Русско-французский словарь Антиоха Кантемира. В двух томах. Том 1

  Русско-французский словарь Антиоха Кантемира. В двух томах. Том 1  Языки славянской культуры, Азбуковник, Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова.   Издание представляет собой публикацию Русско-французского словаря А.Кантемира (1709-1744), поэта, переводчика, дипломата. Созданный во время пребывания А.Кантемира в Европе, трехтомный словарь, оставшийся в рукописи, на протяжении долгого времени считался утерянным. В словаре представлено более 47000 словарных статей. Важный источник для изучения лингвистических взглядов А.Кантемира, данный лексикографический труд является также первым обширным двуязычным словарем, созданным русским автором, и одновременно первым описанием лексики русского языка периода смены типов литературных языков в России. Он также представляет несомненный интерес для истории как европейской, так и русской лексикографии.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Языки славянской культуры, Азбуковник, Институт русского языка им. В. В. Виноградова. Издание представляет собой публикацию Русско-французского словаря А.Кантемира (1709-1744), поэта, переводчика, дипломата. Созданный во время пребывания А.Кантемира в Европе, трехтомный словарь, оставшийся в рукописи, на протяжении долгого времени считался утерянным. В словаре представлено более 47000 словарных статей. Важный источник для изучения лингвистических взглядов А.Кантемира, данный лексикографический труд является также первым обширным двуязычным словарем, созданным русским автором, и одновременно первым описанием лексики русского языка периода смены типов литературных языков в России. Он также представляет несомненный интерес для истории как европейской, так и русской лексикографии....

Economic and Political Change in Tunisia: From Bourguiba to Ben Ali

Emma Murphy

  Economic and Political Change in Tunisia: From Bourguiba to Ben Ali  Emma Murphy  This book examines the processes of economic and political reform in Tunisia, placing the current policies of Zine el Abidine Ben Ali within their historical context. Emma Murphy develops a theoretical understanding of the relationship between economic liberalization and political change in the Arab world, developing the concept of the disarticulation of the corporatist state and concluding that, despite efforts at democratization, an authoritarian political system is a more likely successor in the era of economic transformation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book examines the processes of economic and political reform in Tunisia, placing the current policies of Zine el Abidine Ben Ali within their historical context. Emma Murphy develops a theoretical understanding of the relationship between economic liberalization and political change in the Arab world, developing the concept of the disarticulation of the corporatist state and concluding that, despite efforts at democratization, an authoritarian political system is a more likely successor in the era of economic transformation....

Customer Fraud and Business Responses : Let the Marketer Beware

Kelly Tian, Bill Keep

  Customer Fraud and Business Responses : Let the Marketer Beware  Kelly Tian, Bill Keep  From remarkably frank and believable responses to their research questionnaire, marketers Tian and Keep provide a wide ranging catalogue of frauds that customers perpetrate on businesses--and why they do it. The researchers report that customer fraud seems to be achieving the status of socially acceptable behavior. Not only do individuals practice it themselves, they share their tactics and strategies with friends, then justify it by saying they are attempting to reestablish justice in the marketplace. The result is a richly detailed study of a growing and economically dangerous trend--and the steps that marketers can take to combat it.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From remarkably frank and believable responses to their research questionnaire, marketers Tian and Keep provide a wide ranging catalogue of frauds that customers perpetrate on businesses--and why they do it. The researchers report that customer fraud seems to be achieving the status of socially acceptable behavior. Not only do individuals practice it themselves, they share their tactics and strategies with friends, then justify it by saying they are attempting to reestablish justice in the marketplace. The result is a richly detailed study of a growing and economically dangerous trend--and the steps that marketers can take to combat it....

Management Education in the Network Economy: Its Context, Content, and Organization

Peter J. van Baalen, Lars T. Moratis

  Management Education in the Network Economy: Its Context, Content, and Organization  Peter J. van Baalen, Lars T. Moratis  Springer.   In the network economy, concepts of management knowledge, management learning, and business school organization should change. Otherwise, they will not survive the 21st century. Different (f)actors are putting new demand upon providers of management education and traditional providers of management education are faced with new competitors. Moreover, the dynamics of the playing field have changed, as have approaches to (management) learning. Management Education in the Network Economy proposes the idea ofnetworked business school to cope with these challenges. The book deals with the following subjects: 1) Current economic and organizational realities can best be viewed from the perspective of network organization; management knowledge and education should reflect these transformations to survive. 2) The idea and organization of (management) learning are revolutionizing, as well as the market for (management) education, which brings about huge changes for business schools. 3) Business...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Springer. In the network economy, concepts of management knowledge, management learning, and business school organization should change. Otherwise, they will not survive the 21st century. Different (f)actors are putting new demand upon providers of management education and traditional providers of management education are faced with new competitors. Moreover, the dynamics of the playing field have changed, as have approaches to (management) learning. Management Education in the Network Economy proposes the idea ofnetworked business school to cope with these challenges. The book deals with the following subjects: 1) Current economic and organizational realities can best be viewed from the perspective of network organization; management knowledge and education should reflect these transformations to survive. 2) The idea and organization of (management) learning are revolutionizing, as well as the market for (management) education, which brings about huge changes for business schools. 3) Business......

Strategies for Better Thinking : An Advanced Model for Organizational Performance Consultants

Gerry H. Waller, Kathy A. Nielsen

  Strategies for Better Thinking : An Advanced Model for Organizational Performance Consultants  Gerry H. Waller, Kathy A. Nielsen  Waller and Nielsen focus on teaching the techniques for better thinking that the authors have used themselves for creativity, strategic planning, idea generation, process improvements, and thinking enhancement. Through the usage of a four-stage model, readers learn to understand, identify, and apply thinking strategies--their own as well as others'--enabling them to quickly recall and use them successfully. The result is a book not only for organizational behavior specialists, human resource professionals, and others who help people develop their skills and talents, but also a book that can be read and immediately put to use by employees themselves.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Waller and Nielsen focus on teaching the techniques for better thinking that the authors have used themselves for creativity, strategic planning, idea generation, process improvements, and thinking enhancement. Through the usage of a four-stage model, readers learn to understand, identify, and apply thinking strategies--their own as well as others'--enabling them to quickly recall and use them successfully. The result is a book not only for organizational behavior specialists, human resource professionals, and others who help people develop their skills and talents, but also a book that can be read and immediately put to use by employees themselves....

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Русско-французский словарь Антиоха Кантемира. В двух томах. Том 1. . Книги.

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