
Борис Соколов

  Буденный  Борис Соколов  Молодая гвардия.   Жизнь замечательных людей.   Том 1, Фабрика Абсолюта, Война с саламандрами, Том 2, RUR, Из жизни насекомых, Средство Макропулоса, Белая болезнь, Мать, Том 3, Как это делается, Беседы с Т.Г.Масариком, Публицистика последних лет.   Семен Михайлович Буденный - герой Гражданской войны, командир легендарной Первой конной, один из самых популярных советских военачальников. Множество стихов, песен, романов изображали его прямым и бесхитростным наездником-рубакой, но на самом деле он был достаточно умен и осторожен, чтобы уцелеть в годы сталинских репрессий и навязать Красной армии свою линию на укрепление конницы в ущерб моторизованным частям. Великая Отечественная война доказала пагубность подобного курса и завершила полководческую карьеру Буденного, который еще много лет играл роль живой легенды, связующего звена современности с героикой первых советских лет. Превратности биографии знаменитого маршала исследует известный историк Борис Соколов - автор более 40 книг, посвященных истории и культуре России XX века.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Молодая гвардия. Жизнь замечательных людей. Том 1, Фабрика Абсолюта, Война с саламандрами, Том 2, RUR, Из жизни насекомых, Средство Макропулоса, Белая болезнь, Мать, Том 3, Как это делается, Беседы с Т.Г.Масариком, Публицистика последних лет. Семен Михайлович Буденный - герой Гражданской войны, командир легендарной Первой конной, один из самых популярных советских военачальников. Множество стихов, песен, романов изображали его прямым и бесхитростным наездником-рубакой, но на самом деле он был достаточно умен и осторожен, чтобы уцелеть в годы сталинских репрессий и навязать Красной армии свою линию на укрепление конницы в ущерб моторизованным частям. Великая Отечественная война доказала пагубность подобного курса и завершила полководческую карьеру Буденного, который еще много лет играл роль живой легенды, связующего звена современности с героикой первых советских лет. Превратности биографии знаменитого маршала исследует известный историк Борис Соколов - автор более 40 книг, посвященных истории и культуре России XX века....

Brahma's Pushkar: Ancient Indian Pilgrimage

Aman Nath

  Brahma's Pushkar: Ancient Indian Pilgrimage  Aman Nath  India Book House Ltd.   This book celebrates Pushkar in all its diverse aspects; its myths, and history, its pilgrims and temples, and its vibrant cattle and camel market. Over 20,000 years ago, primitive man left traces of habitation by an oasis in the desert. This life-giving water, interpreted as divinity, was gradually identified in myths as the home of  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин India Book House Ltd. This book celebrates Pushkar in all its diverse aspects; its myths, and history, its pilgrims and temples, and its vibrant cattle and camel market. Over 20,000 years ago, primitive man left traces of habitation by an oasis in the desert. This life-giving water, interpreted as divinity, was gradually identified in myths as the home of...

Online News and the Public (LEA's Communication Series)

  Online News and the Public (LEA's Communication Series)  This volume offers unique and timely insights on the state of online news, exploring the issues surrounding this convergence of print and electronic platforms, and the public's response to it. It provides an overview of online newspapers, including current trends and legal issues and covering issues of credibility and perceptions by online news users. The heart of the book is formed by empirical studies-mostly social surveys-coming out of the media effects and uses traditions. The chapters are grounded in theoretical frameworks and bring much-needed theory to the study of online news. The frameworks guiding these studies include media credibility, the third-person effect, media displacement, and uses and gratifications. The book ends with a section devoted to research on online news postings. This book is appropriate for scholars, researchers, and students in journalism, mass communication, new media, and related areas, and will be of interest to anyone examining...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume offers unique and timely insights on the state of online news, exploring the issues surrounding this convergence of print and electronic platforms, and the public's response to it. It provides an overview of online newspapers, including current trends and legal issues and covering issues of credibility and perceptions by online news users. The heart of the book is formed by empirical studies-mostly social surveys-coming out of the media effects and uses traditions. The chapters are grounded in theoretical frameworks and bring much-needed theory to the study of online news. The frameworks guiding these studies include media credibility, the third-person effect, media displacement, and uses and gratifications. The book ends with a section devoted to research on online news postings. This book is appropriate for scholars, researchers, and students in journalism, mass communication, new media, and related areas, and will be of interest to anyone examining......

WHICH MBA?: A critical guide to the world's best MBAs (16th Edition) (Which Mba?)

George Bickerstaffe

  WHICH MBA?: A critical guide to the world's best MBAs (16th Edition) (Which Mba?)  George Bickerstaffe  Comprehensive, authoritative guide to MBA programs worldwide.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Comprehensive, authoritative guide to MBA programs worldwide....

The Canadian Niagara Power Company Story

Norman R. Ball

  The Canadian Niagara Power Company Story  Norman R. Ball  The Canadian Niagara Power Company, formed in 1892, has been generating electric power continuously since 1905. With turbines and generators that were once the largest in the world, the company's generating station upstream from Niagara Falls endures as a monument to the fact that natural beauty and industry can co-exist successfully. Profusely illustrated with historical photographs and illustrations, this tells the story of the impact of electricity on a region and the lives of those who kept the lights on through two world wars, record-breaking storms, and a century of political and economic challenges. This book is about the harnessing of epic natural power for small towns and small-town life. Chapters cover the many aspects of running not just a generating plant but a full-service electric utility. The company once had three dietitians on staff to provide advice on cooking with electricity for a healthy lifestyle. Linemen have evolved from pole-hopping...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Canadian Niagara Power Company, formed in 1892, has been generating electric power continuously since 1905. With turbines and generators that were once the largest in the world, the company's generating station upstream from Niagara Falls endures as a monument to the fact that natural beauty and industry can co-exist successfully. Profusely illustrated with historical photographs and illustrations, this tells the story of the impact of electricity on a region and the lives of those who kept the lights on through two world wars, record-breaking storms, and a century of political and economic challenges. This book is about the harnessing of epic natural power for small towns and small-town life. Chapters cover the many aspects of running not just a generating plant but a full-service electric utility. The company once had three dietitians on staff to provide advice on cooking with electricity for a healthy lifestyle. Linemen have evolved from pole-hopping......

<<<  Средняя школа стервы. Мужчины: пособие по приобретению, эксплуатации ...             Disapproving Rabbits. Sharon Stiteler >>>

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Буденный. Борис Соколов . Книги.

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