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Great Jobs for Criminal Justice Majors Stephen Lambert, Debra Regan
Great Jobs for Criminal Justice Majors helps students explore career options within their field of study. Every aspect of the job-search process is covered, including assessing talents and skills, exploring options, making a smooth transition from college to career, conducting an effective job search, and landing the job. The book is filled with a variety of career choices....
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Yeargin on Management Bill Yeargin
"Yeargin on Management" is a collection of sixty eight management columns published by the Bill Yeargin from 1995 through 2001. Bill receives many requests each month for copies of his past coulumns and now they are all available together in this one book. Bill's columns cover many management topics including strategic management, communication issues, hiring and firing, customer service and various employee related matters. Each column is written in an easy to understand manner that includes specific points that managers can apply immediately after reading the column. Bill has travelled the world meeting with managers and discussing thier management issues. In this book he shares what he has learned in his years of experience by clearly outlining what it takes to be a successfull manager and leader....
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Beyond Customer Service (Fifty-Minute Series Book) Richard F. Gerson
Revised with new ways to extend a traditional customer service program into a customer retention program....
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Network Security: A Hacker's Perspective Ankit Fadia
Network Security: A Hackers Perspective will help you step into the minds of computer criminals so you can predict their moves and stop them before they can strike. Youll become a real hacker profiler as you find out the ways in which these attackers caninfiltrate your system, including stealing your identity by obtaining your IP address; gathering information through port scanning, fingerprinting, and sniffing; and attacking password files. Whether you are a network administrator or recreational user of the Internet, you will learn the right countermeasures to protect sensitive information and ensure that neither you nor your company ever become a defenseless target....
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Microsoft Direct3D Programming Kick Start Clayton Walnum
Sams Publishing. Kick Start. DirectX 9, a brand-new version of Microsoft's multimedia libraries, features the latest 3D graphics technology in the form of Direct3D 9. Direct3D Programming will cover everything a C++ programmer needs to know in order to use Direct3D 9 to create interactive 3D worlds. The book begins with an overview of basic Windows and 3D programming techniques and works its way through the library, starting with getting Direct3D up-and-running all the way to more advanced topics such as textures, lighting, and fog. All concepts and programming techniques are demonstrated in example programs that the reader can build himself using detailed step-by-step instructions....
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Great Jobs for Criminal Justice Majors. Stephen Lambert, Debra Regan . Книги.
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