Ваш астрологический гид

Павел Глоба

  Ваш астрологический гид  Павел Глоба  Эксмо.   Эксмо. "Ваш астрологический гид" поможет вам отлично сориентироваться во взаимоотношениях с детьми и любимым человеком, приоткроет завесу мистики чисел и подскажет, как использовать их силу в практической жизни. В данной книге вы найдете полезную и интересную информацию об уникальных календарях по солнечным и лунным циклам, что поможет лучше понять себя и окружающих, а также не упустить свой звездный шанс в любой сфере, гармонично реализовать свои таланты. Отличное дополнение к изданию - краткий прогноз на 2009 год для типичных представителей знаков Зодиака. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей....

Mongolia Internet and E-Commerce Investment and Business Guide: Regulations and Opportunities

  Mongolia Internet and E-Commerce Investment and Business Guide: Regulations and Opportunities  International Business Publications, USA.   Mongolia Industrial and Business Directory.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин International Business Publications, USA. Mongolia Industrial and Business Directory....

Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interaction

Peter Rittgen

  Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interaction  Peter Rittgen  Information Science Reference.   Ontologies form an indispensable basis for modeling and engineering languages for business enterprise and information systems: fostering a need for the integration of structural and behavioral aspects in domain-oriented ontologies. The Information Science Reference. Ontologies form an indispensable basis for modeling and engineering languages for business enterprise and information systems: fostering a need for the integration of structural and behavioral aspects in domain-oriented ontologies. The "Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interaction" documents high-quality research addressing ontological issues that are relevant to the modeling of enterprises and information systems in general and business processes in particular covering both static and dynamic aspects of structural concepts. This authoritative handbook provides crucial reference content to researchers, practitioners, and scholars in the fields of language design, information systems, enterprise modeling, domain engineering, artificial intelligence, and the Semantic Web. Издание на английском языке....

The Advantage of Real Estate (Advantage)

  The Advantage of Real Estate (Advantage)  Patrick Riddle, Rob Konecny, Daron Campbell, Doris Houck, Dusty Keefe, Bryan Crabtree  Patrick Riddle, Rob Konecny, Daron Campbell, Doris Houck, Dusty Keefe, Bryan Crabtree  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Patrick Riddle, Rob Konecny, Daron Campbell, Doris Houck, Dusty Keefe, Bryan Crabtree...

World Food

  World Food  Rough Guides.   Rough Guides.   Whether you're planning the trip of a lifetime, dreaming about going, or have already booked, check out Rough Guides selection of the 25 ultimate world food experiences and push your taste buds that bit further on your next adventure. From having fondue in Switzerland and eating a snake village meal in Hanoi to tasting Arabic sweets and eating Pizza in Naples. Covering well known and more off-beat food experiences this book gives you 25 reasons to grab your passport, stop what you are doing and go. One of 25 Rough Guide Ultimate Experiences - collect the set of 25 pocket sized books and make the most of your time on Earth!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Rough Guides. Rough Guides. Whether you're planning the trip of a lifetime, dreaming about going, or have already booked, check out Rough Guides selection of the 25 ultimate world food experiences and push your taste buds that bit further on your next adventure. From having fondue in Switzerland and eating a snake village meal in Hanoi to tasting Arabic sweets and eating Pizza in Naples. Covering well known and more off-beat food experiences this book gives you 25 reasons to grab your passport, stop what you are doing and go. One of 25 Rough Guide Ultimate Experiences - collect the set of 25 pocket sized books and make the most of your time on Earth!...

<<<  История отечественного государства и права. Т. К. ...             Disapproving Rabbits. Sharon Stiteler >>>

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Ваш астрологический гид. Павел Глоба . Книги.

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