
Е. Ф. Петинова

  Тропинин  Е. Ф. Петинова  Художник РСФСР.   Русские живописцы XIX века.   Тропинин.   Альбом посвящен искусству выдающегося русского живописца В.А.Тропинина (1776-1857). Во вступительной статье рассматривается основные направления его творчества в свете общих проблем русской культуры первой половины XIX века, прослеживаются связи Тропинина с западноевропейскими мастерами. В издание включено около ста семидесяти цветных и тоновых иллюстраций.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Художник РСФСР. Русские живописцы XIX века. Тропинин. Альбом посвящен искусству выдающегося русского живописца В.А.Тропинина (1776-1857). Во вступительной статье рассматривается основные направления его творчества в свете общих проблем русской культуры первой половины XIX века, прослеживаются связи Тропинина с западноевропейскими мастерами. В издание включено около ста семидесяти цветных и тоновых иллюстраций....

Fraud Exposed: What You Don't Know Could Cost Your Company Millions

Joseph W. Koletar, Joseph Koletar

  Fraud Exposed: What You Don't Know Could Cost Your Company Millions  Joseph W. Koletar, Joseph Koletar  The $600 billion gorilla in the room The $600 billion gorilla in the room "Dr. Joe Koletar has provided an effective road map to the problem of occupational fraud, in both the public and private sectors, in America. Such frauds affect every American worker, shareholder, and taxpayer.His insights and ideas are an important contribution to the effort to fight this growing menace." ?? Congressman John E. Sweeney, New York?s 22nd District "A superb and timely book for every executive to read. Joe Koletar has brought together all the works done in the past on occupational fraud and given us a road map of what needs to be done. It will be required reading for every candidate in an MBA program." ?? Thomas J. Pickard, Vice President, Corporate Security, Bristol-Myers Squibb and former Deputy Director, FBI "Joe Koletar deserves high praise for this timely and trenchant analysis of corporate crime. Bringing to bear his extensive experience in the FBI and the private......

Money & Power in Provincial Thailand

Ruth Thomas McVey

  Money & Power in Provincial Thailand  Ruth Thomas McVey  Most studies of Southeast Asian economic change focus on the phenomenal growth experienced by a few large cities, such as Jakarta, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. Big business has been viewed as the economic engine fueling the region's growth and prosperity. Studies of the rural areas have concerned themselves with the social and environmental impact of metropolitan growthvillages emptied by migration to the big cities, cultures crushed by tourist development, and agribusiness and lush landscapes destroyed by the devastation of natural resources. The literature reveals that few analysts have examined the middle distance between metropolis and countryside. The contributors to this book have addressed the issue by concentrating on theintermediate level of economic, political, and social life the world of Thailand's provincial cities and market towns. In the past decade the rise of frequently violent competition for business and political leadership in the Thai...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Most studies of Southeast Asian economic change focus on the phenomenal growth experienced by a few large cities, such as Jakarta, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, and Singapore. Big business has been viewed as the economic engine fueling the region's growth and prosperity. Studies of the rural areas have concerned themselves with the social and environmental impact of metropolitan growthvillages emptied by migration to the big cities, cultures crushed by tourist development, and agribusiness and lush landscapes destroyed by the devastation of natural resources. The literature reveals that few analysts have examined the middle distance between metropolis and countryside. The contributors to this book have addressed the issue by concentrating on theintermediate level of economic, political, and social life the world of Thailand's provincial cities and market towns. In the past decade the rise of frequently violent competition for business and political leadership in the Thai......

International Economic Policy in the 1990s

William R. Cline

  International Economic Policy in the 1990s  William R. Cline  These eight lectures by noted economist William Cline provide a clear and concise account of some of the most important macroeconomic issues facing the world economy. Designed for the nonspecialist but a source of fresh insight for the specialist as well, the lectures synthesize the major trends in international economic policy for the 1990s. Major themes include domestic and international economic stagnation, adjustment to external imbalances, trade policy (including case studies of Japan and NAFTA), the debt crisis, reform in former communist states, the economic future of Europe, and environmental policy. Cline, who has made important contributions to the topics addressed, reviews the forces that have contributed to policy problems and then evaluates the prospects for resolution. He shows how an understanding of economics can help break down many policy problems into simple fundamentals, and how empirical evidence is the acid test of any policy theory. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин These eight lectures by noted economist William Cline provide a clear and concise account of some of the most important macroeconomic issues facing the world economy. Designed for the nonspecialist but a source of fresh insight for the specialist as well, the lectures synthesize the major trends in international economic policy for the 1990s. Major themes include domestic and international economic stagnation, adjustment to external imbalances, trade policy (including case studies of Japan and NAFTA), the debt crisis, reform in former communist states, the economic future of Europe, and environmental policy. Cline, who has made important contributions to the topics addressed, reviews the forces that have contributed to policy problems and then evaluates the prospects for resolution. He shows how an understanding of economics can help break down many policy problems into simple fundamentals, and how empirical evidence is the acid test of any policy theory. ......

Women in Management: Current Research Issues II

Marilyn Davidson, Ronald Burke, Maryilyn Davidson, Ronald J. Burke

  Women in Management: Current Research Issues II  Marilyn Davidson, Ronald Burke, Maryilyn Davidson, Ronald J. Burke  Following on from the successful Women in Management: Current Research Issues, this volume provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of current international research findings pertaining to women in management, reflecting recent global changes and issues. Like its predecessor, this volume brings together an international group of eminent academics, who review the major contemporary issues facing women in management, as well as the individual, organizational, and governmental consequences of these changes. Women in Management: Current Issues in Research II will be a vital resource for scholars and students in management, business, occupational psychology, industrial sociology, and gender studies. In addition, related work groups such as Personnel, Occupational Management, Management Consultants, and Trainers, as well as Trade Unionists should find this book essential to read.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Following on from the successful Women in Management: Current Research Issues, this volume provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of current international research findings pertaining to women in management, reflecting recent global changes and issues. Like its predecessor, this volume brings together an international group of eminent academics, who review the major contemporary issues facing women in management, as well as the individual, organizational, and governmental consequences of these changes. Women in Management: Current Issues in Research II will be a vital resource for scholars and students in management, business, occupational psychology, industrial sociology, and gender studies. In addition, related work groups such as Personnel, Occupational Management, Management Consultants, and Trainers, as well as Trade Unionists should find this book essential to read....

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Тропинин. Е. Ф. Петинова . Книги.

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