Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: the Next Level

  Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: the Next Level  Birkhauser Basel.   Computer and video games are leaving the PC and conquering the arena of everyday life in the form of mobile applications (such as GPS cell phones, etc.) – the result is new types of cities and architecture. How do these games alter our perception of real and virtual space? What can the designers of physical and digital worlds learn from one another? Space Time Play presents the following themes: the superimposition of computer games on real spaces and convergences of real and imaginary playspaces; computer and video games as practical planning instruments. With articles by Espen Aarseth, Ernest Adams, Richard A. Bartle, Ian Bogost, Gerhard M. Buurman, Edward Castranova, Kees Christiaanse, Drew Davidson, James Der Derian, Noah Falstein, Stephen Graham, Ludger Hovestadt, Henry Jenkins, Heather Kelley, James Korris, Julian Kucklich, Frank Lantz, Lev Manovich, Jane McGonigal, William J. Mitchell, Kas Oosterhuis, Katie Salen, Mark Wigley, and others.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Birkhauser Basel. Computer and video games are leaving the PC and conquering the arena of everyday life in the form of mobile applications (such as GPS cell phones, etc.) – the result is new types of cities and architecture. How do these games alter our perception of real and virtual space? What can the designers of physical and digital worlds learn from one another? Space Time Play presents the following themes: the superimposition of computer games on real spaces and convergences of real and imaginary playspaces; computer and video games as practical planning instruments. With articles by Espen Aarseth, Ernest Adams, Richard A. Bartle, Ian Bogost, Gerhard M. Buurman, Edward Castranova, Kees Christiaanse, Drew Davidson, James Der Derian, Noah Falstein, Stephen Graham, Ludger Hovestadt, Henry Jenkins, Heather Kelley, James Korris, Julian Kucklich, Frank Lantz, Lev Manovich, Jane McGonigal, William J. Mitchell, Kas Oosterhuis, Katie Salen, Mark Wigley, and others....

Olive Cultivation in Ancient Greece: Seeking the Ancient Economy

  Olive Cultivation in Ancient Greece: Seeking the Ancient Economy  Lin Foxhall  Lin Foxhall  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lin Foxhall...

The New Bankruptcy Code, Second Edition: Cases, Developments, and Practice Insights since BAPCPA

  The New Bankruptcy Code, Second Edition: Cases, Developments, and Practice Insights since BAPCPA  Sally McDonald Henry  Sally McDonald Henry  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Sally McDonald Henry...

Theory of Local Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy

  Theory of Local Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy  Pierre-Andre Julien  Pierre-Andre Julien  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pierre-Andre Julien...

Game Fishing: A Step-by-Step Handbook: Expert advice for successful coarse fishing, with over 200 practical photographs and diagrams to show skills and equipment

  Game Fishing: A Step-by-Step Handbook: Expert advice for successful coarse fishing, with over 200 practical photographs and diagrams to show skills and equipment  Peter Gathercole  Peter Gathercole  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Peter Gathercole...

<<<  Современное политическое консультирование. ...             Disapproving Rabbits. Sharon Stiteler >>>

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Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture and Urbanism: the Next Level. . Книги.

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