Software Product Management: Managing Software Development from Idea to Product to Marketing to Sales

Dan Condon, Aspatore Books Staff

  Software Product Management: Managing Software Development from Idea to Product to Marketing to Sales  Dan Condon, Aspatore Books Staff  Software Product Management decodes the software product management process with an emphasis on coordinating the needs of stakeholders ranging from engineering, sales, and product support to technical writing and marketing. Based on real-world experiencein managing the development of enterprise software, this book details how a team can work together smoothly to achieve their goal of releasing a superior software product on time. Instead of being a step-by-step cookbook that attempts to meet everyone?s needs, the book guides managers to develop the framework appropriate for their organizations and company goals, understand the tradeoffs, and make the right decisions. The book also addresses the challenges of product management in a period of increased commoditization of software technology products. By providing a historical context for the evolution of today?s software marketplace, it presents ideas for prospering in a still rapidly changing environment. Dispensing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Software Product Management decodes the software product management process with an emphasis on coordinating the needs of stakeholders ranging from engineering, sales, and product support to technical writing and marketing. Based on real-world experiencein managing the development of enterprise software, this book details how a team can work together smoothly to achieve their goal of releasing a superior software product on time. Instead of being a step-by-step cookbook that attempts to meet everyone?s needs, the book guides managers to develop the framework appropriate for their organizations and company goals, understand the tradeoffs, and make the right decisions. The book also addresses the challenges of product management in a period of increased commoditization of software technology products. By providing a historical context for the evolution of today?s software marketplace, it presents ideas for prospering in a still rapidly changing environment. Dispensing......

The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline, Second Edition

Marilyn E. Gootman

  The Caring Teacher's Guide to Discipline, Second Edition  Marilyn E. Gootman  With updated insights, new research results and recommended programs, and a new chapter on bullying, this updated edition of a powerful classic is a necessary resource for new and experienced teachers alike.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With updated insights, new research results and recommended programs, and a new chapter on bullying, this updated edition of a powerful classic is a necessary resource for new and experienced teachers alike....

Juniper Networks Field Guide and Reference

Aviva Garrett, Gary Drenan, Cris Morris, Juniper Networks

  Juniper Networks Field Guide and Reference  Aviva Garrett, Gary Drenan, Cris Morris, Juniper Networks  Addison-Wesley Professional.   When I wrote the first Juniper Networks software manual in the early summer of 1997, it was about 250 pages. When we shipped JUNOS Release 3.2 in March 1999, the JUNOS manual was just shy of 1,000 pages. I was dismayed at the prospect of having the manual be in two volumes and asked the development engineers to stop writing code. Of course, they didn't honor my request. At the time of this writing, the JUNOS documentation set is 5,700 pages in 13 separate volumes. Similarly, the hardware documentation set has grown from a single 120-page manual to more than 250 pages of documentation for each of six platforms. When our long-time publishing consultant, Patrick Ames, suggested that we might want to create a small field guide for installing, configuring, and operating Juniper Networks routers, I thought it would be nice to return to a world in which we could document the product in under 1,000 pages. We created a small team of technical documentation writers and editors--Gary Drenan,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Addison-Wesley Professional. When I wrote the first Juniper Networks software manual in the early summer of 1997, it was about 250 pages. When we shipped JUNOS Release 3.2 in March 1999, the JUNOS manual was just shy of 1,000 pages. I was dismayed at the prospect of having the manual be in two volumes and asked the development engineers to stop writing code. Of course, they didn't honor my request. At the time of this writing, the JUNOS documentation set is 5,700 pages in 13 separate volumes. Similarly, the hardware documentation set has grown from a single 120-page manual to more than 250 pages of documentation for each of six platforms. When our long-time publishing consultant, Patrick Ames, suggested that we might want to create a small field guide for installing, configuring, and operating Juniper Networks routers, I thought it would be nice to return to a world in which we could document the product in under 1,000 pages. We created a small team of technical documentation writers and editors--Gary Drenan,......

Introduction to Operating Systems: Comprehensive Course (Soft Cover/Perfect Bound)

Todd Stubbs

  Introduction to Operating Systems: Comprehensive Course (Soft Cover/Perfect Bound)  Todd Stubbs  Introduction to Operating Systems: Comprehensive Course covers today's leading operating systems, in one book. From Red Hat Linux 7.0 to Mac OSX, this text provides basic-to-intermediate skills in a comprehensive yet easy-to-follow survey course.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Introduction to Operating Systems: Comprehensive Course covers today's leading operating systems, in one book. From Red Hat Linux 7.0 to Mac OSX, this text provides basic-to-intermediate skills in a comprehensive yet easy-to-follow survey course....

Стратегический менеджмент: Инструменты руководителя

  Стратегический менеджмент: Инструменты руководителя  Умение стратегически мыслить необходимо каждому руководителю, которому приходится решать значимые для организации вопросы. В процессе своей деятельности менеджеры сталкиваются со многими проблемами: как выбрать ту стратегию, которая наилучшим образом подойдет для компании; какие ресурсы для этого потребуются; по каким критериям оценивать существующие варианты стратегий; каким образом лучше реализовать выбранное направление деятельности фирмы и т.д. Все эти и многие другие трудности легче преодолеть, используя основные методики и понятия стратегического менеджмента. Вот как определяют понятие Умение стратегически мыслить необходимо каждому руководителю, которому приходится решать значимые для организации вопросы. В процессе своей деятельности менеджеры сталкиваются со многими проблемами: как выбрать ту стратегию, которая наилучшим образом подойдет для компании; какие ресурсы для этого потребуются; по каким критериям оценивать существующие варианты стратегий; каким образом лучше реализовать выбранное направление деятельности фирмы и т.д. Все эти и многие другие трудности легче преодолеть, используя основные методики и понятия стратегического менеджмента. Вот как определяют понятие "Стратегия" К. и М. Хаттен: "Стратегия - это путь достижения целей организации". Изучение "Стратегического менеджмента" на диске осуществляется в четыре этапа - основные практические составляющие данной науки: - определение стратегии в управлении предприятием; - стратегический анализ; - стратегический выбор; - реализация......

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Software Product Management: Managing Software Development from Idea to Product to Marketing to Sales. Dan Condon, Aspatore Books Staff . Книги.

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