's contribution to the knowledge of the world's peoples through photography. Five chapters follow, each spanning approximately two decades and covering an era in world history and photographic style. The chapters are: Before 1930 (Exploring the power of photography), 1930s-1940s (The Great Depression and World War II), 1950s-1960s (Bright colors and perky smiles), 1970s-1980s (Back to realism), 1990s-Present (Everything is relative). Each of these...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин National Geographic Greatest Portraits tells the story of portrait photography through the eyes-and words-of five accomplished National Geographic photographers. The book showcases images never-before-seen alongside award-winning favorites. New and fascinating text reveals photographers' individual experiences photographing people and their evaluation of NG portraits produced during each decade-from the late-19th century until today. National Geographic Greatest Portraits opens with a beautiful and surprising look at National Geographic's contribution to the knowledge of the world's peoples through photography. Five chapters follow, each spanning approximately two decades and covering an era in world history and photographic style. The chapters are: Before 1930 (Exploring the power of photography), 1930s-1940s (The Great Depression and World War II), 1950s-1960s (Bright colors and perky smiles), 1970s-1980s (Back to realism), 1990s-Present (Everything is relative). Each of these......

International Retailing Plans And Strategies In Asia

  International Retailing Plans And Strategies In Asia  Learn the how, when, and why of entering Asian markets Retailers entering Asia are faced with not only a consumer and retail culture very different from their own, but with a variety of cultures that vary greatly among countries within the continent. International Retailing Plans and Strategies in Asia examines the strategies of Western retailers entering into Asian markets and provides specific case examples showing why some companies have failed in Asia?as well as factors that helped others succeed. Important concepts for international retailers exploring Asian markets are clearly explained, and the material is particularly relevant to current WTO and UNCTAD debates about the globalization of retail markets. Helpful tables, charts, and illustrations make complex information easy to access and understand. International Retailing Plans and Strategies in Asia examines: how foreign investment influences domestic retail systems how strategies for entering European...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Learn the how, when, and why of entering Asian markets Retailers entering Asia are faced with not only a consumer and retail culture very different from their own, but with a variety of cultures that vary greatly among countries within the continent. International Retailing Plans and Strategies in Asia examines the strategies of Western retailers entering into Asian markets and provides specific case examples showing why some companies have failed in Asia?as well as factors that helped others succeed. Important concepts for international retailers exploring Asian markets are clearly explained, and the material is particularly relevant to current WTO and UNCTAD debates about the globalization of retail markets. Helpful tables, charts, and illustrations make complex information easy to access and understand. International Retailing Plans and Strategies in Asia examines: how foreign investment influences domestic retail systems how strategies for entering European......

Клиническая гнатология

В. А. Хватова

  Клиническая гнатология  В. А. Хватова  Медицина.   В учебном пособии изложены основы гнатологии, приведены термины, дан функциональный анализ зубочелюстно-лицевой системы, описаны заболевания и дисфункции зубочелюстной системы, их лечение, а также современные методы, приборы и устройства для диагностики. Освещены гнатологические аспекты ортопедического и ортодонтического лечения, избирательного сошлифовывания зубов, применение лечебно-диагностических аппаратов. Актуальность данного пособия в том, что в отечественной литературе отсутствуют учебные пособия по данной теме. Для стоматологов, слушателей факультетов последипломного образования, зубных техников, студентов стоматологических вузов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Медицина. В учебном пособии изложены основы гнатологии, приведены термины, дан функциональный анализ зубочелюстно-лицевой системы, описаны заболевания и дисфункции зубочелюстной системы, их лечение, а также современные методы, приборы и устройства для диагностики. Освещены гнатологические аспекты ортопедического и ортодонтического лечения, избирательного сошлифовывания зубов, применение лечебно-диагностических аппаратов. Актуальность данного пособия в том, что в отечественной литературе отсутствуют учебные пособия по данной теме. Для стоматологов, слушателей факультетов последипломного образования, зубных техников, студентов стоматологических вузов....

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After the Revolution: Antoine-Jean Gros, Painting and Propaganda Under Napoleon. David O'Brien . Книги.

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