Таинство зачатия

  Таинство зачатия  АСТ, Астрель, АНС.   В уникальной книге АСТ, Астрель, АНС. В уникальной книге "Таинство зачатия" впервые собрано воедино все, что так или иначе связано с тайной зарождения новой жизни. Вы найдете здесь и мнение современной науки, и воззрения самых разных религиозных школ и эзотерических учений. Освещены и проблемы бесплодия: почему одни пары заводят детей с легкостью, а другие, несмотря на все старания, остаются бездетными? Наряду с традиционными советами и рекомендациями вниманию читателей предложены рецепты из богатого опыта народного целительства, старинные заговоры знахарей, молитвы православным святым. Немалое внимание уделено различным загадкам, связанным с возникновением новой жизни, и даже астрологическим аспектам деторождения - тому, как расположение планет влияет на пол и характер будущего человека. Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей: для тех, кто уже ждет малыша и тех, кто только планирует прибавление в семействе....

The Painter X Wow! Book

Cher Threinen-Pendarvis

  The Painter X Wow! Book  Cher Threinen-Pendarvis  The Painter X Wow! Bo ok continues to delight Painter fans with its many exciting, inspiring examples and techniques for creating fine art, photography, graphic design, multimedia, and film. In this new edition, bestselling author and renowned artist Cher Threinen-Pendarvis takes her readers step-by-step through this revolutionary program, revealing the best practices of numerous digital artists. With her clear, instructive approach, Cher quickly gets beginners up to speed and provides more advanced users with additional insight on the latest creative and productive techniques. New to this edition is coverage of Painter’s latest tools, including the new RealBristle Painting System, Universal Mixer palette, Match Palette effect, Workspace Manager, an enhanced Photo-Painting System, and new composition tools. This invaluable resource gives you: • Numerous full-color images and illustrative techniques throughout, created by renowned Painter...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Painter X Wow! Bo ok continues to delight Painter fans with its many exciting, inspiring examples and techniques for creating fine art, photography, graphic design, multimedia, and film. In this new edition, bestselling author and renowned artist Cher Threinen-Pendarvis takes her readers step-by-step through this revolutionary program, revealing the best practices of numerous digital artists. With her clear, instructive approach, Cher quickly gets beginners up to speed and provides more advanced users with additional insight on the latest creative and productive techniques. New to this edition is coverage of Painter’s latest tools, including the new RealBristle Painting System, Universal Mixer palette, Match Palette effect, Workspace Manager, an enhanced Photo-Painting System, and new composition tools. This invaluable resource gives you: • Numerous full-color images and illustrative techniques throughout, created by renowned Painter......

The Cost of Institutions: Information and Freedom in Expanding Economies

Jacob P. Rodriguez, Steven R. Loomis, Joseph G. Weeres

  The Cost of Institutions: Information and Freedom in Expanding Economies  Jacob P. Rodriguez, Steven R. Loomis, Joseph G. Weeres  How do institutions shape the long-term direction of economies? What are the relevant causes of institutional change? How do institutions alter our standards of rationality and the possibilities of individual action? And are institutions raising or lowering the total sum of costs in the social order? Addressing such questions, The Cost of Institutions is a detailed account of how institutions impose information costs on markets--economic, political, and cultural. This book disputes the possibility that a market under scale can achieve equilibrium. It argues that as institutions attempt to support the growth of markets, they evolve with a general tendency to favor a specific form of information. The authors explain how this distortion in the information base of the economy biases the incentive system and the pattern of resource allocation; they further explain how it transforms production probabilities and the intricacies of human exchange, causing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How do institutions shape the long-term direction of economies? What are the relevant causes of institutional change? How do institutions alter our standards of rationality and the possibilities of individual action? And are institutions raising or lowering the total sum of costs in the social order? Addressing such questions, The Cost of Institutions is a detailed account of how institutions impose information costs on markets--economic, political, and cultural. This book disputes the possibility that a market under scale can achieve equilibrium. It argues that as institutions attempt to support the growth of markets, they evolve with a general tendency to favor a specific form of information. The authors explain how this distortion in the information base of the economy biases the incentive system and the pattern of resource allocation; they further explain how it transforms production probabilities and the intricacies of human exchange, causing......

The Right Address: A Novel

Carrie Karasyov, Jill Kargman

  The Right Address: A Novel  Carrie Karasyov, Jill Kargman  The Right Address sears through the upper crust of New York’s glittering Park Avenue scene to dish the dirt on the ladies who lunch, the gents who club, and the desperate climbers who will stop at nothing to join the backstabbing, champagne-sipping, socialite-eat-socialite stratosphere. When Melanie Sartomsky, wily Floridian flight attendant, snares billionaire divorcA©e Arthur “the coffin king” Korn, she is catapulted into the crA?me de la crA?me of Park Avenue society, where hiring the wrong decorator is tantamount to social suicide, and where, if you’re anyone, your personal assistant has a personal assistant. But Melanie quickly discovers that in the world of the rich and idle, malicious gossip is as de rigeur as owning twenty pairs of Manolo Blahniks. And despite her frenzied plunge into the charity circuit and the right dinner reservations, her neighbors are Givenchy-clad vultures who see her as nothing more than a reinvented trailer...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Right Address sears through the upper crust of New York’s glittering Park Avenue scene to dish the dirt on the ladies who lunch, the gents who club, and the desperate climbers who will stop at nothing to join the backstabbing, champagne-sipping, socialite-eat-socialite stratosphere. When Melanie Sartomsky, wily Floridian flight attendant, snares billionaire divorcA©e Arthur “the coffin king” Korn, she is catapulted into the crA?me de la crA?me of Park Avenue society, where hiring the wrong decorator is tantamount to social suicide, and where, if you’re anyone, your personal assistant has a personal assistant. But Melanie quickly discovers that in the world of the rich and idle, malicious gossip is as de rigeur as owning twenty pairs of Manolo Blahniks. And despite her frenzied plunge into the charity circuit and the right dinner reservations, her neighbors are Givenchy-clad vultures who see her as nothing more than a reinvented trailer......

The Gospel in Dostoyevsky: Selections from His Works

  The Gospel in Dostoyevsky: Selections from His Works  Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Fritz Eichenberg  Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Fritz Eichenberg  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Fritz Eichenberg...

<<<  Классные часы, беседы о нравственном и патриотическом ...             Бес смертный. Алексей Рыбин >>>

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