
Наталья Галкина

  Хатшепсут  Наталья Галкина  Петербургский писатель, Азбука-классика.   Проза Русского мира.   Повесть и рассказы, Свеча, Червона рута, Хатшепсут, Красная трава, День Дениса, Национальный вопрос и социальный аспект с сентября по май, По Миссири, Миссисупи, Белый арап, Надзиратель прошлого, Час ноль, Алое пальто, Поток.   Рождающаяся Империя всегда определяет место, где будет стоять ее Столица. Боги мировых пантеонов стекаются на ее набережные и вдыхают в гранит древнюю силу. И новоявленный стольный град начинает выращивать свои мифы, бредущие вдоль ровных проспектов, и сказания дождливых небес, обитающие в лабиринтах проходных дворов и бесконечных квартир в зыбком пламени свечи... И только ее пламя проведет нас по текстам Натальи Галкиной - текстам завершающегося времени!..  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Петербургский писатель, Азбука-классика. Проза Русского мира. Повесть и рассказы, Свеча, Червона рута, Хатшепсут, Красная трава, День Дениса, Национальный вопрос и социальный аспект с сентября по май, По Миссири, Миссисупи, Белый арап, Надзиратель прошлого, Час ноль, Алое пальто, Поток. Рождающаяся Империя всегда определяет место, где будет стоять ее Столица. Боги мировых пантеонов стекаются на ее набережные и вдыхают в гранит древнюю силу. И новоявленный стольный град начинает выращивать свои мифы, бредущие вдоль ровных проспектов, и сказания дождливых небес, обитающие в лабиринтах проходных дворов и бесконечных квартир в зыбком пламени свечи... И только ее пламя проведет нас по текстам Натальи Галкиной - текстам завершающегося времени!.....

Reaching Out : The Financial Power of Niche Marketing

Doris Barrell, Mark Nash

  Reaching Out : The Financial Power of Niche Marketing  Doris Barrell, Mark Nash  Authors, Doris Barrell and Mark Nash recount their own experiences in the real estate industry and share others in this practical guide for reaching a particular market segment. Whether targeting first-time homebuyers or empty nesters, all real estate professionals will find Reaching Out an indispensable marketing tool.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Authors, Doris Barrell and Mark Nash recount their own experiences in the real estate industry and share others in this practical guide for reaching a particular market segment. Whether targeting first-time homebuyers or empty nesters, all real estate professionals will find Reaching Out an indispensable marketing tool....

Logical Form and Language

Gerhard Preyer, Georg Peter

  Logical Form and Language  Gerhard Preyer, Georg Peter  These previously unpublished essays share the central theme of logical form--a fundamental issue in analytic philosophy and linguistic theory. Logical Form and Language brings together exciting new contributions from diverse points of view, which illuminate the lively current debate about this topic.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин These previously unpublished essays share the central theme of logical form--a fundamental issue in analytic philosophy and linguistic theory. Logical Form and Language brings together exciting new contributions from diverse points of view, which illuminate the lively current debate about this topic....

Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization

Andre LaMothe

  Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization  Andre LaMothe  Today is the greatest time in history to be in the game business. We now have the technology to create games that look real! Sony's Playstation II, XBOX, and Game Cube are cool! But, all this technology isn't easy or trivial to understand - it takes really hard work and lots of Red Bull. The difficulty level of game programming has definitely been cranked up these days in relation to the skill set needed to make games. Andre LaMothe's follow-up book to Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus is the one to read for the latest in 3D game programming. When readers are finished with Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization , they will be able to create a full 3D texture-mapped, lit video game for the PC with a software rasterizer they can write themselves. Moreover, they will understand the underlying principles of 3D graphics and be able to better understand and utilize 3D hardware today and in the future.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Today is the greatest time in history to be in the game business. We now have the technology to create games that look real! Sony's Playstation II, XBOX, and Game Cube are cool! But, all this technology isn't easy or trivial to understand - it takes really hard work and lots of Red Bull. The difficulty level of game programming has definitely been cranked up these days in relation to the skill set needed to make games. Andre LaMothe's follow-up book to Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus is the one to read for the latest in 3D game programming. When readers are finished with Tricks of the 3D Game Programming Gurus-Advanced 3D Graphics and Rasterization , they will be able to create a full 3D texture-mapped, lit video game for the PC with a software rasterizer they can write themselves. Moreover, they will understand the underlying principles of 3D graphics and be able to better understand and utilize 3D hardware today and in the future....

Peter Norton's Introduction To Computers Fifth Edition Student Edition

Peter Norton

  Peter Norton's Introduction To Computers Fifth Edition Student Edition  Peter Norton  Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers 5th Edition is a state-of-the-art text that provides comprehensive coverage of computer concepts. It is geared toward students learning about computer systems for the first time. Some of the topics covered are: an Overview of computers , input methods and output devices , processing data , storage devices , operating systems , software , networking , Internet resources , and graphics .  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers 5th Edition is a state-of-the-art text that provides comprehensive coverage of computer concepts. It is geared toward students learning about computer systems for the first time. Some of the topics covered are: an Overview of computers , input methods and output devices , processing data , storage devices , operating systems , software , networking , Internet resources , and graphics ....

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Хатшепсут. Наталья Галкина . Книги.

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