Marjorie Strider: Dramatic Gestures

Donald Kuspit

  Marjorie Strider: Dramatic Gestures  Donald Kuspit  Book DescriptionThis book presents the work of artist Marjorie Strider.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book presents the work of artist Marjorie Strider....

Warren Neidich: Blow-Up: Photography, Cinema and the Brain

Warren Neidich

  Warren Neidich: Blow-Up: Photography, Cinema and the Brain  Warren Neidich  Book DescriptionIn Blow-Up , a collection of essays that tackle aesthetics from the angle of neuroscience, Warren Neidich proposes a different and wholly original paradigm for thinking through cultural history and the philosophy of the human subject. Across the theoretical landscape that Neidich describes, even familiar monuments from the history of art, architecture, philosophy and aesthetics appear strange and disorienting, because the starting point of the primary and secondary repertoires (the nervous system and the pathways of connection built up through interaction between the brain and the outside world) is so totally unexpected. Crucial to Neidich's narrative is the idea that, in modernity, the technologies that have evolved in the sphere ofvisual communication have come to operate on the subject with particular vehemence, not only in the realm of meaning but in their determining influence on the primary habits and dispositions of experience. Photography, cinema,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn Blow-Up , a collection of essays that tackle aesthetics from the angle of neuroscience, Warren Neidich proposes a different and wholly original paradigm for thinking through cultural history and the philosophy of the human subject. Across the theoretical landscape that Neidich describes, even familiar monuments from the history of art, architecture, philosophy and aesthetics appear strange and disorienting, because the starting point of the primary and secondary repertoires (the nervous system and the pathways of connection built up through interaction between the brain and the outside world) is so totally unexpected. Crucial to Neidich's narrative is the idea that, in modernity, the technologies that have evolved in the sphere ofvisual communication have come to operate on the subject with particular vehemence, not only in the realm of meaning but in their determining influence on the primary habits and dispositions of experience. Photography, cinema,......

A Typographic Workbook : A Primer to History, Techniques, and Artistry

Kate Clair

  A Typographic Workbook : A Primer to History, Techniques, and Artistry  Kate Clair  Book DescriptionLavishly illustrated with more than 450 images, A Typographic Workbook, Second Edition explains the process successful designers use to select, space, and creatively integrate fonts. This essential text demonstrates the use of typeas a dynamic and expressive communication tool. This edition provides new and updated coverage of a broad range of topics–from a logical, clear historical overview of the craft to the latest digital technologies. Known for its highly interactive format, this Second Edition continues to include helpful review questions and multiple-choice quizzes, as well as many new projects and skill-building exercises that help readers immediately apply what they have learned. A Typographic Workbook, Second Edition is a valuable professional resource for working designers and an indispensable training tool for graphic design students.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLavishly illustrated with more than 450 images, A Typographic Workbook, Second Edition explains the process successful designers use to select, space, and creatively integrate fonts. This essential text demonstrates the use of typeas a dynamic and expressive communication tool. This edition provides new and updated coverage of a broad range of topics–from a logical, clear historical overview of the craft to the latest digital technologies. Known for its highly interactive format, this Second Edition continues to include helpful review questions and multiple-choice quizzes, as well as many new projects and skill-building exercises that help readers immediately apply what they have learned. A Typographic Workbook, Second Edition is a valuable professional resource for working designers and an indispensable training tool for graphic design students....

Karl Lagerfeld: A Portrait Of Dorian Gray

Karl Lagerfeld

  Karl Lagerfeld: A Portrait Of Dorian Gray  Karl Lagerfeld  Book DescriptionIn his youth, Dorian Gray had his portrait painted and, because the painting wonderfully preserved a carefree moment, Gray begged for a trade-off: the painting would age and he himself would remain young and handsome forever. That's exactly what happened until one day, in a rage, he stabbed the canvas and died. What remained was a flawless portrait of youth. Karl Lagerfeld has staged the core of Oscar Wilde's famous novel in his own way. He shows a luxurious Bohemian world as in the freeze-frames of a film. Young people celebrate, paying homage to beautiful bodies and devoting themselves to the moment. Right up until the metamorphosis begins. Then the young man changes into an old man and the pretty woman into her own death mask. Thisbook tells the story as a film, reflecting a world of fashion and glamour, and suggesting the aesthetics of Caravaggio or the pre-Raphaelites. With this publication, Karl Lagerfeld, one of the great protagonists of the fashion scene,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn his youth, Dorian Gray had his portrait painted and, because the painting wonderfully preserved a carefree moment, Gray begged for a trade-off: the painting would age and he himself would remain young and handsome forever. That's exactly what happened until one day, in a rage, he stabbed the canvas and died. What remained was a flawless portrait of youth. Karl Lagerfeld has staged the core of Oscar Wilde's famous novel in his own way. He shows a luxurious Bohemian world as in the freeze-frames of a film. Young people celebrate, paying homage to beautiful bodies and devoting themselves to the moment. Right up until the metamorphosis begins. Then the young man changes into an old man and the pretty woman into her own death mask. Thisbook tells the story as a film, reflecting a world of fashion and glamour, and suggesting the aesthetics of Caravaggio or the pre-Raphaelites. With this publication, Karl Lagerfeld, one of the great protagonists of the fashion scene,......

A Theodore Dreiser Encyclopedia

  A Theodore Dreiser Encyclopedia  Book DescriptionFor a century, Theodore Dreiser has represented for many readers a rebellious modernism whose novels both critiqued the American dream and embodied a bleakly deterministic perception of life. This reference is an authoritative guide to his life and works. Included are several hundred entries on each of Dreiser's books and short stories, as well as magazine and newspaper pieces he collected during his life.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFor a century, Theodore Dreiser has represented for many readers a rebellious modernism whose novels both critiqued the American dream and embodied a bleakly deterministic perception of life. This reference is an authoritative guide to his life and works. Included are several hundred entries on each of Dreiser's books and short stories, as well as magazine and newspaper pieces he collected during his life....

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Marjorie Strider: Dramatic Gestures. Donald Kuspit . Книги.

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